They Rule the Streets

Chapter 8

“Anna?” Bill tilted his head up towards the buildings, searching for one that Anna would live in. “Anna, are you there?” Bill stumbled down the dimly lit alley, searching for Anna’s apartment. “Anna!”

“Sh!” The hushed whisper came from far above him, causing Bill to freeze in his tracks.

“Anna?” he called back, perking his ears to attempt to locate where the voice was coming from.

“Are ya tryin’ to get in trouble?” Anna’s voice spiraled down him, dancing and twirling on the thin beams of moonlight caressing his cheek.

“Anna, is tha’ you?” Bill shouted, turning around frantically. “Where are ya?”

“Up here,” she giggled. Bill tilted his head even further back, a bright grin spreading across his face.

She stood on the fire escape, her elbows resting against the metal while her head brushed her hand. Moonlight stained her gold hair a soft white, the pearl of her nightgown illuminated and slightly blurred. Behind her, the sky was inky black and peppered with the small stars that glittered and winked with the passing seconds.

“Hi,” she breathed, both a blush and a grin spreading over her face.

“Hi,” Bill whispered back. They both stared at each other, Anna on the fire escape, and Bill twenty feet below on the ground. “Come down!”

“Are ya crazy?” she scowled. “Jon’ll kill me!”

“He’s not ‘ere, is he?” Bill grinned, head still tilted up. “C’mon!”

“Sh!” Anna hissed, her head turned towards the window. “They’ll here you!”

“Let them hear! I’m not one of them!”

“To me you aren’t, but t’them, ya are!” she sighed. “Bill, please, I don’t wantcha hurt.”

“Just for a minut’,” he pleaded.

“That’s not long enough,” Anna smiled, still bending down. “There’s never goin’ to be enough time.”

“I’d spend forevah with you,” Bill admitted, smiling bigger at the mere thought of spending the rest of his life with her.

“Well? Are ya just gonna stand there, or are ya going to come up ‘ere?” Anna called, leaning further down. Bill’s face split into the largest grin yet as he turned and jumped up, his hands latching onto the fire escape as he pulled himself up higher towards her. Anna, after quickly checking to see if any lights turned on inside, tiptoed over to him, her feet a flash of white against the black metal. Bill clambered onto the lift, causing her to shush him and again turned towards the windows she had climbed through. “We hafta be quiet,” she whispered, leading him away from the window and more towards the center. “Jon n’the other’s are on the roof.”

“Gabe’s headed t’Patrick’s,” Bill informed her, gesthering out of the alley and towards the store. “So we don’t hafta worry ‘bout them seein’ us.” They both turned towards each other at the same time, their eyes locked on the others, the moonlight illuminating their faces.

“We still hafta worry about my parents, and Jon, Bill.”

“Your parents’ll love me,” Bill whispered, brushing a lock of her hair back. Anna shook her head, stepping away from him before hesitating and stepping back.

“No, they won’t. They’re like Jon; angry at th’ unfair treatment. They’ll treat ya just like Jon does,” she said, touching his face.

“Do you see me that way?” Bill asked, leaning into her touch. Her eyes darkened as she thought of the possibility of thinking about him in such a way.

“No, I don’t. I don’t see any of ya that way,” she admitted. “I don’t think you could hurt a fly.”

“Ya see?” Bill laughed.

“I see,” she smiled, her hand still on his face. “Your face is so warm! My hands are cold…”

Bill took her hands in his, holding them close against his chest, all while tugging her closer. “Are you…are you just playing games with me?” he whispered, his breath brushing her face.

“I’ve nevah really learned how, but now I know I never will hafta,” she whispered back, rising slowly up on her tiptoes. When he gave her a quizzically glance, she gave him half a smile and explained herself. “Only you, you’re the only one I’ll see, forever.”

“Then I’ll only see you,” he smiled, gently titling her chin so he could press his lips to hers. Their lips pressed further as their arms wrapped around the other, holding their bodies close. Pulling away, Anna continued on.

“It all began tonight, I saw you and world went away! But now there’s only you,” she breathed.

“I knew a miracle would happen to me tonight, and one did. I managed to find you.” Upon hearing this, Anna flung her arms around his neck and kissed him deeper than ever.

“It’s like the world is brighter tonight, like the whole world is full of stars and moons,” Anna whispered, pulling away and staring at the sky, Bill’s arms wrapped around her tightly.

“The world was just an address, a place for me to live in, but not any more,” he murmured, kissing the top of her head as she bent backwards, leaning into him more. There was a loud screech from the roof, followed by laughter, causing the couple to pull away.

“You can’t stay,” Anna whimpered, pushing him towards the stairs. “You must go!”

“I’m not afraid,” he protested, trying to pull her back into his arms.

“But I am for you! Please, they are strict with me,” Anna begged. “I don’t want you getting hurt.”

“I love you,” he confessed, causing Anna to chew her lip before ducking her head.

“And I love you,” she replied, bringing her head back to face him. “But please, you must hurry!” As she started climbing down, he crawled back up and pulled her down for a kiss, his mouth covering hers as they made their farewells.

“Good night,” he whispered, kissing her forehead.

“Good night,” she whispered back, standing back up and walking to her window.

“Wait!” he cried, forcing her to turn and shush him. “When will I see you again?”

“Tomorrow, at Mrs. West’s bridal shop,” Anna instructed. “Come there.”

“At sundown?” he prompted, staying in his position.

“Yes, yes,” Anna replied, inpatient. “Now go!” He jumped down, and took off down the alley, before she called for him to come back. Grinning, he jogged back so he was under her again.

“Shhh,” he teased, causing her to bite back a smile.

“Come to the back door,” she instructed.

“Okay,” Bill nodded, turning to head back.

“Oh! And Bill,” she called again. “What does Bill stand for?”

“William,” Bill informed her. “William Beckett.”

“Goodnight, William, I love you,” she whispered, pressing her fingers against her lips and blow against them gently, sending her kiss spiraling down to Bill.

“I love you, too, Anna. Sleep well, and when you dream, dream of me,” he wished. Anna blushed and ducked her head.

“Of course,” she promised. “Goodnight!”

“Goodnight!” He ran down the alley, just in time too, for the moment he disappeared on the next street towards Patrick, the Mets poured from the building, joking and laughing while Anna hurried through the window. Their secret was safe, for now.
♠ ♠ ♠
I finally got this chapter out.
I was home sick from school and decided that I was going to finish this.
Here is the actual clip from the movie so you can see how Bernstein and the director have it layed out:

(Yeah, Bill would be a sexy Tony on Broadway!)
Comments/subscriptions, please!