Baby I've Got My Eye On You


It had been three days since the incident at the park with Syn, and I had been thinking about it constantly. With the lack of arguing parents, the house was pretty quiet, and over the past few days, Beth and I had been getting along better than we had done when we used to share Barbie dolls. Beth was four years older than I, 21, but refused to move out, and until today I never understood why. I had always thought, why the hell does she want to stay here? Live here whist our parents constantly bite each other’s heads off? She had a job and enough money to move out – why hadn’t she?
Sat drunkenly on the fourth night of our parents leave, I finally understood why. Beth had gone to the supermarket at 5 and bought a shit load of booze, more than I’d ever seen one person buy – she could afford it- but I still thought it was way too much for us to consume all by our selves. By half eleven, we had done a mighty good job.
“Oh Rosie Rosie Roo” She said brushing my brown hair out of my face after I had confronted her about why she stayed around, “As if I could, could go lickedy split and leave my baby sister with all this shit. I stayed for you Rosie Roo.”
I’m surprised it even made sense to me in my drunken state, but it made more sense to me drunk than it even did sober, and I broke out in tears.
“You stupid bitch” I laughed, “I can handle things by my self”
“Heh, yeahs, and that’s why you run off in the night time every time they argue”
“I does not”
“You does”
“Not always”
“Most of the time. You goes to the park”
I didn’t say anything, sister bonding time. I didn’t really need to. I never knew she took that much notice in to what I did.
“Do they know?” I asked
“Muter und vater?”
“Haven’t a clue”
“Do you think they’ll sort things out?”
“Roz, I may be – I may be drunk, but I haven’t the heart to lie to you”
I laughed and took another drink of beer.
“Glad I’m not the only one with lack of faith”
She smiled

“I don’t want to talk about this depressing shit anymore” she admitted, slurring, “Have you done it?”
“Done what?”
“Have you, y’know, fucked anyone?”
I’m pretty sure I spat my drink out there and then. We’d never had a conversation like this before, and even drunk, I wasn’t sure I was prepared for it.
“Uh no. No I haven’t”
“Oh. Just curious y’know. Sister gone night after night, I thought there might be a boy involved”
I smiled to my self, there kind of was, in a way. No, not a boy. Syn wasn’t by any means a boy.
“I mean” she carried on, whilst cracking open another can of beer and turning up the def leopard we had playing in the background, “I was younger than you”
“You were?” I didn’t really want to know this. It occurred to me that Beth was perhaps a bit more drunk than I was.
“Yeah, get a move on” she joked.
And then, a strange sensation occurred, my jacket, which had been carelessly thrown on the floor, started to move.
Our heads snapped in its general direction as it started to shake.
“What the hell?” Beth asked and I stumbled across the room to investigate.
My hands fumbled about the pockets until they uncovered my mobile phone, that I had placed on silent earlier in the day, vibrating in order to inform me of an incoming call.
“IT’S MY PHONE!” I laughed
“Answer it then! Who the hell rings at this time anyway!?” Beth giggled walking over behind me. She read the name on the flashing white screen
“Syn?” she said. It was at this point that I regretted saving his number in my phone, otherwise I could had gotten away with saying it was a wrong number.
“Who the hell is Syn?”
I looked at her blankly, and she responded with a smile.
“So there is a boy involved after all” she laughed jumping up and down.
“Not…not exactly…”
She folded her arms and stomped her foot as if demanding an explanation.
“He’s a bit older than me…”
“By how much?”
“I don’t know… he could be… your age?”
“Pah! That’s nothing!” she was drunk. On any other occasion she’d be dead set against it, but I was drunk too.
“Are you going to answer or not, Roz?”
I lifted a finger up at her, indicating her to be quiet as I answered.
“Where are you?” Syn said on the other end.
“I’m… at home…”
“Well I’m in the park, and for the first time ever your not here!”
I smirked to myself, watching Beth jump up and down on the couch like a mad woman, desperate to know what was going on.
“Well” I started “You did say you’d see me in 3 weeks”
I heard him laugh on the other end and there was a slight pause, yet it seems to me so long that I might burst from anticipation.
“…Well maybe I can’t wait that long”
I bit my lip. I had way too much to drink to handle this kind of conversation.
“Are you coming or not?” he said impatiently.
“Am I coming, now… uhmm…” I looked over at Beth and her hand signalled for the door repeatedly with a huge grin on her face, “yeah… I’m on my way.”
I hung up and gave Beth a look.
“I have to go” I told her.
“Damn right you do!” she said practically pushing me out the door.

As I got near the park, I saw him standing near the usual spot, looking around.
I tried to conceal a smile as I approached him, I don’t know whether I was very successful.
“Where have you been!?” He laughed when he saw me.
The correct answer to that question would have been that, since my parents were away, I had no reason to leave the house in the dead of night because no one was keeping me up yelling, but the drunken answer seemed to be:
“Australia”… giggles included.
I looked at me for a second before letting a smile creep upon his face.
“Your drunk” he stated.
“A bit”
“Tut tut. And you’re even under age”
“And you’re over age”
“Well… yes” he said confused
“By how much?” I slurred
“I mean” I thought about what exactly I meant, which may have taken a few minutes of randomly muttered curse words, before finally achieving “How old are you?”
“How old do you think I am?”
I tilted my head.
“Just tell me”
“You’re older than my sister”
He laughed a bit, “Roz it’s a good job I’m not completely sober either, because if I wasn’t I’d want to hit you right now. You don’t make any sense”
“Would you really hit me?”
I looked a bit startled.
“What? No, I was joking, I wouldn’t hit a girl…”
“What if I wasn’t a girl”
“You are a girl”
“How do you know?”
“You have…boobs and stuff… Roz what the hell?” he laughed
“I’m glad you noticed” This would be the part where the inner sober person wants to strangle the rest of the body.
He raised his eyebrows and laughed for a while. I could feel my legs turning to a jelly kind of state and therefore sat down to avoid embarrassment. A little too late I would think. I could just imagine the voice of my conscience ‘I’m going to kill you in the morning’. Of course I could even blame Beth. She supplied the alcohol; she encouraged me to go!
“I took your advice by the way,” he said before taking a swig of the bottle of Jack Daniel’s he had nestled in his gloved hand, “I kicked her out.”
No seriously though.
“About time. Like your friend said, ‘you had your balls stolen’”
He went a little red, obviously remembering the events of the other day. I didn’t expect he would blush though.
“If you kicked her out, then why are you the one out side in the night?” I questioned.
“Because I expected you to be here”
That would have been enough to satisfy me really, inside I was smiling like a total freak.
“And?” I said.
“Jesus Roz don’t act dumb,” he said.
I stood up, to try and get the same height as him, but quickly realised that he was a good foot taller than I was, and therefore my courage to drunkenly yell at him that I wasn’t at all dumb quickly diminished.
“You’re a bit tall,” I said trying to keep steady.
He but his arm on my waist to stop be falling over on to the cold grass
“You’re a bit small” he replied looking down at me.
“Well maybe it’s because I’m just a little girl”
“Well maybe it’s about time you grew up then” he whispered, pulling me into a kiss.