
Chapter thirteen

Faye pov

Everyone had gone home already, Chase kissed my forehead in a brotherly way and said goodbye before leaving. I knew Gaige was going to start up with some stupid crap, ending up with him and Chase not talking for a few days. He overreacts a lot, eh, too bad. He was currently listening to Three Days Grace in his room, I could tell because the song that was playing was "Never Too Late." Even though I loathed him I had to admit, his taste in music was pretty cool. I decided to take a shower, just to waste some time, and so I wouldn't smell like pool chlorine.

My shower was soothing, the warm water running down my slim body. It made some of the knots in my back lighter, better. I was sitting in front of my tri-fold vanity mirror, brushing my hair while humming some Paramore song. Thankfully today was Friday, no school tomorrow. Which also meant no Alex, that made me really sad. Maybe I could sneak out today without getting noticed. No, I wont be able to, Gaige will already be looking out for that. ''Stupid jerk.'' I muttered, giving my hair one final brush. My jet black hair was now somewhat dry, shining slightly here and there. I glanced at the clock on the wall and sighed, '8:15pm, wow. Time flies...' I thought as I walked over to my bed. I adjusted my teal pj shorts before climbing into bed with a sigh. Hopefully I'd be able to get some rest today, and maybe tomorrow Gaige won't be so much of an ass. ''Yeah, right.'' I scoffed not believing it myself, he'll always be an ass no matter what.

Something tickled my neck, someone's breath? My eyes opened instantly from shock, fear, concern. I could tell who it was by the beam of light coming into my room. "What the he-" Gaige's lips were on mine immediately, they felt so cold against mine, so hungry. He bit my bottom lip softly and ran his hand through my hair, placing his other one at my waist. I tried pushing him off by putting pressure on his chest, but he wouldn't budge. His lips were pressed into mine roughly, hurting my lips slightly. He bit on my lip once more, but this time blood was drawn. He winked at me and licked the blood of with the tip of his tongue. I took this chance to see if I could bite him, get him to quit it. He reacted quickly. he held my tongue in his left hand and gazed into my eyes with this odd expression in his eyes. I couldn't figure out what it was exactly. "Don't be so...evil. I promise you I won't do anything else. I just want to make a point, then I'll go." He whispered into my ear, biting my earlobe softly. He let go of my tongue and kissed my cheek once. I couldn't believe what I was about to say, but I hoped it would work. I shut my eyes tightly and sighed, "Fine." I whispered in response. 'I'm such an idiot.' I screamed silently. I was just doing this in hope that he would give up chasing me, give up trying to tear me away from Alex. All I wanted was to live in peace.

Gaige was pleased with my answer, he smirked and placed his lips on mine. Much more careful this time, it felt different, like he was being... 'No way! You're seriously losing your head now!' My brain is absolutely dead right now, mostly from my lack of sleep. Gaige rested his forehead on mine and kissed my eyelids. "Least you can do is cooperate, I don't bite that much, y'know?" He whispered huskily, giving me a smile that I'd never seen before. This was creeping me out now, was he on drugs or something? He pressed himself into me and gave my collarbone a light kiss before biting down somewhat roughly. 'I just want to get this over with. Just get this over with..' My hand went to Gaige's head, I tangled my fingers in his hair and pulled his face up to mine. Capturing his lips with mine, trying to place myself somewhere else as we kissed. I knew my kiss with him held no emotion whatsoever. I just wanted to get him off my back. He ran his hand up my side and trailed it up my abdomen, making me shiver because of his cold skin. He smirked into the kiss before running his tongue along my bottom lip. I stiffened up and stopped completely, my eyes were shut much tighter than before now. 'Alex. Picture Alex. He loves me. He will never hurt me. And what the hell am I doing right now? This is going to hurt him! I can't do this anymore.. No..No..' I thought sadly. I found more strength in me and shoved Gaige off, "There, just go now. Stop chasing me, just stop with your games now. You got me to cooperate, now leave me alone." I stated as I caught my breath. "It's not over yet, sweetie." Gaige whispered as he walked out of my room.

Tears were gathering in my eyes as I imagined Alex's reaction in my head if Gaige told him. 'He's going to be crushed.' That's why I have to tell him and explain it so it will hopefully be less painful. He'll know I did it for a good reason. I hope he understands.
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Meh,I got tired of waiting for comments. So I decided to update,but I didn't feel like making this chapter sorry about that.
I guess I'll be updating about once or twice each week now. I just...don't really feel like writing that much lately. :P
Maybe I'll update more than that...then again..maybe not.
Sorry to all.
But I promise that when I do update, I'll try my best-est to make the chapters long and very interesting. [: