
Chapter eleven.

Alex pov

I ran all the way to school this morning, the blast of energy came from knowing that I'd see Faye. My beautiful girl with a heart the size of the universe.Something she only shared with our friends and myself, I truly do love her. She started walking faster as she approached our place. Her grey eyes were glistening with fresh tears, something that alarmed me slightly. My arms went around her instantly as I started to whisper sweet words to her that would sooth her for sure. When she cried I felt like my world tilted, like my heart was clenched in someone's fist. The blood being drained from my whole body, feeling my angel's pain."I'm s-so sor-sorry about last night. Gaige was being an ass..." She cried into my shoulder, her tears soaking through my dark blue shirt, but the shirt wasn't that important. Faye was the center of my world, she's the most important thing."It's fine, love. He can try to break us apart all he wants, but I know with everything ounce of my being that he will not succeed. I promise you that there is nothing to worry about." I whispered with reassurance. All I wanted to do was to protect the girl that had given me something so beautiful in beautiful in life. Something worth fighting for, something that I would never allow myself to lose. Her heart.

Faye relaxed and her breathing returned to a steady rhythm. "Thank you, Alex. You truly make my life a never ending bliss. I love you, so much." Faye murmured with a warm smile, tilting her chin up slightly so she could look into my eyes. "Thank you for giving me a chance that day, for letting me help you. I'd do just about anything to see you happy, you're my beautiful diamond. My reason to remain sane, I love you so much that words cannot even explain how much my love for you is. Always, love." I stated with deep emotion, tilting her chin up a bit more for our lips to meet.

"Well, well, well...what do we have here?" Mocked someone whom didn't surprise me much. I broke away from Faye gently and glared at him, "Gaige.." I snarled with annoyance, he's such an oblivious guy. Can he not get it through his head that Faye will never correspond to his childish games, not in this life. Not in the next. Gaige smirked at me before turning his attention to Faye. "I thought our.. parents told you not to hang out with this piece of filth, darling." Gaige stated in a teasing way, stepping closer to Faye and running his hand over her cheek. My fists clenched at my sides, I wanted to punch the bastard so much, but it'd upset Faye. So I couldn't. She didn't like it when I 'fought her battles,' especially with assholes like Gaige. 'Inhale, exhale. Inhale, exhale. Ten, night, eight, seven, six, five, four, three-' "Let's go, Alex, we have no reason to stay around and listen to this jerk." Faye said with a hint of anger lingering in her voice. I nodded twice as I unclenched my fists to hold Faye's hand, it was soothing.

Guilt is eating away at my insides, knowing that I lied to Faye made me feel like absolute crap. Knowing that she was simply upstairs whilst I knocked on the door of her household. I told her I was going to go hang out with my cousin and Jay, when in fact I wasn't, not even close. I'm a terrible person right now. Gaige opened the door after the fourth knock, by his expression I could tell he was not expecting me. “A…Alex?” He said in disbelief, his eyes as wide with confusion and shock. I shook this off and stated my purpose, “I have to talk to you about Faye.” He returned to an emotionless state and shrugged mindlessly. "Sure, let's go to a coffee shop just around the corner to talk." He responded nonchalantly, stuffing his hands into his pockets.

We walked silently, the only sound echoing through the empty street was our footsteps. I could sense Gaige tensing up a bit as we neared the coffee shop, something just We sat in a booth off the side of the shop, a secluded place where we could talk without interruptions. I sighed heavily and placed my hands on the tabletop slightly nervous. Gaige glanced at me quickly before staring at the table with a pensive look on his face. "I'm just going to get right to the point here." I stated firmly, " I am not going to let you play games with Faye. She's not even fully...healed, and you want to break her down to her previous self. I do not wish to see that broken girl again, she was so fragile, so...close to giving up... I did so much to make her happy, I'm still putting everything I have into fixing her completely. I love her, do you not know what love is? Is that why you want to tear us apart?" I could sense that Gaige was hanging on to every word that came out of my mouth, by the look of concentration on his face. "I don't k-" He started before I cut him off. "Just listen to me closely okay... I may not seem like the kind of guy who can put up a fight, but trust me..I can if its for the one person that I love with all my heart. So if you think that you're clever enough to make your little game work, think again. Faye will never fall for it, and I will not let it go by as some innocent little thing. I will fight for her 'til the end, Gaige. I am not going to let you hurt her. Not now, not ever." Gaige stared at me with some odd look on his face before nodding once.

As I walked out of the coffee shop with a sense of triumph, for telling him what I thought. What I was going to do to keep him from getting to Faye, all to win some silly bet. I felt pretty damn good, but the fight wasn't over yet. It has just begun.
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Sorry I took forever to post this chapter. My old laptop just broke down on me and I had no access to the internet since I didn't have a computer. Now it's fixed, I got a newer laptop a VA1O, amazing laptop it is. [:
Thank geebus I always write down chapters in my notebook though, otherwise I would've taken even longer to write this chapter..
Anyways I hope you all enjoyed.
Feedback makes me happy, so please go ahead and comment for more chapters.. :D