Baby I've Got My Eye On You


Synyster POV
Just about every head turned as she made her entrance, and I wasn’t at all surprised. She looked amazing, more so than I’d ever seen her. I can’t deny that I was shocked to see her, I never imagined that this was her scene; she was much too shy, but as she walked through the club with four or five other girls, she didn’t look out of place at all.
The rest of them were older without a doubt, closer to my own age perhaps, but they didn’t hold a candle to her in her black shorts and dark purple strapless top. I swear to god that her legs would have seemed to go on forever if it wasn’t for her jet-black heels. I would not like to get kicked in the privates by those fuckers. Her hips swayed naturally as she walked her way over to the bar where one of the other girl’s kissed Tommy, the club owner, on the cheek; I smiled to my self as she stood, looking a little pushed out of the remaining group of girls as they talked away at each other, all of them standing as if they wanted to be stared at. It was pretty obvious that they weren’t Roz’s friends. They were all much too…desperate.
I’d come to Tommy’s quite regularly with the guys, and recognised the blonde girl he had nestled in his arms and made the assumption long ago that she must be his girlfriend, but I’d never seen Roz here. Not ever; I was glad she was.
Johnny was fairly wasted by now, as was Jimmy, so I left Matt and Zacky to deal with them and went and sat close to the doorway where I could see her perfectly across the room. I wanted to see her face when I called her.
“Nice shoes” I said once she’d picked up. I smirked, seeing her head turn in circles trying to figure out exactly where I was or how I could see her.
“Where are you?” she said, backing away from the other girls slightly, until her eyes finally rested on where I was stood. I can’t tell you how I felt when I saw that she was smiling.
“It’s past your bed time” I joked “What are you doing here?”
“My sister’s boyfriend owns this club. I get free drinks” she laughed.
“Well, I bet that pleases you, you alchy” I teased, making her blush. I knew she was embarrassed about being wasted the last time I saw her. She was unbelievably cute when her cheeks flushed.
She was quiet for a while.
“…Shut up” she whispered embarrassed, causing me to laugh.
She didn’t seem as confident now as she did when she first arrived. She seemed to have become a lot more nervous and fidgety, playing with her long brown hair as she tried not to look directly at me across the room, staring more at the phone or to the floor.
I watched her growing uncomfortable.

“Stop staring at me” she said quietly.
“Why babe? Everyone else seems to be.” This was true, and it actually pissed me off. I didn’t want loads of guys looking at her lustfully, it was disgusting. A lot of them were old enough to be her dad, she was only 17 for Christ’s sake. But who was I to talk? I wanted her too.
She looked around nervously, obviously realising the truth behind what I’d said. I felt a bit bad, I’d made her even more uncomfortable.
“That’s what you get for being hot, I suppose,” I added after a long pause of her being much too shy to say anything in response.
She blushed, yet again. She blushed about everything and I loved it; I was glad when she eventually smiled and looked back up at me.

Rosie POV.

He was right, everyone was staring at me, and I hated it. I normally liked to blend in so nobody would notice me and I tried my best not to make eye contact at anyone. Inside my head, I was trying to convince myself that the reason I felt to awkward and embarrassed was due to all the attention people seemed to be paying me. In reality, just any attention from Syn at all made me feel nervous. I never knew where I stood with him, let alone what to say. It was difficult to hear him on the other end of the line over the blaring music, but I was almost certain he said it. And it made my heart stop so suddenly that I was shocked I didn’t literally drop on to the hard laminated floor dead: -
“That’s what you get for being hot I suppose.”
Oh god. It was so hard to know what to say… I hoped he wasn’t able to hear my breathing becoming increasingly shaky and nervous. It was the most ridiculous thing ever but I truly believed I was in way over my head. All I could do was smile.

He didn’t look real. He looked like a perfect cardboard cut out man that you just wished was real. Maybe he wasn’t real. Maybe I had become insane and invented a man up in my imagination to make me feel wanted and that’s why he looked to irresistible to me. Although the club was pretty much full, knowing he was there, I couldn’t see anyone else. They all seemed to lack significance and everything seemed dream like and slow. Say something, I thought. Anything, something normal, but nothing came out of my mouth. I’d only make a fool out of my self. How could I say something normal when I myself was the exact opposite of the definition of the word?

Glancing around, I saw that Beth had disappeared with Tommy, just as expected. However, all the complaining I had done about being left with her bitchy stuck up friends just hours before seemed to have been in vain: they had actually left. I couldn’t see them anywhere, and surprisingly, this worried me. I was in a club full of pervert drunks alone.

“Roz, where have your friends gone?” I heard Syn ask, as if reading my mind. He always seems to know what I’m thinking. I must have a face like a book.
“They’re not my friends,” I said
“They didn’t look like it if I’m honest” Syn laughed.
The next thing I knew, my thoughts concerning what the hell I was going to do for the rest of night were rudely interrupted as I felt someone by hind me grab my behind. I quickly snapped round to face the asshole and he drunkenly grabbed hold of my arm.
I saw Syn shoot up from his seat from the corner of my eye.
“Roz…You OK their babe?” he said concerned, taking a step forward.
“Get the fuck off me” I said pushing the guy away, causing him to fall back in to another group of people, who proceeded to call him an asshole and that he should watch where the fuck he was going.
“Good girl” Syn said seriously.
I looked over at him, hoping I didn’t look like too much of a bloody bag of nerves or a ‘damsel in distress’ pathetic looking character. He just looked worried.
“I’m not a dog,” I said and he laughed.
“No. You’re alright though?”
“I think so”
“You sure?”
“Yes Syn.” I laughed, “I’m fine”
“Yeah you are”
“…That was a bit corny,” I said laughing at his line, but when I looked back up he was no where to be seen.
“Syn?” I asked, “Where did you go?”
All I got in response was the sound of him hanging up.

My eyes darted back and forth looking for him, but he was no where to be seen within the crowds of people. They all seemed to having such a good time, I bet I looked like such a loner. The sound of ‘Beating around the Bush’ by AC/DC fluttered in out of my ears as people yelled as if in thanks when the DJ started the song.

Smilin’ face and laughin’ eyes…

I caught a glimpse of Syn finally, and he was slowly moving in my direction from across the dance floor. My heart started beating a little faster.
…But ya can't keep on tellin' me all those lies…

At moments he seemed to disappear in to thin air behind all the moving faces, then he’d appear again in a flash of purple or blue as the strobe lights streaked across his face, each time he was a little closer than before.

…How'd you expect me to believe? Honey I ain't that naïve…

It seemed like he was almost swimming through the mass of people that occupied that dance floor that divided us. I felt hot and confused. Why was he coming over here? I wanted to rush out the door but it was blocked by drunks. I blinked a few times, fast yes, but not half as much the speed that my heart was racing at.

I swallowed hard as he was finally standing in front of me, looking down at my smaller height and smiling. He overwhelmed me.
…And baby I've got my eye on you, cause you do all the things I want you to…

“Can I get you a drink?” He smirked, acting as if it was the first time we’d met.
“I...I already have one” I replied holding my glass up.
He reached over, much to my surprise and took the glass out of my grasp, downing it’s contents in seconds, then handing it back to me empty.
“How about now?”

I was talkin' birds, and you was talkin' bees
And was he down on his knees
Beatin' around the bush.