They Rule the Streets

Chapter 5

“’Ello boys,” Amber smirked, traipsing past them. The Cobras nodded, eyes adverted from Gabe’s girl. The Cobras were standing outside the gym, awaiting Bill’s arrival.

“Gabe’s inside,” Nate instructed, tilting his head towards the gym.

“Thanks,” Amber grinned, click-clacking her way up the stairs, the navy blue skirt of her dress swishing around her legs. When she reached the top of the steps, she paused, turning her head to glance at Adam. Stumbling over his own feet, Adam tugged the door open and held it for her, a ruddy blush spreading across his cheeks. “Thanks, Sisky Biz,” she grinned, patting his cheek before sauntering into the building. Sisky stood, stunned, watching her every movement until Spencer came up behind him and smacked the back of his head.

“Stop droolin’,” Spencer smirked, shoving past him. The others did the same, grinning at his blush.

“I wasn’t droolin’,” Sisky muttered, rubbing his hand under his chin, just to be certain, before following the other Cobra’s through the door.

Her hips swaying with the beat, Amber crossed the room, pushing past the couples, headed towards Gabe. Gabe was leaning against the wall, a cigarette resting between his lips. The occasional smoke cloud puffed free from his lips, floating to the ceiling. Ryland, Michael Guy, and Travis stood next to him, arms crossed in warning.

“Hey, babe,” Amber grinned, threading her arm through his.

“Amber,” Gabe smiled, bending down to kiss her. “How’s it goin’?”

“Just fine,” Amber replied, smoothing her hand down the front of his shaggy brown jacket. “Bill ‘ere?”

“Should be,” Gabe shrugged, catching her hand in his. “Wanna dance?”

“You know it,” Amber laughed, letting herself be dragged onto the dance floor. The music became louder and faster as the couples twirl, stomped, and danced until, finally, the song ended.

“Gabe,” Travis muttered, sliding up with him with his date, Katy, in tow. “Mets’re here.” Gabe turned and, sure enough, Jon and the others had entered the gym. Jon’s arms were wrapped tightly around Phoebe and Anna’s waists, holding them close.

“Perfect,” Gabe sneered, his eyes glittering with the promise of war.

“Alright, ever’body!” Andrew McMahon shouted, waving the couples in. “We’ve gonna try something new!” Groans and boos echoed through the confined space, causing Officer Wentz to step forward, slapping the baton into his palm. Instantly, the crowd quieted down. “We want y’all t’get t’know one another. So, will all the ladies please step forward?”

“What if we don’t wanna?” Hayley Williams sniffed from her position of Josh’s arm.

“I don’t care watcha wanna do, ya gonna do what we says,” Wentz growled. “Dames, now.” Anna moved to step forward, but Jon held out his arm, preventing her from moving.

“Phoebe,” he instructed, tipping his head to the side.

“Jon,” Anna protested, but he shushed her. Phoebe stepped into the middle, her hands resting lightly on her hips. After a seconds paused of all eyes glued to her, she lifted one petit hand and snapped delicately, instructing for Kate and Hayley to file out onto the floor.

“Ya heard the man,” Jon announced, smirking slightly. “Ladies, if you’d please…” The Met girls filed onto the dance floor, following orders from Jon. The Cobras, not to be one upped, followed suit.

“Alright, thank you,” Andrew smiled, clapping his hands. “Now, ladies, make a circle, facing the walls. Perfec’. Now, gentlem, would ya mind makin’ a circle around them, each facin’ ya own girl?” Both gangs joined the others onto the floor, facing their dates, smiles of mockery on their faces. “Now, when the music ends, you must dance with the girl across from you! Girls, rotate t’the left, boys t’the right! No buts, ya ‘ere?” A chorus of ‘yeah’ flew back to the man, and he smiled, obviously content. “Good, now begin!”

The music started up, a slow, taunting melody that caused both genders and gangs to role their eyes. As both genders rotated, Anna stood to the side, tapping her foot and wishing she was among those in the crowd. Mike stood next to her, staring at her and wishing she would open up to him. The light from the street outside was quickly cut off as a tall figure entered the gym, fixing his tie and searching for his best friend.

With a sudden lurch, the music ended, forcing the adolescents to freeze in their spots. Phoebe looked in horror at Gabe, while Amber curled her lip at Jon. By some unlucky chance, each Cobra female was paired with a Met male, while the Met women were paired with the Cobra men. The music stared up again, a swift mamba. Jon held out his hand, and Phoebe snatched it, twirling past Gabe, while Amber stepped over to Gabe. The others quickly followed suit, grabbing their original date’s hands and stepping into the dance.

The two gangs seemed to clash in a ferocious battle of the gym, attempting to prove their stance as the dominant rulers of neutral territory. Anna stood on the sidelines, clapping her hands and laughing, watching her brother and friends compete in a dizzying display of colors, movement, and limbs. Her eyes flashed with the lights reflecting from the smooth floors and the shinning lights, the bright orbs changing with each move the dancers made.
Showing off their abilities, Jon lifted Phoebe up into the air before dipping her under his legs and tugging her back up, twirling her back in to the fast passed steps of a Chicagoan performance. Kate grabbed Andy's multicolored arm in her hand and led him onto the dance floor, grinning up into his dark eyes. He smirked, knowing what she asked and instantly snapped her in towards his chest, grasping her petite waist in one hand and her hand in the other, leading her towards the others.

Amber and Gabe moved more slowly, more like the New Yorkers they were. They kept their cool, their movements smooth like water, not as quick and physically straining as those of the Mets. Wentz and Andrew tried to get everything back to the way it was set up, but it was hopeless. The Mets danced among the Mets and the Cobras among the Cobras.

Anna watched as Roxie and Suarez danced past her, their movements sharp, professional, and mesmerizing, jealous of the way their eyes would not release the others. All Anna wanted was someone who would look at her the way Suarez was staring at Roxie, his eyes glued to her as through the world was going to yank her from his arms. Roxie stared back just as smitten, matching goofy grins on their faces. Anna could practically see the pink and red hearts exploding above their heads. Green with envy, Anna turned and plopped down in a chair, her chin rested on her hand. She numbly nodded her permission for Mike to dance with the black haired Cassadee.

Time seemed to stand still as the fast paced music slowed into a gently jazzy-like ballad. Each couple glided into each other, arms wrapped around each other. Gently swaying, the un-partnered crowd moved to the sidelines to await a dance partner or moved aside for more room and privacy.

Bill turned from his position in the doorway, still searching for Gabe. Instead of his best friend, his eyes locked on that of a certain girl in a pale white dress who had stood up to let a girl in a summer yellow dress sit in her chair. Eyebrows leapt to his hairline as his heart beat sped up. Should I go ask her to dance? As soon as the thought passed, the girl looked up, her eyes connecting with his.

From across the floor, Anna stood frozen, inspecting the tall stranger. Her eyes scanned over him as a pink blush washed over her face and neck. Who is he? she wondered, her fingers fiddling with the blue ribbon on her dress. Her heart mimicked that of a snare drum’s beat as she noticed it was she he was staring at.

Bill had made up his mind. Taking long strides, he crossed the room, pushing past the swaying couples. He finally came to a pause before Anna, his height forcing him to tower over her. Anna herself only came up to his chest, her nose right at the top of his striped blue and black tie. “H-hi,” he stuttered out, imitated by her beauty.

“Hi,” she replied, chewing her lip nervously.

“Would you like to dance?” Bill asked, holding out his hand. Anna stared at his hand, thrilled before allowing him to lead her onto the actual dance floor.
Bill gently pulled Anna closer, one hand pressed against the small of her back, the other still holding her hand. Anna’s other hand rose to rest on his shoulder. Anna tilted her chin to glance up at his face.

“Are you real?” Bill whispered, glancing down at her. “Or are you an angel from my dreams?”

“I hope I’m real, because the fact that I was even allowed t’come here is a dream itself,” Anna replied, mesmerized. “Are you real?”

“I think I’m real. But this feeling, it’s so surreal,” Bill murmured, bending his head slightly closer to hers, as Anna lifted hers towards his.

“What does it feel like?” Anna questioned, her eye lids gently closing.

“Something I’ve never felt before now,” Bill confessed, his body brushing against hers. "I can't name it."

“Then I’m not the only one,” Anna whispered back, resting her head against his chest, eyes fully closed.

Although they had met but a few minutes ago, Bill and Anna knew that what they felt was something special, something they would treasure for the rest of their lives. They knew that the other was meant for them, and that they were the people both had awaited for.

“Would you…” Bill swallowed, his tongue caught in his mouth. “Would you mind if I kissed you?”

“I would mine if you didn’t,” Anna breathed, suddenly bold, her head rising from his shoulder to face him. Bill bent towards Anna, staring into her blue eyes, searching to see if she meant the truth. Confident that she meant it, Bill took a deep breath, ready.

Ever so hesitantly, Bill lifted Anna’s chin and pressed his lips to hers. Both eyes fluttered closed as their hands moved to each others, the palms pressed fresh upon each other.
Fireworks exploded behind closed lids as the lips pressed further together. Both hearts skipped beats as they filled with warmth and love for the opposite person. But before the couple could relish the happiness of finding each other, the music picked back up to a rapid samba.

A hand wrapped tightly around Anna’s bicep, dragging her away form Bill. Stumbling, Anna was shoved into another pair of arms, arms which caught her before she hit the ground. “Anna!” Phoebe gasped, steadying both Anna and herself. “What the hell are ya doin’?”

Arms were pushing past her in the attempt to stop Jon from ripping Bill limb from limb. “Stay away form my sister!” Jon growled, his arms pinned by his gang members.

“Wait, she’s ya sistah?” Gabe smirked as Jon snarled, struggling to free himself of the prison of arms. “I didn’t know ya had yaself a sistah!”

“Jon, stop,” Ryan muttered, his hands lock on Jon’s upper arm. “Not in front of Wentz.”

“Ya gonna get yaself thrown in jail if ya do anything,” Hurley advised, not releasing his grip on Jon’s jacket.

“What’s going on here?” Andrew questioned, pushing through the crowd to approach the opposing gangs. “Everything was going so swell!”

“Until this sonuvabitch had a go at my sister!” Jon spat, still fighting to break free. Officer Wentz stepped forward, still smacking the baton into his palm.

“Relax, Jonny-Boy,” Wentz smirked, stepping forward, pushing Bill back away from the danger of Jon’s fists. “I’m sure Bill didn’ mean anythin’, didn’tcha, Bill?”

“Honest, I didn’ know,” Bill confessed, starring longingly at Anna.

“If you so much as lay your eyes on her, I’ll rip you t’pieces,” Jon threatened, shaking one arm loose and reaching for Bill.

“Jon, stop it!” Anna shrieked, pulling from Phoebe’s grasp and snatching Jon’s arm down. “Just stop it!”

“Mike, take Anna home,” Jon ordered, glaring at Bill.

“Jon!” Anna protested, anger washing over her like a tide.

“Mike!” Jon barked. “Take Anna home!”

“C’mon, Anna, let’s go,” Mike murmured, gently tugging on her arm. “C’mon, let’s leave.” Anna did not budge, instead she glared at Jon, tears billowing in her eyes.

“Anna,” Jon growled. “Go. Home.” With a final tug from Mike, Anna swept through the crowd, shame and embarrassment burning on her face.

“C’mon, everyone, let’s get back t’dancing!” Andrew shouted, clapping his hands for attention. Gradually, the crowd dispersed, except for Gabe and Amber, Jon and Phoebe, Ryan and Mitch, Andy and Kate, Ryland and Vicky-T, Travis and Katy, and Bill, who stared longingly after Anna’s retreating back. Seeing this, Jon snarled, his eyes narrowing into slits.

“Tonight, Patrick’s,” Gabe whispered hurridly, stealing glances towards Wentz. “War Council. We’ll settle this, as well as the territory.”

“Deal,” Jon replied, sticking his hand out for Gabe to shake. They grabbed each other’s hands, gripping the flesh so tightly they turned white. Neither flinched, each proving their strength and ability to withstand pain.

“Break it up!” Wentz shouted, forcing the two to let go. The men turned their backs on each other, melting into the crowds of faces, dresses, and gangs.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is by far the most I have written to post on Mibba. What you have just finished reading is six pages on Microsoft Word. That's right, six pages. I hope this makes up for the fact that I have not written anything since October, more than a month ago.
If you noticed that you were not written in when you should have been, please write me a message or a comment or something telling me what a moron I am, and I will add you in ASAP. Also, kudos to whoever comments/messages first telling about spotting myself in this chapter. Yes, I am a vain person, for I have written myself into the story!
For those who are confused:
Hayley Williams+Josh Farro=Met
Vicky-T + Ryland Blackington=Cobra
Roxie+Suarez=Met (Sorry!)
Travis+Katy Perry=Cobra
Pete Wentz=Police Officer
Andrew McMahon=Dance leader/DJ of the night
Any more questions? Hit me up in comments, messages, or any other for of talking you can think of. I promis I'll reply!