Baby I've Got My Eye On You


For a long time I’d felt nothing but graceless and unsettled, troubled about the thoughts of consequences and potential grief: I’d say it would have took up a large proportion of my life, worrying, having ‘ado’ about absolutely nothing; when I woke up on the Sunday morning before my eighteenth birthday, it was as if all my vainly placed anxiety had being swept away in the night.
I can’t explain what it was like to wake up next to Brian, I’d like to say it was something like having spent your life in jail, then opening your eyes one day to discover that your ball-and-chain was no longer there, but it merited much more poetic language than I could actually possess. I’m not sure I know a word sickly sweet enough to explain it, but that’s what it was. The way his hand rested on my bare waist seemed as if it was made to fit there, everything just seemed… right. I had my head rested on his chest as he lazily fiddled his fingers through the waves in my hair.
“Your hair is so long” he stated running his hand down its length, travelling right down to my bottom. I looked up at him and saw he still had his eyes closed. I smiled. He looked so cute; totally contradictory to the monsters and demons that coloured his arms.
“Brian?” I asked quietly, getting a small ‘mhmm’ in response.
“Did they hurt?” I ran my hand down one of his sleeves of tattoos: in truth I always wanted a tattoo but was much too afraid of the pain.
His eyes blinked open as he smirked.
“No…” he said smiling, “…because I’m unbelievably strong”
“Oh I see”
“Mhmm” he kissed my gently on the forehead before getting up and walking in to his en suit bathroom; I think I blushed a bit seeing his full naked body again, but in a good way.

“Stop staring at my ass” he teased, walking away and I laughed.
I laid back down on his bed, content with listening to him whistle as he took a shower, and thought for a while about how lucky I was.
“Roz” I heard him say and I snapped my head round to see him standing in the doorway, “I think you should come and take a shower”
I laughed.
“Why, do I smell bad?”
“Well, if it’ll get you in here with me, then yes: Rosie you smell terrible”
I bit my lip and shook my head no.
“Don’t call me Rosie and I’ll think about it”
“That’s not fair, you’ve called me Brian all morning”
“I like calling you Brian. It’s nice”
“I like calling you Rosie, it’s nice” he said mocking me.
“I’m definitely not coming now” I said in false offence, but before I knew it he’d threw me over his shoulder and I was wrapped around him, kissing him passionately as the water soaked us both.

As I attempted to dry my hair a little with a soft black towel, I felt Syn wrap his arms around my waist. I looked back at him through the mirror.
“Do you want to go for a walk or something. Y’know, when you have clothes on obviously” he said, “…Or naked would be fine too.”
“I’m not sure I’m able to walk” I laughed. He smirked to himself.
“…It’s always a bit like that the first time I suppose”
I felt the colour disappear from my face as I went a bit pale. I wasn’t expecting that one; it was a little unsettling the fact that he knew I’d never slept with anyone before when I hadn’t told him. The stupid part of my brain wanted to ask if it was bad, but that would be both inappropriate and damn right weird. I simply continued to stare at him through the mirror, and he winked in response, as if knowing that he’d got to me. I laughed and hit him gently with the towel.

I got dressed and met him in the kitchen, where I greeted him with a kiss.
“What are you smiling at?” I asked raising an eyebrow.
“Do you remember the first time we kissed?” he asked, in a tone that implied he had more to say on the matter. I thought back, I didn’t remember much about that night at all, embarrassingly.
“Yes... sort of”
“Do you remember what you said to me afterwards?”
“I do” he grinned, “It was the cutest thing ever.”
This is why you should never drink, I thought to myself, not sure if I wanted to know what ridiculous things leapt out of my mouth.
“What did I say?” I asked eventually.
“Well…” he started, “You seemed pretty determined on telling me exactly what it was like kissing me. It was an interesting analysis I must say”
“Oh dear. What did I say?”
“You said ‘when the first baby laughed for the first time the laugh broke off in to a million pieces and that was the beginning of fairies’, and that it was very similar”
I broke down laughing, although it was more of a disguise of my own humilation. It was a quote from a very over read book from my childhood, when I was still naive enough to think there could ever be a 'Neverland'.
“That’s fucking Peter Pan” I laughed, “I’m such a weirdo. I’m never drinking again”
“You shouldn’t be drinking anyway, you’re not old enough” he teased.
“Don’t sleep with me then”
“Well I can’t make any promises, Tinkerbell.”