
Chapter six.

Faye pov

My blood was still boiling from the incident with Gaige. Everyone knows Gaige is a people user, but come on, why the hell did he kiss me? Did he think I'd fall into his trap and go out with him? Yeah right, like I'd actually go out with him on my own will. They'd have to drug me and brainwash me in order for that to ever happen. I know they don't have the guts to do that though so people will never see Faye Annalise Riel on a date with Gaige Arden McKenzie.

"Faye?" Alex whispered, throwing a wad of paper at me. I glanced at him and gave a tiny nod. "What's bothering you?" He mouthed, ending his question with a pout. I held in a giggle at his behavior, seeing him pout was adorable. It accentuated his childish, yet handsome face. My favorite thing about it was the dimples he got in his cheeks, they just made me want to hug him close and never let go.

Another wad of paper hit me in the face, Alex's impatience taking over most definitely. "Tell you after school." I mouthed back with a tiny smile. His hair fell into his eyes as he shook his head furiously, "No deal," he whispered with another pout. I rolled my eyes and shrugged, "Fine then, I won't tell you." I whispered, a serious expression taking over my face. Deep inside I was definitely cracking up. You see, Alex, well he's a tad indecisive. If I threaten with something like this he always gives this cute little squeak and agrees to my terms. Sure enough, a small squeak came from his desk as he made puppy dog eyes at me. "You win, meanie." He mouthed, tracing an invisible tear down his face to make me feel guilty, but I didn't. This simply caused me to break out in laughter, that of course, won me a glare from the teacher. "Sorry." I mumbled as I tried to hold more laughter in. A loud 'thunk' from Alex's desk echoed in the room as he dropped his head onto his desk at the teacher's dull lesson.

Alex bounced up and down in excitement as he poked my cheek. He says it's fun to poke and pinch my face because it's soft and oh so inviting. He's also said that he'd like to have a blanket as soft as my hair, I find rather amusing. "Alex, stop." I state, holding my hands up to my face in order to make sure he stops. Sure enough, he calms down and stands absolutely still. "Sure my princess." He chuckles, dropping his arms to his side after kissing my cheek. Something he did to 'make it better,' was what he said many times before when I was down.

I sighed rather quietly and removed my hands from my face. "Do you want to know why I'm so upset?" I questioned with an almost quiet hiss. He nods rapidly and starts bouncing again. Usually, I'd laugh at this, but right now I couldn't. "Gaige...kissed me...when I was somewhat off guard." I said nonchalantly, inside my head I was yelling hundreds of profanities out of rage. Alex stopped bouncing around and stared at me as if I was an extraterrestrial. He remained silent and still. I could faintly see him clench his jaw, his knuckles turned white as he made fists.

"Don't." I stated firmly, "He's not even worth it." Alex blinked three times and took a deep breath, his angry expression was replaced with a grin. "Y'know what?" He said, his grin growing wider. "I'm not even mad now because I know he'll never be able to have you. You're sweet and amazing, while he's an asshole and in love with himself. I'm glad I get to keep you." His arms went around my waist as he kissed me lightly, sending slight shocks throughout my body. His kiss was so distinct from Gaige's, this kiss had true meaning in it, it was sweet, and I wanted it. Gaige's kiss was forceful, meaningless, and upsetting. Very distinct.

"Walk you home?" He offered with a smile. "Sure." I responded, returning his smile. After all, my parents aren't home yet so they won't even have a clue Alex walked me home. Who would've thought I'd end up being wrong, again.

Rage filled her face again, but this time it looked much, much worse. She stormed over to me quickly and got hold of my hair, pulling on it roughly. "I've told you time, and time again. That boy only wants one thing from you, once he has that he'll be gone." She stated angrily, slapping me hard across the face. "No, he doesn't. He cares about me, " I paused, " more than you and dad ever did. I- I hate you." She sneered and wrapped her hands around my neck, cutting off my breathing. "You shall never say that again." She hissed with more anger, throwing me to the floor very hard. My head hurt greatly despite the carpet covering the living room floor. My father walked towards us slowly and kicked my side with great force. A wheeze made its way past my lips as the air rushed out of my lungs.

"Never- say- that- again." My father grunted out with each kick. My sides ached so much, this didn't stop them though. They only made the kicks rougher and more painful. My mother pulled me up by the hair and punched me in the face four times with her other hand. "This'll teach you to respect us." She said with determination. Blood slowly trickled from my nose and lips, my sides felt like they had been crushed with metal claws. My head was throbbing as much as the rest of my body, but I couldn't speak out to stop them. My voice was just gone now.

After a few more kicks and punches, both father and mother left. I lay on the floor bleeding, whimpering at each strong wave of pain that shot throughout every bone in my body. 'I can't give up now. I won't.' I repeated in my head to gather a bit of strength. Slowly and carefully, Id dragged myself over to the phone. '911.' My fingers did as I thought in my head.

"911. What's your emergency?" Asked the operator with an empty voice. "Need help. Hurt so much..." I croaked out, cringing at the pain in my lip. "What's your address, dear?" She asked, concern appearing in her voice. "4332...Maine." I said with force, causing the pain in my head to grow. "Someone is on their way, hold on." She stated before hanging up.

I didn't bother hanging up the phone, why should I? My vision started growing blurry as I crawled over to the couch, 'This can't be it,' I thought with dismay. I lay my head down on the carpet and sighed quietly, hoping that I'd be strong enough to beat this.

After about two minutes I heard an ambulance siren, the sound echoed in my head repeatedly. A tiny smile appeared on my bloody face as I heard the door being kicked down. Someone held me in their arms gently and whispered, 'Dear god, who would do such thing?' I strained my vision to see the person's face, it was a man with short brown hair, the look on his face was the same as Gaige's was when he saw the bruises on my arms. Horrified, disgusted, and sympathetic. I forced a smile onto my face and sighed, "Thank you," before everything went black.
♠ ♠ ♠
So I was going to make this chapter much longer, but I decided against it. Better to build the suspense. [:
Anyways, I shall warn you, the next chapter is going to be written as if some time already passed. About three and a half weeks. Just saying so you all won't be like ' O.o Wtf is happening?' lol.
I thank Xxarmageddon.flame.xX greatly for giving me her awesome idea. I shall start working on the next chapter now....
four comments= extra update(Gaige's life story) XD