Baby I've Got My Eye On You


After the concert, I became consumed in the buzz that was felt by the entire audience as they made their way out of the venue. Some of them waited out in the dark hoping for a photograph or an autograph from the band, some straight home to call all their friends, telling them of their amazing night. The images of each and every one of them as they past me made me smile: the tall, tattooed guys who would find inspiration to carry on with their own bands until they reached fame; the older faces, eager to hear the sound of a new generation of music; the slutty girls, plastered in make-up, hoping to catch someone’s attention. But what made me smile the most was my sister. She was totally absorbed in the atmosphere, and determined to make it known to every fan there just whom they had been singing ‘Happy Birthday’ to earlier on in the night.

“Coming through! Birthday girl coming through… yeah that’s right this is my sister, Rosie, and it’s her birthday.” She yelled as she forced me through the traffic of people, her dainty hands placed firmly on my shoulders giving me confidence. I couldn’t help but grin when people high fived me and wished me a good one in response.
I’d had an amazing birthday and it was all down to my big sister and Brian, who I wanted to see desperately. Considering how many people were wanting to do the same, I was less confident about the chances of doing so. Infact, my heart sunk when Beth lead me out of the doors and in to the cold night air; she noticed it.

“You think we’re going home… don’t you?” she laughed, flashing her straight white teeth.
“We’re not?” I said enthusiastically, probably showing it a little too much. She shook her head as we went round the corner, where I saw two dark figures waiting for us. One of them was unmistakable as Matt, his tattooed muscles becoming more visible as we approached: there was something so juxtaposed about Matt with his huge ‘hard-man’ figure and cute cheeky dimples, like a bunny rabbit driving a monster truck. The other figure was Zacky, who immediately smiled when he saw Beth.
Zack and Beth talked for a while, flirting a little too desperately as I froze my buttocks out in the cold night. Matt eventually had enough of them, thank god. He rolled his eyes and pointed at them, pulling goofy faces making me giggle.
“Come on” he said taking me inside, “I don’t know about you but that’s cringe-worthy to watch.”
I laughed, agreeing totally.

It was strange walking next to Matt, every time I went to talk to him I had to look up. Needless to say, I felt very tiny.
“Apparently it’s your birthday or something,” Matt said sarcastically with a small smirk.
“Yeah something like that.”
“Not like anyone’s making a song and dance out of it or anything” he laughed, knowing the total contradiction the entire concert was to his statement.
As I was thinking of a witty reply, I was grabbed from behind – rather unexpectedly – and screamed the strangest sound ever heard by mankind.
“Brian! I absolutely shit myself!” I gasped as I realised who had scared the living daylights out of me.
“Eww” Matt said shaking his head with a smile.
“Did you have a good night?” Brian asked, and I nodded with a smile.
“I thought it would be the best way to embarrass you,” he said grinning, “Knowing how shy you are.”
“I’m not shy,” I said defensively, ironically blushing.
“You know what’s happening tonight, birthday girl?” he whispered in to my ear as Matt walked away, “I’m going to get you really drunk”
“Hah. Well I’m not going to let you.”
“Rosie. I am going to get you ridiculously drunk.”
“Brian. No you are not.”
“I’m going to get you ridiculously drunk and take advantage of you.”
“You’re so romantic” I laughed.
“Babe, I just got hundreds of people to sing happy birthday to you. I’m the king of romantic gestures.”

Smiling as he leant in to kiss me, I tried not to think about what I actually meant to Syn. Every time we were together a doubtful thought would slip in to my head. Like I shouldn’t make any assumptions, I wasn’t his girlfriend… we hadn’t even really been on a date, and rockstars like him had such a reputation. But that night, I just wanted to enjoy been with Brian and having fun. The time I spent with Brian made me realise that I’d never really had fun. I’d never been really irresponsible or spontaneous: he brought out a whole new side to me that I loved. So yes, after couple hours later with the band, Brian, as promised, had got me ridiculously drunk.
In my moral defence, I wasn’t the only one. All of us were one drink too close to passing out after spending the night celebrating my birthday.
It probably seems to him like I spend all my time getting plastered; I wish.
I poured myself another drink as Beth staggered over.

“Roz… I know…I know it’s your Christmas and all you maybe sleep at Syn’s h-house tonight.” She whispered in my ear and I’m quite surprised I understood what she said.
“Why?” I asked stupidly. She responded with giggling and looking over at Zacky.
“Uhh… well I’ll have to ask Syn if th-”
“Roz, it’s not like he’ll say no” she laughed, getting up and walking over to Zack. Needless to say they left seconds later.
“Syn…” I said cautiously as I approached him, “Beth left…”
“With Zacky…”
“That was predictable” he smiled, looking pensive despite his cocky grin.
“Can I stay with you?”
“Ohhh… I don’t know...I might have plans...infact, I think I’m taking advantage of a ridiculously drunk girl tonight.”