Baby I've Got My Eye On You


Just a short notice and a apology that this story will not be continuing.... it doesn't feel right anymore, not that fan fiction really even felt normal to me....

If only we could rewind, even a few minutes, to apreciate The Reverend Thomolew Plague for a little bit longer, a little bit more.
If someone had said to me three years ago that by this time, we'd feel like this, I don't think I've felt so nervous when I met Jimmy....and I definately do not think I would have spared the words I knew I truely wanted to say to him, and the rest of the band, too.
What an absolute legend....
I don't know what else to say...except.. Thank you Jimmy. XXX

Good Luck in the Great Gig in the Sky...

If you admire somebody you should go ahead and tell 'em, people never get flowers while they can still smell em.... <3