Baby I've Got My Eye On You


My brain must have woken up before my body did. I know this because I laid for what seemed like forever, curled up in to a ball with the mother of all head aches, whist the rest of me remained numb. Eventually, I gained the energy to sit up, only to realise that I wasn’t in my own bed. I wasn’t even in my own house; I smelled like shit and I probably looked worse. The thought occurred to me that I couldn’t remember much after kissing Syn the night before, and hoped to god I hadn’t done anything… stupid. I guess my first reaction was to check that I still had all my clothes on: check. I was even still wearing my shoes. Beloved shoes.
“Are you alright?” Syn asked, standing in the doorway.
“No. I feel like a gorilla just took a massive shit on me” I said. Nice choice of words.
“I thought so. You were fairly hammered last night”
“You passed out,” he said, as if knowing that I was about to ask what I was doing in his house, “I have no clue where you live so I just brought you back here.”
“We didn’t sleep together” he laughed, passing me a glass of water. I took it blushing. Things were starting to sound like I should walk around with a paper bag on my head for the rest of my life.
I had never ever felt this hungover. I was actually suspicious of the idea that I might have actually died and gone to hell the pain was so bad. So long as I didn’t throw up in his house I’d be fine. Or had I already? Fuck knows what ridiculously embarrassing things I did last night.
“Syn?” I asked shyly, causing him to look up from his coffee, “I haven’t like…puked or anything have I?”
“No. Do you need to?” he said concerned, opening the door as if ready to throw me in to the bathroom.
“I don’t think so”
“Oh. Good.”
I followed him in to his kitchen, noticing just how nice his house was. All the rooms were quite big aswell.
“Do you want some food?” he asked me.
Jesus Christ no.
I shook me head furiously, worried that even the thought of food might cause me to vomit and he laughed.
“I should probably go home…” I said peering out of a window, trying to suss out just where I was exactly, “…but I don’t really know where I am…”
“Do you want me to drive you?” he laughed, and I wasn’t sure if he was serious or not until he picked up his car keys.
Now, I don’t know anything about cars, but I can assure you that this thing was big, black and looked damn expensive. Big house, nice car, I was really beginning to wonder what Syn did for a living. Unfortunately, I made the mistake of looking at my self in the mirror. I eyes winced at the sight and my brain began to kick heavily at the idea of Syn seeing me like this.
Once I started to recognise where about we were, I gave him the directions to my house; we were actually a good 20 minutes drive away. In my condition, I probably would have been walking all day.
“Will…like…your parents be in?” He asked sounding a bit worried.
“No… they’re on like…a marriage counselling course thing.”
“Oh good. Because I’m guessing you’d get in a lot of trouble for turning up at noon, stinking like booze and with an older guy”
So I did stink. Great.
“I don’t think they’d notice”
“Is that why you run away all the time. Because they fight and stuff?”
I didn’t say anything.
“Maybe you and your girlfriend should go on a marriage counselling course too,” I said, trying to push the attention away from my own problems. He laughed a little
“Well that wouldn’t work for two reasons,” he said.
“Well for one, were definitely not married, and two, like I told you last night, I’ve finished her”
“Oh… I forgot. I’m sorry”
He turned and looked at me seriously for a second.
“Well Roz, I’m not.” he said looking directly at me. I looked away.
“This is uhmm… this is my house”
He stopped and I got out.
“Uhmm… Thanks” I said a little bit too awkwardly.
“Don’t mention it.” he said grinning, watching me go it to my house.
I quickly shut the door behind me, falling down to the floor. This was all very strange. Did he keep coming on to me or was I just imagining it? Did he actually kiss me last night or did I imagine that too? All the thinking hurt my recovering headache.
Walking into the kitchen, there was a note left on the table:

Thought you’d be in the same dying state as me so I didn’t want to wake you.
Had to go to work anyway, see you tonight.

P.S. If you can remember anything after 9 o’clock I’d appreciate it if you let me in on the hours that I’ve lost. Never drinking again!"

So she couldn’t remember anything about me leaving to meet Syn? She can’t have even remembered the conversation we had about our parents. But maybe this was a good thing...