Baby I've Got My Eye On You


My face felt sticky and sore. Yes, It was 8 am and I had just woken up from my late night expedition. Ever slept on a park bench? It was actually only my second time; normally I’d wait it out for a while then go home around three or four in the morning. Like the last time this happened, I’m guessing I just nodded off. I could have been raped or anything; had my shoes stolen. That would have been a disaster. I fucking love my shoes.
I got up, creaking my neck and looking around. Here and there, spotted randomly about the park were the early birds, walking their dogs or going for jogs. I disliked them. Who wants to run around that early in the morning? It’s insane. Well, ha. Who am I to talk? I just spent the night on bench, in the pouring rain.
I got the odd stare as I set off back home. I must have looked like the living dead. Gladly it was a Saturday, else I would have been late for school, though I probably wouldn’t have gone anyway.
As I approached my house, I took out as key from my jeans pocket and quietly slid it in the key hole, shutting the door as silently as possible behind me as I entered. I creeped up the stares, not wanting to wake my parents or sister, but despite my efforts to remain as ninja like as possible, a few creeks here and there escapes the floorboards beneath my feet; no body stirred up stairs.
I looked ay my reflection as I passed the mirror that sat on my dresser. Yes I looked like shit, but that was all expected; what caught my eye were my clothes. I looked down, I had completely forgot about his jacket. I inhaled it’s sent. It smelt very manish and my immediate concern was if the smell had rubbed off on me. I could only imagine my dad’s face if he caught me smelling like a man’s cologne.
My thoughts were interrupted by a knocking on my bed room door. I flung myself on to my bed and rolled up underneath the covers just before my mother entered.
“Rosie? Are you not up yet?” She asked staring at my ‘sleeping’ form. She hadn’t the slightest clue about where I had been the previous night, or that I’d only just got home. I don’t really think she’d even care that much if she knew.
I mumbled a few words that you can’t find in the dictionary and told her I’d be down stairs in twenty minutes.
“Your father and I are going away today, Rosie” She said.
I immediately popped my head out from under the covers, trying not to expose the fact that I was still wearing the clothes from the day before, and a man’s jacket. What the hell were they going away for? And why hadn’t she told me yet?
I simply stared at her, waiting for and explanation.
“We, well we’re going to try out this course” she said awkwardly.
I raised an eyebrow.
“…It’s a marriage counselling course. We think it’s about time we sorted things out. For you and Beth of course”
I hadn’t seen that one coming
“Oh” was all I said.
“You don’t need to get up, we’ll be going shortly, Beth knows all about it. We told her earlier this morning whist you were at the shop. I’m quite surprised you went back to bed though”
“Ohhh. Just, really tired. You know” Thank fuck Beth had covered for me. As my elder sister, she didn’t do much to help me, but when she did I was grateful.
“Ok. Well, we’ll call when we get there” she said.
“Goodbye dear”
Once I heard the door shut and was sure the car was out of the driveway, I went to check on Beth. I heard her awful singing coming from the bathroom.
“Roz. I know you’re there” she said as I approached the door. Spidey senses.
“I don’t want to know where you were Roz, but seriously, if you’re gonna go play run about while mam and dad are away, just let me know at least that your going”
She continued singing. Shania Twain. And out of key. My sister has no shame.
I put my hands in to the jacket pockets as if by instinct, forgetting who’s it was. I pulled out a small sheet of folded paper. Opening it, I was surprised to say the least.

Bench girl,
Call me.

Turning it over I saw a number scrawled on the back.
Call him? For what?
Don’t be an idiot. He’ll want his jacket back obviously. Syn will want his jacket back.
Syn. That obviously wasn’t his real name, unless of course his parents were hippies or very weird, but it had a cool ring to it.
I smiled to my self: I knew his name.
Now all I had to do was find the courage to call him.