
Chapter eight.

Faye pov

"Shut the hell up!!!" I yelled at the wall in annoyance. No, I'm not psycho, its simply that Gaige keeps throwing shit at the fucking wall in his room, making the noise come into my room when I'm trying to do homework. Something I was so used to doing because my parents would punish me when I didn't do it, so it pretty much turned into a habit. Another 'thump' on the wall, then another. "Fucking idiots." I mutter under my breath as I toss my homework to the floor. Something comes into my head suddenly, I laugh quietly as I walk over to Gaige's room. "What the fuck, Gaige!? I know you two love each other, but can't you fuck somewhere else. How 'bout a few states away?" I yell at his door, giving it one light punch with my fist to get his attention. The banging on the wall completely stops then the door opens. A bare chested Gaige smirks at me, "Well wouldn't you like to be in Chase's place..." He states, looking me up and down. I hold in my laughter at the stupidity of his comment and try to ignore it. I plaster a fake smile on face, "Tell you what, I'd rather go out with him than ever go out with you, and that's saying something." Chase shoves Gaige out of the way and raises his hand at me in attempt to get a high five. "Sorry, but no, I said I'd rather go out with you instead of Gaige...but that doesn't mean I'd actually do it." I comment with a small frown, " I shall not make friends with the enemies' friends. Now shut the fuck up with your noise before I throw you both out the window."

I shoved Chase back quickly and shut pulled the door shut. I'm pretty sure it hit one of them because I heard a soft 'thump' then an 'ow.'
Returning to my room with a good laugh, I lay back on my bed and started working on my English homework once more. The noise coming from Gaige's room had permanently stopped. 'Mission accomplished.' I think with a triumphant look on my face. Why'd I get stuck with Gaige's family out of all people? Why his? How did they even find out what happened to me? Did Mary just go out and tell them about me in hope that they'd take me in? Its all confusing me greatly. Know what blows more? They don't even fucking let me hang out with my friends. Not at all. When we were driving home from the orphanage they told me ,"Those three boys have to go. You will not use foul language, you are a lady not some hooker of the street. From now on only Gaige and his friends will be your friends because they can be trusted." I almost laughed out loud, they can be trusted? Wow, what that hell did Gaige do to his parents? Brainwash them? Gaige and his friends are the last things to be trusted on this earth, they will fuck your life up completely. I know that from other people whom Gaige has fucked with. They were a wreck for some time before they managed to get their life together again. All because of Gaige and friends. That won't happen to me, not now, not ever.

My homework was halfway done when the door was kicked open. Before I could react, I had cold water thrown on me. "WHAT THE FUCK?!?" I exclaimed in surprise and anger. My black hair drooped over my eyes, droplets of water staining the carpet. My homework was ruined, my clothes were wet and clinging to my body,and I was cold. Great. Gaige and Chase high fived each other and started chuckling at the sight of my black hair clinging to my face. "I'm going to KILL you both!" I snarled, throwing my soggy homework to the floor then running after them. They laughed like maniacs as I chased them throughout the house, "Stupid Gaige and Chase." I muttered under my breath as I sped after them. I'd lost sight of Chase, but Gaige was still in clear view. He started slowing down slightly, and I saw my chance to shove him to the ground. But of course, his best friend had to come to the rescue.

A great amount of weight was being applied to my abdomen as Chase sat on me, asking if I surrendered. Gaige's face was full of amusement, but I was not going to give them the pleasure of surrendering. "No, now get off me." I said almost breathlessly. Gaige started laughing again as Chase started bouncing himself up and down on my abdomen. My food felt like it was doing somersaults in my intestines, and I knew I would throw up soon. But, wait...if I do throw up, they deserve it, right? I smirked at Chase and groaned, "I suggest you get of me now if you don't want colorful chunks of food to cover your shirt." His eyes widened in horror and he got off me quickly. "Ew, thanks, but no thanks." He responded with a sigh of relief. Gaige froze up and punched Chase's arm as I stood quickly.
"Payback's a bitch." I comment before walking back to my room. It'd be fun to get back at them right now, but its better to keep them guessing. They'll never be expecting it, and that's what makes it all the more fun.

I unlocked the silver handles on my window and started to lift it up as carefully as possible. Once I had it open enough I stuck one foot out the window, only to freeze up as I was going to lift myself out completely.
"And just where do you think you're going?"Gaige whispered in my ear, his hand grabbing hold of my waist. "Fuck." I mouthed silently, glancing out the window at Alex sadly, "Can't go, sorry." He nodded and ran away silently. "Sneaking off to see lover boy?" He hissed into my ear, squeezing my hip softly. "Screw you." I stated in annoyance, throwing my leg back in hope that I'd end up kicking him.
Gaige lifted me up and pushed me back onto my bed, following after and straddling me. "I think we can arrange that, sweetie." He murmured into my neck, placing a kiss on my collarbone afterwards. A shiver ran down my spine at this, I didn't do it on purpose, it was just an instant reaction. Gaige smirked into my collarbone and bit down rather roughly, this woke me out of my daze. "Get off of me." I commanded, shoving him off me with force. He fell to the floor and hissed, "Ouch, what the fuck?"

What is up with Gaige? Why does he keep flirting with me even when his friends aren't around? I mean, he always flirts with me around them, I know they all still have the bet running. 'Go out with Faye then throw her away.' I even heard Nicole and Anne talking about it once, saying how Gaige was so going to get me to fall for him. That I'd be the most broken girl on the planet. They're fucking whores. "Stop trying to get in my pants twenty four seven, Gaige. I'm not a whore like your friends, so quit the shit." I stated with a glare, knowing quite well that he probably couldn't see it since he was still on the floor.
He brought himself to his feet and ran his hand along my cheek quickly, "Who said I ever considered you a friend?" He whispered in a seductive tone. I crossed my arms on my chest and glared at the floor. "Get out." He kissed the top of my head and walked out swiftly.

My hands went to my hair instantly, I started rubbing at it furiously, as if the feel of his lips would melt off. I hate when people fake their emotions, I do it, but that's only when I don't want to seem vulnerable. I don't fake them every hour of the day, like some people I know. Gaige. I thought I had made myself clear the first day I'd arrived here. "Let's just live our lives separately, alright? You go your way and I'll go mine. Simple?" He didn't say anything, he just gave me this odd look I can't really describe. His eyes were just empty, and he had a somewhat pained look on his face. Like he'd remembered something sad, but what could possibly be sad in your life when you have the perfect family?

My phone vibrated in my pocket, shaking me from my thoughts. 'Everything okay?'-Alex
I replied with, 'Yes, everything's just fine. See you at school. Music hall, 7:30 am. -Faye Not even a minute later I got a reply, Alright, sleep well, love. -Alex
The screen went black as I placed my phone on the small desk besides the bed, but not without locking my phone of course. Can't have the family reading my messages, nosy people they are at times. Mainly Gaige.

I closed my eyes with a sigh and pulled the blankets over body, my previous thoughts all coming back once more. Hopefully I'd fall asleep during them.
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Another wonderful idea from my co writer. [:
I have half of chapters nine and ten written down in my notebook. I shall finish them up right away.
Sorry I took forever, my computer was acting up and I had to restart it about three times for it work properly. :/
For now would you all like me to post Gaige's story as an extra chapter?
five comments= post of extra chptr.