For the monsters that I've been.

We are made from the sharpest things you say

After the last song all the boys ran off the stage, smiling and sweating. "Did you like it?" Gerard asked as I handed him a towel. "I freaking loved it!" I screamed with a huge grin spread across my face. He picked me up in a hug and swung me around. He set me down laughing. They all gave me a hug before going to get changed. A few minutes later they all came out smiling. "Faith would you like to go on tour with us?" Bob asked. "Well, I don't know..." I said. Gerard's head dropped and Frank's eye got wide and watery. "I mean, I have a job I have to go to everyday and.." I trailed off, trying to hold back my laughter. Gerard's head snapped up and he tackled me. "Of course I'll come you guys!" I giggled. "Yay!" Frank screamed.

I soon found myself putting my last bag on the tour bus. "Ready?" Mikey asked as I gazed at my house. "Yeah..." I said never taking my eyes off my house. Mikey rested his hand on my shoulder, "Don't worry, we are only going to be gone for about a month." I smiled and turned towards him, "Thank you so much for this opportunity." He smiled back and gave me a hug. I took one last look at my house before sighing and picking my camera up from around my neck and snapping a picture of it. I climbed up the steps into the tour bus, trying to fight back tears.

*Mikey's P.O.V*

She is so beautiful. The way her lips move when she talks and her perfectly placed snake bites glint in the moonlight. She was staring at her house with a sad look in her eyes. "Ready?" I asked. "Yeah..." she answered never taking her eyes off her house. I felt sorry for her, she probably hasn't been away from her home for that long, let alone a month on tour with some rock band. I gently rested my hand on her shoulder, "Dont worry, we are only going to be gone for about a month." I said. She changed into a tank top after the concert so I could feel her smooth skin under the palm of my hand. She smiled and turned towards me, and my heart nearly stopped. "Thank you so much for this opportunity." I smiled back and couldn't help but give her a hug. I breathed in the scent of her hair mixed with the slight scent of some perfume. She pulled away and took one last look at her house before sighing and picking up her camera from around her neck and snapping a picture of it.

*Faith's P.O.V*

All the guys feel asleep in different places on the bus. I sat and watched the lights zip past us as we headed down the desserted highway. I took out my MP4 player and slipped on the headphones. I smiled and laid my head back on the cushions as the song filled my ears, breaking the silence.

Sing me something soft,
Sad and delicate,
Or loud and out of key,
Sing me anything,
we're glad for what we've got,
Done with what we've lost
Our whole lives laid out right in front of us...