
Chapter fifteen.

Gaige pov

Some would say what I was about to do was terrible, I said it was perfectly logical, and fair. My gut told me Faye was going to be pissed off, I mean, it was pretty obvious. Shewas is so in love with Alex, but not for long. She can love him for the time being, but I'll make sure to change that. At least for him, and I'll try my best to do so with her-Make her fall in love with me instead. Not to say that it's going to be an easy task, but I can manage. My body was filling with regret at how I was spending my life for the past days, but now that feeling was gone. Guess it was just temporary.

I caught sight of just the person I was looking for, a smirk making its way onto my face as I get my story ready. This is going to be my best performance yet.

"Alex, got a minute?" I questioned, the smirk falling from my lips as I replace it with a look of concern.

Alex looks over his shoulder at me and scoffs, "A minute for you, absolutely not. I'm quite busy."

This is going to be much more enjoyable now, I just know it. "Well, what if I told you it was about your little girlie?"

His coordination faltered and a small frown appeared on his lips, "What is it?"

'Perfect, hooked him, now to reel him in.' "What if I told you that she was begging to be mine yesterday?"

He laughed in amusement, shaking his head in disbelief,"I'd say you were kidding me."

A fake, but believable, expression of sorrow took over my face as I looked away from him with a sigh. "I was just trying to warn you, she's not the girl you think she is. She might seem innocent, sweet, and like she cares, but you don't live with her. I'd like to say I was lying, but I'm not, she was begging to be mine yesterday. Even kissed me, on her own accord. She s-"

"Shut up." Alex growled, his eyes filled with rage, "You're lying. You just want to make it seem like she actually wants you. Faye's not like that, I've known her longer than you have. She wouldn't do something like what you're saying."

I shrugged, "Fine, if that's what you want to believe. You should ask her, see if she tells you the truth, or if she feeds you the lies she's been feeding you for the past years."

My smirk was back full force as I caught sight of the doubt swimming in his eyes, seems like he was buying my story. 'Good.' Now all I had to do was wait, this was just too perfect & easy.
It seems like I hadn't thought out my plan entirely, sure I knew Faye was going to be pissed, but I never imagined she'd be this pissed off. Who knew a girl like her was capable of so much anger? I certainly didn't, which is why I was now thinking I shouldn't underestimate her anymore, just because she's a fragile-looking girl. She's actually very far from being 'fragile.' Chase handed me a wet cloth and sighed in exasperation, taking a seat next to me in the School Clinic.

"What did you do to her?" He questioned, disappointment evident in his eyes.

A painful hiss left my lips as I enclosed my nose with the wet cloth, "What makes you think I did something to her?"

He pinched the bridge of his nose, which only meant he was seriously upset right now. "Gaige, I know you better than anyone else, and I've come to know her very good as well. She's not the kind of girl to just lash out for no absolute reason. So it's pretty obvious that you did something to cause her anger. Now what was it?"

I sighed wearily, looking away from his penetrating gaze before I answering. "I told Alex she was begging to be mine yesterday, and that she kissed me. Now he's upset at her, I think he might've broken up with her, as well."

Chase stood abruptly and placed his hands in the pockets of his hoodie, not looking at me as he walked towards the door. "You seriously fucked up, man. You have no idea how much she loves him, and how much he obviously loves her. She has every right to be pissed off at you."

The door opened & shut loudly, his words striking a chord deep within me. He was absolutely right, Faye did have every right to be pissed off. I glanced over at the mirror on the wall in front of me and sighed, glaring slightly at my reflection. My father's image flickered in and out for a brief second, causing my glare to intensify.Who was I turning into? What had I become?
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I apologize very greatly for not updating sooner.
I was busy finishing up my school work/projects/final exams/and getting my grades up to at least 85's. But, school's over now, at least until October. So I'll have time to write and update this story more. For sure, for sure. (:
Comments help me writer faster.