Black and Gold

Just an Afternoon in October

Remus and Roxie were both buried in books that the other had given them. As they read all they could hear was the rain falling outside the window- slightly odd for a normally raucous Gryffindor Common Room. Roxie glanced round the room. ‘Where is everyone?’ Remus shrugged, ‘Do you really care?’

She laughed, ‘I suppose not.’

In the two months since Roxie had started as Hogwarts, she and Remus had grown very, very close. Neither of them had ever had a friend who they felt so completely comfortable with. They both knew almost everything about each other and they would often spend hours just sitting in silence reading or just thinking and enjoying each others company without the need for pointless chatter.

Suddenly Roxie felt that there was one more thing that she should tell Remus about her. She was a person of many secrets, some that no one but her knew, and that often made her feel trapped and secluded. So she decided to get one secret off her chest.


He looked up and nodded, ‘Mmmhmm?’

‘Can I.. Well, Can I tell you something?’

He nodded and set down his book. ‘Whenever you’re ready.’

She smiled- that was one of the things that made her love Remus even more, he didn’t rush her or ever try to take advantage of her.

‘Well. I want to tell you something that you should probably know about me.’

He smiled encouragingly, ‘Go on.’

‘Well. My surname isn’t really Carter.’

Remus looked quite shocked, ‘So... You aren’t who you said you were?’

‘No, no, no, no, no. That’s not what I meant. See Carter is my name but it just my taken name. My real name is quite well-known so I have a taken name that means I can live a normal life without being constantly recognised.’

Remus frowned. ‘So... You’re dad is someone famous?’

She nodded. ‘Yeah. I’m very different from him though.’

‘Like... how?’

‘Well, I look different but our personalities are really similar. I’m short-tempered he has learnt to hold it in.’

‘So... Who is he?’

‘Well, you remember Lily asked me how I managed to get in here after being expelled from Beauxbatons?’


‘Well. My dad is... ummm... please don’t be shocked- my dad is...’ She glanced at the floor, ‘Dumbledore.’

‘Dumbledore??’ Remus stared at her in shock. ‘Professor Dumbledore? Our head teacher?’

She nodded, her face creased up with worry. Her mind was racing, did he mind? Did he think she should have told her sooner? She gazed anxiously into his face. ‘Remus?’

He looked at her his face still frozen in shock,’ Yeah?’

‘Are you angry at me?’

The shock melted off his face and he smiled in amusement, ‘Why would I be angry? I just never thought that Dumbledore was married!’

Her face relaxed, ‘Oh, Dumbledore wasn’t married silly! It was sort of a fling. He supported me throughout my childhood but I didn’t live with him- only for the occasional holiday. I’ve been here before you know; I just didn’t come to lessons.’

Remus still looked quite shocked. ‘It’s going to take a while for the enormity of this to actually hit me. You’re name is Roxie Dumbledore!’

She smiled and just like the first time he had ever seen her smile on the train, his breath caught in his throat and his head swam. She was breathtakingly beautiful (literally) and she was so, so nice as well! She was always there for him; whether just to sit and let him read or think, or to talk and shed their troubles. She listened to him, no matter what he had to say. She took the news that he was a werewolf completely in her stride- she just smiled and admitted to being a Metamorphagus. He had been upset then- he had worried that her beauty was just an act, but she said that holding a form for longer than a week takes far too much energy, so she couldn’t do it. He was glad that she wasn’t fake at all- the idea of her being completely natural was comforting in some unexplainable way. He glanced up at her perfect face and smiled. He was falling for her so hard that it hurt- Sirius Black was going to kill him.