Learning to Fall

This Fight Isn't Over

(Martin's POV)

One minute I was fighting Jeff and the next, he manages to get the slip from me as two vampires came charging at me. I fought them looking over at where Alexandra was. Nonnie was trying to prevent Jeff from getting to Alex but she was knocked hard onto the floor.

"No!" I screamed as I staked the last vampire around me and proceeded to run towards Jeff who now had Alex but I was too late.

"Looks like you're too late, Martin." Jeff hissed as he let go of Alexandra's neck. She looked so pale and fragile. There was so much blood running down her neck. I watched as he let go of Alex and she slumped to the floor unconcious.

"It looks like Alexandra just couldn't resist me but her blood tasted oh so sweet. Why don't you try some? Oh, my bad, I forgot you don't bite humans. Too bad I got to taste her first." Jeff taunted me as I balled my right fist up and clutched my stake in the other hand. I glanced at Alex and then lunged at Jeff.

"You hurt her and now you are going to die!" I screamed. Jeff only seemed to be a good fighter but I was better. I had been around longer so I was faster than Jeff. I backed him into a wall and dug the stake into his chest with so much hatred flowing in me. I made sure to twist it around a bit into his heart before I pulled it out.

Jeff looked at me grinning and then replied, "You think you won but this fight isn't over. It's just beginning." With that he turned to dust.

Paul was attending to Nonnie who hadn't seen Alex yet while Bryan and John chased away or killed the remaining vampires who worked for Jeff. The warehouse became quiet to me as I wiped away the blood from my busted lip and kneeled down to the floor to hold Alexandra in my arms.

"I'm so sorry. I promised I wouldn't let anything or anyone hurt you. I failed." I said clutching Alexandra to me. She was going to be alright. Jeff didn't take too much blood but it was enough that Alexandra needed medical attention. Just seeing her look so lifeless in my arms made me so angry at myself that I didn't get to her in time.

"Uh, Martin, we have a problem." I heard Bryan reply but I didn't bother to look over to where he was standing until I heard another voice catch my attention.

"Hello, lover. What do we have here? Did you finally decide to join our side?" My ex Sara replied standing behind me.