It's Wack

Enriche... Pronounced On-Reek-ay

"Ringa Ding Ding. It's the ice-cream man." I said in what I hoped was a bored voice.
"Oh My Butt! I'm not even ready yet!"

Lillah came running down the stairs knocking over both of Tyson's favourite mother's vases. Again.
"Lillah! Tyson's favourite mother will kill you! And then Tyson will."
"Can't stop, I need to find my wallet. I need my shoes. And my phone." Screamed Lillah as she ran past me again.
She came running back ten minutes later, "Riley, do you know where my shoes are?" I shook my head, "Dammit. I'ma have to go barefoot."
She streamed out the door and ran to the waiting ice-cream man. I looked down at my feet, which happened to be sporting Lillah's fluro pink sneakers.
"Heh." I said to myself and followed her destruction littered path out the door.

Lillah was trying to chat up the nice cute ice-cream guy again. I used to think that was why she always had ice-cream from the van, but now I know her enough to know that she's really only in it for the ice-cream. "Enriche", as I referred to him, or "Joe" according to Tyson, or Mr Ice-Cream Man to Lillah, was simply a bonus in the form of a friend.
"Hi Enriche! Howsit hanging?" I said as I walked up to the van.
"His name is Mr Ice-cream Man." said Lillah.
He smiled; his name was something like James, or Miles, or something mainstream like that. He had given up on trying to correct us about three years ago and just answered to our own special names.
"So," he said, "How's the move going?"
"Eh, it's not. I mean, Tyson is all pedantic about where my stuff goes. It's annoying. His house is huge, what does it matter if my clothes are in the bathroom? He says it's lazy and he gets all annoyed cause he can’t find anything. I mean, what's the point in walking all the way from the bathroom into my bedroom to get dressed if I can just get dressed in the bathroom?" Said Lillah.
"My clothes are in there too. As much as I hate to admit it, I think Lillah came up with a good idea."

Enriche laughed and handed us our ice-cream.
"Have a nice day girls, and seriously, I'm going to miss you."
"We'll miss you too. Seriously, what is so great about college anyway?" I said trying to convince him to stay. We had been in this neighbourhood our whole lives, and we knew Enriche since the day he started working the van.
"Yeh," supplied Lillah, "You could stay with us and read all of Tyson's favourite mum's books. She is major smart, and if you read her books you will get smart too. So you really don't need to leave."
Enriche smiled and hugged us both over the counter and handed us a small present each, "Girls, you know I can't stay."
Lillah and I sighed in defeat and handed over our own badly wrapped present.
"LOOK! We made the wrapping paper!" Said Lillah.
"With potatoes." Said me.
We both pointed at the paper that we had printed triangles and stars on using cut up potatoes.
"Tyson made the sticky though." I said regretfully, pointing at the sticky that read "Dear Joe, Enriche and Mr Ice-Cream Man. We'll miss you heaps. XO"
"Yeh, he also said he was sorry that he couldn't come. His Auntie stole him from us."
Like a bat outa hell I'll be gone when the morning comes... When the day is rou-
"Yellow, Riley's house of whores, no dick to small, no balls too hairy." I answered my very awesome phone thingy.
"Hey, it's Tyson! Put Joe on!"
"Enriche, Tyson wants to talk to you."

Enriche stopped unwrapping his present and talked to Tyson for a moment, leaving me and Lillah to unwrap our tiny present boxes.
In each box there was a small silver necklace, with a small charm. Mine was a Spiderman one and Lillah's was a Superman one.
We squealed and jumped around a bit until Enriche tapped me on the shoulder and handed back my phone slowly.
Lillah and I hugged him tightly and mumbled a quiet thankyou into his chest with tears falling out of our eyes.
"I'll miss you guys. Here." He said handing us another present box, "Give this to Tyson with my love. I'll be seeing you around."
"Will you visit?" I whimpered pathetically.
"When ever I can Dollface."

"Ringa Ding Ding. It's the ice-cream man." I said. I stopped and frowned at the front door.
Lillah came running down the stairs. She stopped and frowned at the door.
"Sorry Lillah. I should have remembered. What say you I shout you an ice-cream from the mall?"
"I want Mr Ice-Cream Man."
"True. But Tyson comes back today. We'll meet him at the mall with our ice-creams."
And so it began. The fateful day that we went to the mall.
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I'm beyond stupid.. Well anyway. Ive got this new story and it's not half bad.
But oh welll....