
Chapter seven.

It was all still fresh in my head, the judge hitting the gavel on the stand, my mother crying crocodile tears, the accusatory glares my father shot me. Fuck, I couldn't care less now. At least I'll be placed into a safe home now, no more wondering if I'll be hit when I get home from school, no more bruises, no more pain. I was wrong for thinking I'd feel guilty if I were to ever speak out about their abuse, guilt isn't even an emotion I'm feeling right now. I feel relieved, happy, and proud of myself for finally stopping their abuse.
Alex was right when he'd said that I'd feel much, much better after I told the cops everything. Then I had to tell the social worker, and once again tell the judge everything. I have to confess, it got me frustrated and I wanted to say that everything was a lie I'd made up out of anger at my parents. But, if I said that then I would've gotten in trouble for lying and accusing someone innocent. My parents would end up killing me if I did that too, so I really had no choice left.

The social worker had told me that I'd be placed into a foster home, when she saw the nervous look on my face she assured me that it was a 'safe' home. That caused me to smile wide, she gave me a hug before leaving me to pack up my bags. I threw my clothes in the suitcase hurriedly, eager to see who my new family would be. Some would say fucked up to forget about your parents, I say fuck no. When the social worker returned to my room I started bouncing around in joy with Alex. Of course he was here, I could not, not have him here. He gave me the strength I needed to make it through each day so I needed him here for this. "Faye, meet your new foster family." She stated before moving aside to let them walk in. Alex and I stopped jumping around to see them clearly. The man and woman seemed nice, Alex let me know what he thought with a grin. He loved them. 'I think I love them already.' I said in my head. Then the moment had to be ruined. Gaige walked in with a tiny smile and waved at me. "What. The. Fuck." Alex whispered besides me. My smile dropped instantaneously and I froze up. 'Fuck no.' I thought. My gaze fell onto the social worker, "This is a joke, right?" I questioned. She shook her head and said once again that this was my new foster family. "Fuck." I murmured, leaning on Alex for support.

Footsteps echoed in the silent room, someone squeezed my shoulder gently. "Faye, what's going on?" Asked two familiar voices. Jay and Zacky. "Meet my new foster family." I murmured bitterly as I motioned over to Gaige and his parents. "Oh, wow." Zacky mumbled faintly, patting my shoulder twice. He leaned closer to me and rested his head on my shoulder. "I'm so sorry." He whispered quietly so only I could hear. "Yeah, me too." I responded with a sigh. "Fuck, well that blows, Faye." Jay said, not bothering to lower his voice so Gaige and his parents wouldn't hear. I could hear his parents murmuring something to the social worker, probably regretting wanting to take me in. Good. Mary, the social worker, walked over to me and looked at me with this unreadable expression. "Just give them a chance, they know what you've been through and only want to help." She said in a soothing voice. "Care my ass," I mumbled quietly. "Fine, but I am not making any promises."
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This was also xXarmageddon.flamexX's idea. Thanks a million. [:
And I pretty much decided not to wait for comments cause I have to work on my Geometry homework right now and I probably won't get on again until I finish it in like an hour.
Btw, this chapter is short because I wanted to catch you all up with what's going on now.
I already have half of Chapter eight typed....It's in the present and what's going on currently , so yeah.
3 comments= chapter eight.