All The Other Girls


Gerard’s POV

“Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!” the bed shook as if someone tore it from the floor and swung it around the room. I grasped the sheets to my chest and felt my heart racing.

“Mikey, what the hell are you doing?!”

“You’re going to be late for Art so I thought I’d wake you,” He yawned, pulling off the bed sheet which was covering me. I swear, when he gets back to the halls, I’m going to grease up the tiles and film him. I mumbled to myself, getting out of bed(sheet still wrapped around my torso) and heaved myself to the bathroom. I twisted the door knob, but it was locked.

“I’m in the shower!” Ray called and I sighed, once more mumbling to myself as I pulled out various garments from the closet. I slung on anything clean that I could find whilst shoving all of my Art file into my bag. Dousing myself in deodorant, I grabbed my bag and Mikey by the arm, dragging him from the room.


“Sorry we’re late, Sir,” I sighed to the teacher. He looked down his nose at us, lowering his glasses a little and cocking an eyebrow.

“I’d like a word with you both after wards,” He grumbled and resumed his old position, “Right, today…” He trailed off as Mikey and I got set up. Fortunately, there was an easel already set up, so I got my various paints out of my bag and sketch pencils. There was a knock on the door and we all spun, staring at it.

“Hi, Sir, I’m new,” There was a squeak. My God. Either someone was playing a trick or there was a really, really gorgeous girl walking into my classroom, oh, how I’m blessed…

“Ah, come in,” Sir smiled and walked over to her. She was wearing a short, but still admirable, skirt with a loose shirt. Her hair was long, black and silky. She walked into the class hesitantly and sat down behind the easel opposite me. “As I was saying before our new arrival, today we’re going to be painting portraits. Now, it can be of anyone, so get going.”

I picked up a sketch pencil in my shaky hand and slyly looked over at the new girl. She was glaring at the canvas, nothing else, not even talking. I began to sketch out her features in an Anime style.

“Who are you drawing?” I whispered to Mikey while looking at his crudely drawn picture.

“Mom,” He replies and I chuckle lightly as he throws me the dagger eyes.

“Way!” I snap my head up, “No talking.” I glanced at the clock and gawped as I realized that 50 minutes had passed and class was nearly over. Carefully shading the picture, I chewed my lip and looked at it lop-sided. It was quite good for a first try, I thought to myself. The old school bell rang at a piercing level letting us all know that morning class was over. We tidied our things away. The girl was the first one out of the class and I was anxious to catch up with her.

“Mikey, hurry up,” I told him, helping him by shoving his paint back into his rucksack. I felt a firm hand on my shoulder.

“You two have been late for my class this whole semester,” He started, “If you’re late to two more of my classes, I’m dropping you, is that clear?” Mikey and I both nodded idly. “Good, now clear off,” He replied with a smug grin.

“Gerard! Hang on!” Mikey rushed to catch up with me, “I’m never waiting for you to wake up again; you always make me late,” He groaned. I ignored his comments and rushed ahead.

“I didn’t tell you to wake me, Mikey,” I scoffed. He rolled his eyes and ignored me while we walked. Shouts came from behind us and as we turned we saw two girls tormenting the new girl.

“Go back home, freak!”

“Yeah, weirdo!”

I rushed over and stood in front of her as a human shield.

“You girls have a problem?” I asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Yeah, but it’s none of your business, so move, faggot,” One replied, trying to shove me out of the way. I move closer to the girl.

“Leave her alone before I give you a problem,” I threatened her. They backed up and sprinted away, shouting obscenities at us. She was fixing her hair.

“Are you alright?” I asked, placing my hand on her upper arm.

“Yeah, they didn’t touch me,” She blushed lightly. “Shit,” She mumbled and shoved all of the contents back into her bag. She regained her posture and slung the bag over her shoulder.

“You’re the new girl, right?”

“Yeah, Frankie. Who are you?”

“I’m Gerard,” I smiled friendly, holding out a hand. She shook it with an equal smile and a giggle. “Where are you staying?”

“Hall F, 56b. How about you?”

“I’m Hall F, 54,” I replied excitedly, “We’ll walk you over.” The walk to Hall F wasn’t that long because it was just along the green. Frankie got stuck in some boggy part and her Vans were ruined, but she didn’t seem to mind. Actually, she couldn’t stop smiling. We reached Hall F and trotted up two floors.

“This is were you stop.” She looked at the door and twisted her face slightly.

“Thanks for walking me over, I’ll talk to you later?” I nodded. “Okay, I’m leaving now.”

“Yeah, bye.” She stood inside the room with her head poking out of the door.

“Yep, well…See ‘ya.”

Mikey slapped me around the head. “Come on, you tool. Stop gawping!” I choked as he dragged me in by my collar. I couldn’t help but gawp.

“So, Gerard has a lady friend,” Mikey cooed and cocked an eyebrow. I rifled through the fridge, dismaying his comment. I pulled out a yogurt and sat down at the table.

“Haven’t you got some kind of gay bar to go to?” I mocked, while stuffing pink yoghurt into my mouth. I pulled out the cigarette carton from my pocket and flipped the lid, taking one out and placing it between my lips. Mikey snatched it away.

“What the hell?” Mikey tapped the ‘No Smoking’ sign frantically with a stern look on his face. I sighed and gave him ‘the bird’ while taking my cigarettes outside. Resting my back against the wall, I replaced the cigarette between my lips and lit it.

I breathed out the poison cloud and sighed, it was cold. Well, no duh, it was Winter. Suddenly, the door beside me clocked open and a familiar face appeared.

“Oh, God. Can I bum one?” She asked, pointing to the stick in my hand. I laughed and handed her a fresh one along with my lighter. “I don’t think I can stand those bunch in there all night…”

“Ditto,” I chuckled and stubbed out the butt on the wall. “If you wanna come over, just knock the door; we’re all agoraphobics, so we don’t go out.” A serious look plastered her face.


“No,” I shook my head as we laughed together. I re-entered the room after saying bye to her and went to the bathroom. Turning the cold and hot taps full blast, I stepped into the shower and peeled off my dirty clothes. The shower switched from freezing cold to boiling hot as I scrubbed soap all over myself. I stood still for a moment, closing my eyes and feeling the warm water fall all over me. I turned the taps back and wrapped the towel- it was hung over the top of the shower- around my torso and walked back into the room, whistling.

Bob and Ray burst through the door.

“Guys: party. Beer. Girls. Let’s go,” Bob rushed his words while pulling me out of the door.

“Woah!” I exclaimed, pulling away sharply, “I’m still half naked.”

Truth was I was contemplating whether to do or not because I get fucked up, screw around and get a hang over. All I wanted to do was lie in bed, or watch a film, call Mom even. I bit my lip and shrugged. I pulled on some fresh clothes and fixed my hair.

Bob stood by the door glaring at me with annoyance as I pulled on my shoes.

“Finally,” He exhaled. Ray and Mikey joked about with each other as we walked across the green and into the Student Union. Music was blaring, people were dancing and beer was spilling. A tall girl with blonde hair, shorts and a low-cut top, waltzed up to Bob and plied him with beer to join her friends and he didn’t hesitate in leaving us. I downed a cup of beer in one go and pulled Ray around the room dancing, God knows why I was dancing with him. The room began to morph into swirls of colours, people dancing in swarms like bumble bees. I wiped the sweat from my brow.

“Hey, good lookin’,” A girl wrapped her arms around my neck. I was too drunk to push myself away from her. She pressed her lips against mine as we pushed up against the wall, I felt like I was going to crash out but she held me up. Someone tapped her shoulder and told her to ‘clear off’. I was yanked from the SU and that’s where it stops.