
Chapter fourteen.

Faye pov

My hands were clammy as I stood by my locker, chewing the inside of my cheek as I waited for Alex. I'd be lying if I said I was confident about this, in fact, it'd be a huge lie. My insides were in knots, my heart was racing with the fear of how he'd take it. I didn't want to hurt him, but I knew that this would crush him somehow. Even if I didn't really want to return Gaige's kisses, but, this was better than having Gaige fill his head with complete lies. The taste of copper filled my mouth as my teeth started digging into my bottom lip now. I felt my stomach fill with huge waves of worry as I saw Alex walking towards me, his eyes filled with hurt.

Just then, Gaige walked by, a look of complete triumph on his face, along with that stupid smirk of his. 'Fuck.'

"Alex, I don't-"

He raised his hand, followed by a shake of his head, "Is it true? You kissed Gaige?" He whispered, his voice filled with betrayal and sorrow.

A crystalline tear rolled down his cheek as he looked into my eyes, that look really made me want to just die on the spot. Of all the years that I'd known him now, he never once had looked this way. It was like I'd broken him in the worst way. Oh, I felt like such a horrible person, but I knew that he had it all wrong. Who knows what lies Gaige had told him?

I tried to touch his cheek, to wipe the tear away, but he simply turned away.

"I did, Alex, but-"

A small noise passed through his lips as he started walking away from me. "That was all I needed to know, and...I can't believe it, Faye. I thought that we- Forget it."

That really killed me, because I knew what really happened last night, and Alexprobably definitely thought the worst of me now. And it was all thanks to Gaige, that no good asshole. My throat was in excrutiating pain as I held my tears in, I didn't want to give Gaige the satisfaction of watching me cry. Knowing that he'd won this round. I wanted to try to fix it, but something was telling me that Alex wouldn't want to listen to me.

My nails dug into my palms as I walked up to Gaige, I was not going to let him get away with this. My eyes burned once more, but now they burned with tears of anger. His annoying friends started snickering as they saw me, I heard Matt and Shaun whisper that 'Gaige's little toy was pissed.'

"Yes, dear. What is-"

My fist collided with his nose as I threw my body into the hit. A small line of blood dribbled down his nose as he lifted his face. People in the hallway stopped to watch the scene, as always. They were really nosy, but I didn't care right now.

"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR?!" Gaige exclaimed, holding his nose as more blood started rushing from it now.

I was seething inside, but I kept an emotionless look outside now. Well, except for the rage in my eyes. "You messed everything up, and you know very well what that was for." I stated before turning on my heel, "Oh, and one more thing...If you thought I hated you before, oh, you have no idea how much I fucking loathe you now. Go and die you fucking asshole."

Murmurs of disapproval and surprise followed me as I walked out of the school, yes I'd be in deep shit tomorrow- but I didn't want to deal with more things today. I'd figure some way out to explain things to Alex. I just hoped that it would work.
♠ ♠ ♠
This was rather short due to the fact that I have to be leaving in a bit.
I am immensely sorry for not updating this story in...well forever.
My internet has been down since..sometime in November, close to the begining of December or so. And I've been really busy with school, since the final exams are coming up very, very soon, and I have to get an 80 or better.
Please excuse me.
I am also working on a new banner for this story. The one I currently have for it has come to bore me, heh.
Anyways, I'm going to try my very best to update this more.
But I can't really make any promises.
I'm sorry.