It's Wack

Starstruck At The Local Mall

Lillah's POV

Me and Riley are going to the mall. It's going to be really fun, cause I got a lot of money the other day, cause of my job. I make clothes and shoes and stuff. It's pretty fun, and I get to keep all the money and most of my clothes.

"Riiilleyyy..." I said. I love Riley. She's nice too me, except she wears my favourite shoes when she can't find her own. That kind of sucks.
"Yuhs Lillah?" Said Riley.
"Can we go to the place with the pretty smells?"
She smiled and we ran to the shop with the pretty smells. It has candles and all sorts there, and there is always funny people in there, and my friend works there.
We walked in and I saw someone very pretty. I knew who he was cause he's famous. He was Gabe Supporta, from Cobra Starship.
I grabbed on Riley's arm and pulled, she ignored me and said if I didn't stop she was going to pull me into Target and she would buy that Cobra Starship CD. I rolled my eyes and pulled harder cause I thought she wouldn't, she did though.
"Fine then. Don't look at Gabe." I said when we were almost to Target. She turned around and looked at me like I was stupid. I just shrugged and grabbed a trolley.
"Push or ride?" She said.
I looked around wondering and then sat it the trolley.
"Ride it is then," She giggled pushing the trolley really, really fast into Target. I bought a superman top too match the necklace Mr Ice-Cream Man bought me and Riley got the Cobra Starship CD and a Spiderman top too match her necklace. I decided I wanted to wear mine, so I sat in the trolley and pulled of my carebears shirt and tried my best to put my new one on whil Riley hurtled down the Mall as fast as she could.

"LEADFOOT!" I yelled at her from in the trolley. She threw back her head and laughed and ran into someone else's trolley, making a big crash. Heh, woops. Oh look, it's Gabe again. I'ma put my shirt on. Now.

Riley's POV

I was still giggling like a maniac but I managed to choke out a few words along the lines of oops, my bad. The guy was standing there just looking very shellshocked. I looked up at him and was slightly shocked. Want to now why?
Weellll, he just happened to be a superstar. Nothing big. Just JON FROM PANIC AT THE FUCKING DISCO!
Heh. I leant against the trolley, kind of melting into it. I watched as Lillah got out of the trolley, put her shirt on, and moved Jon's mangled trolley out of the way. And then my trolley rolled forward and I fell face flat on the floor.

Jon's eyes went kind of shocked and he hurried to me to pull me up. I smiled kind of loopily.

"You're Jon aren't you?"

He laughed, "Yes, I am."

"Wow. My friend, Tyson, he thinks you're pretty spooty. I think you're pretty spooty too."

He looked at me funny. "Are you ok?"


"Really? You just hit your nose pretty hard then."

I was remind of the fact my nose should be stinging like a bitch, and all of a sudden it was.

I smiled weakly. I started blinking back tears. "Ow."

He laughed at me a little, and hugged me... "You're alright kid."

I turned around once my nose stopped hurting and saw Lillah looking at someone with her head to the side like they were some kind of puzzle.
The someone was looking back at her in exactly the same way, it was kind of freaky.

"Hello over there?" I said.

Both of them turned around at exactly the same time. I was Gabe Supporta. I was blown away, starstruck once again.

"Yes?" Lillah and Gabe said in unison.

Fuck that IS freaky.
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Do you? Do you love me? Lol, I updated this one. I hope it's a happier story then the rest^-^ Let me know yah?