
Chapter four.

Gaige pov.

"So, dude, what's going on?" Chase asked as he stretched out on a lawn chair. I started messing with my hands, and tracing the contours of my knuckles. The image of Faye was still etched in my brain, nothing helped me get it out, not even music. I took a deep breath before returning Chase's stare. "It's about Faye." I commented, my gaze never faltering, "I don't think I can carry out the bet right now because- Well- Something's going on with her, you see, I think someone is abusing her, but I don't know who it is." Chase lay still, his breathing was now silent and deliberate.

He didn't say anything, he simply stared at the grass and made faces of bewilderment. I could see him open and close his mouth a few times, then he shook his head a few times and looked at me once more. "So, you're saying that...she's being abused. Are you sure about this?" He questioned cautiously, his eyes narrowing slightly as he tried to make sense of it all.
"Well I'm not one hundred percent sure about it, but I saw the bruises, the cuts." I responded in disgust as I remembered how vicious the bruises and cuts looked. "Her arms were covered in bruises, and there were these deep gashes that circled her slim wrists. When I asked her about them, she basically told me not to worry because I didn't care either way. You should've seen the look in her eyes when I asked her, they had fear written all over them. Fear and sorrow."

The beautiful Faye, victim of abuse, of a cruel human being. Who would do such a thing to such a beauty like her? Chase gave my shoulder a gentle squeeze, "Maybe it's nothing, I mean, she is pretty light complexioned. It's pretty easy to get a bruise when you have pale skin, just look at Nicole. We barely even touch her and she gets a huge bruise from it. The cuts could've been some kind of scratch or some scratches she got from...I dunno..something she probably did. " He stated with confidence, and yet, his eyes held a tinge of doubt in them.

I tossed his theory around my head for a while, it did make sense when I thought about it. What was the explanation for the fear in her eyes when I asked her though? She could've thought that I would possible misinterpret the whole situation, but she could've told me and I wouldn't have thought bad about it. Oh well, she probably had her reasons. "You're right, I shouldn't be making a big deal out of something that could be nothing at all." I said with a chuckle at my foolishness of thinking that Faye could possibly be being abused by someone. She could defend herself after all, she is a big girl. She doesn't need someone to protect her, especially not me. I don't have the time to worry about someone who doesn't give a fuck about me.

Chase chuckled with amusement and gave my shoulder another squeeze. "Now, that's the Gaige I know." He laughed, "You were starting to worry me, man. For a second, I thought you were going soft on us." His shoulders started shaking as his laughter intensified at the thought of me going soft. "Fuck no." I chuckled, hitting him on the side of his head somewhat gently.

After we calmed down, I propped myself up on my elbows and slapped myself mentally for wanting to postpone the bet. Who said the bet couldn't go on as scheduled now?
"Hey, Chase?" I started with a small smile. He opened one eye and nodded, "Yeah..."
"About the bet..." I trailed off to make him grow suspenseful. Sure enough, he sat up quickly and waited on the edge of the lawn chair. "What is it?" He questioned with a grin. Most likely, he'd guessed what I was up to. I smirked in confidence and locked eyes with him,
"It's back on."
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Sorry if this was somewhat boring, I promise I'll make the next chapter better.
Three comments= chapter five.