They Rule the Streets

Chapter 4

“This is going to be fantastic!” Anna sighed dreamily as she twirled in front of the mirror, her white chemise fanning out around her. “My first dance!”

“Yes, yes,” Phoebe rolled her eyes. “Stand still!” Anna obeyed, gathering her hair atop her head and humming to herself. Phoebe measured her waist, wrapping the measuring tape tightly. Keeping her fingers pinched on the final length, she spread it across a baby blue ribbon.

“Kate, are you almost ready?” Anna whined, trying to poke her head around the clothe wall the two girls set up to keep her from seeing the dress.

“If you try to peek one more time, I shall tear this dress to shreds!” Kate threatened, causing Anna to whip her head back around. “Just a bit more…done! Alright, come see it now, Anna.”

Bursting with excitement, Anna flung back the sheet and scowled. “White? A white dress? Only babies wear white!”

Kate rolled her eyes, holding the offended dress against herself. “Just try it on, Anna.”

“Look at the neckline!” Anna seethed, stabbing at the cut. “Can’t you lower it?”

“Your borther is already mad enough at me as it is,” Phoebe laughed, looping the ribbon around the dress. “Cut it any lower and he’ll kill me.”

“Oh, so that’s what they call it these days,” Anna smirked, crossing her arms across her chest. Phoebe gasped, a ruddy blush spreading across her cheeks.

“Anna! Why I otta--!” Anna snatched up a pair of scissors, holding them out towards the girls.

“Lower the neckline, or I’ll tell mother and father about you and Jon upstairs last week,” Anna threatened.

“You wouldn’t dare!” Phoebe screeched, lunging for the smirking adolescent. Kate flung her arm out, stopping the two. Holding her hand out, she glared at Anna, instructing her with her startlingly green hazel eyes. After a moment of the stare down, Anna slapped the scissors into Kate’s outstretched hand, grumbling curse words and scowling.

“The neckline will stay the same, Anna,” Kate ordered. “Stop acting like a spoiled Upper-East side brat and try the dress on.”

Still muttering obscenities, Anna snatched the dress from Kate’s arms and tugged it roughly over her head. Phoebe, still miffed, wrapped the ribbon tightly around her waist, tying it off with a bow in the back. “Look in the mirror,” Phoebe instructed.

Grimacing, Anna turned around and faced the mirror. Her jaw dropped as her eyes widened in shock. The pearl white of the dress made her skin glow like opals in the sun, while her golden hair shimmered gently. The robbin’s egg ribbon made her eyes pop and sparkle.

“Oh Phoebe, Kate, it’s beautiful,” Anna breathed, brushing her hands down the skirt. “I mean….look at it! Thank you, thank you, thank you!” she gushed, turning and tossing her arms around the two.

“Well, well, well, who is this beauty and what have you done with my sister?” Anna squealed, letting go of her friends and rushing to her brother.

“Jon, look at me! I look beautiful!” Anna sang, spinning gracefully for him. Jon laughed, placing his hands on her shoulders.

“You look more beautiful than anyone in the world,” Jon smiled. Phoebe cleared her throat, placing her hands on her waist.

“And what does that make me? Chopped liver?” she sniffed. Jon chuckled, coming up behind his girlfriend and wrapped his strong arms around her waist, rubbing his lips on her neck.

“You are the most beautiful woman,” Jon clarified. “You know that, Pheebs.” Phoebe smiled, closing her eyes and leaning back against his chest. “Now, shall we get going?”

“Hang on, Kate and I need to get into our dresses,” Phoebe reminded them. “So scoot so we can get ready!” Jon left, laughing as he did. Kate and Phoebe rushed to the closet, drawing forth a bright red one for Kate and a light lavender for Phoebe. The moment they were ready, they grabbed Anna and dragged her outside.

“Let’s go boys!” Kate called, fluffing up her sleek brown hair. Andy, her boyfriend, looked up form where he was chatting with the bushy haired Joe. His multicolored arm instantly lifted to rub the back of his neck as his eyes swept over her body, grinning and blushing.
“Wow, Kate you look…” Andy trailed off, unable to think of a word to describe her beauty. Kate blushed, looking away form him.

“C’mon, let’s go!” Anna whined, bustling down the steps towards the first floor. “The dance is waiting!” The others filed down, except for Jon, who reached out and grabbed the back of Mike’s jacket.

“You keep an eye on her,” he hissed. “Do you hear me? I don’t want anythin’ happenin’ to her, ya hear? If she so much as breaks a nail, I'll make sure you wish you was never born.”

“Jon, trust me, she’ll be safe,” Mike grinned. “I’ll take good care of her.”

“You better,” Jon threatened, his demeanor cold before he grinned. “You’re th’ only guy in the whole damn city I trust wit Anna, Mike. The only one.”
♠ ♠ ♠
I know, I lied. This was supposed to be out before, but I got swamped with homework and never managed to do so. This has been written out in my math notebook for about two weeks, but I never got to actually typing it. I also have the other chapter nearly done, so that should be out soon.