Baby I've Got My Eye On You


I woke up and looked at my surroundings: a couch, Zacky’s couch to be exact. Something I’d been seeing a lot more of recently.
It was a little after 10 and surprisingly the sun was out despite the torrential weather of the night before. My clothes were still a little damp from the walk back and had left a wet patch on the couch beneath me.
“I see you have pissed yourself Gates. Nice one” Zacky said sarcastically, walking in to the room. He set down a cup of coffee and a shot of whisky on the table next to me and I watched him down his own shot before taking a sip of his coffee.
“It can’t be good for you drinking this early you know” I called through to him as he passed by the couch and in to the kitchen area of his mainly open plan house.
“Well, it stops me from pissing on my friends sofas” he said.
“It’s not piss…it’s just from the rain you idiot”
“Sure it is”
“Shut the fuck up Zack”
“I can’t be fucked playing wifey and making you breakfast Syn. So don’t even ask me,” Zack said as I walked over to the kitchen. Truth be hold, I was hoping he would. I was fucking starving.
I sighed.
“Oh yeah…” Zack said, holding a huge pause.
“What Zacky?” I complained, annoyed at his childish behaviour.
“…. The bitch called.” he said being dismissive and setting down his drink.
I rolled my eyes. Everybody hated Gwen, my girlfriend. They said she was bitchy, moody, a control freak and down right spoiled. All very true. To be honest, there were times when I’d truly hate her myself. Everyday I’d question my self why exactly I was still with her. I’d tried to leave her countless times but every time she’d cry and whine and make up stories and excuses until I gave in; now it had gotten to the point where I was the one who was forced to leave every time we had a fight.
I thought about the girl, the one who’s always sat in the park whenever I go to clear my head. Her words from the night before echoed in my head. “…Letting her kick you out of your own house. If you fight, she should leave. It’s your house.”
Hell, she’d even called me a pussy. She wasn’t the only one.
“Syn, this is fucking ridiculous, I don’t see why you just don’t dump the bitch” Zack said.
“I should call her”
“I wouldn’t if I were you”
“Why…Zack what the fuck did you say to her?”
“I asked her to pass me on to her owner to remind them to keep their dog away from their phone”
Very funny. But I pretended it wasn’t.
“Jesus Christ Zack-”
“Awe what she gonna do Syn, she already has your balls on a shelf. Dude, you need to get rid of her, you can’t stay on my couch all your life, I’ll have no where to sit when I’m watching porn”
I would have told him to shut the fuck up, but we were interrupted by the sound of my phone ringing.
We both looked over to the coffee table where my phone sat ringing. I glanced at Zack, knowing full well what he was about to do.
“Don’t you dare” I said
His classic mischievous grin appeared on his face as he darted for the phone. I quickly ran after him, not wanting to say any more shit to Gwen. He was making things a lot worse than they already were.
He grabbed the phone and I pushed him on to the floor where we continued to fight for it. He slapped me in the face like a girl and giggled. Dear god.
“Zack give me it now”
“No way baaabe”
“Zack I’m fucking seriou-”
“Hello, whores are us. How may I help you?” he said laughing as he answered the phone. I glared at him.
“No this is Zacky…Oh he told you to ring him… he has his panties in a twist at the moment I’m afraid…no don’t call back, just be warned, he recently had his balls stolen so don’t be surprised if his voice sounds a little high pi-”
“Hello!?” I exclaimed as I finally got the phone off of him. What a tool, it could have been anyone on the other end.
“Uhmm… is this…Syn?” a small voice said awkwardly on the other end. I smirked realising who it was.
“Yeah, who is this?” I asked, already knowing full well that she’d found the note in my jacket pocket.
“It’s uhmm… the girl from the park”
“Oh hey”
“So uhmm I’m guessing you want your jacket back?”
“I have your jacket”
Sure I wanted my jacket back, it was a nice jacket, but that’s not why I slipped the note in the pocket. I’d seen her in town a couple of weeks ago and it was the only time I’d seen her in the day light, when she wasn’t upset or angry. She seemed like a nice girl, but there was something about her that intrigued me. It might have been her tendency to be ambiguous in all her answers, as if not wanting me to know much about her. I didn’t even know her name. I wanted to know why she was always running away from things. Truthfully, it felt good just being near her.
“Oh right yeah” I said “Are you busy?”
“Uhmm… no”
“Meet me in a half hour?”
“Yeah ok…wh-”
I hung up before she had a chance to ask where. Zacky was being a pain in the ass making smooching noises in the background and I really didn’t want him knowing where I was going. He’d only follow me there.
Besides, she’d know where to go.