Lost Forever in Eventide

New arrivals and acquaintances

My father and I stood next to Nathaniel as we waited for The new arrivals. The others stood behind us. I’m still wondering why Luther Is eager to meet my acquaintance. Nobody has ever wanted to before.
“Everyone settle down!” Nathaniel spoke. “It is Twilight, they shall be here any moment”
Everyone was quiet. My father whispered in my ear “Speak when your spoken to”
I nodded.
A moment passed in silence, and then, in the distance I spotted five people, no, vampires.
As they neared us I was suddenly aware of how beautiful they were. Its as if they were angels that descended from heaven. They walked with such grace and beauty it was astounding. There was a tall one with curly blonde hair, I guessed he was Luther, since he looked similar to Nathaniel. There was also a woman, a strikingly gorgeous one. She was average height with short, pin straight brown hair. Although she looked beautiful to me, her expression was quite the opposite. She glared at me with her dark chocolate eyes and quite frankly, I was frightened.
I managed to look away to look at the other three. I looked to the left of the woman to see two seemingly older vampires. They did not take my fancy so I looked to the last one. My eyes widened though I tried not to show how in awe I was. The last vampire was a boy. From the looks of him he has to be close to my age.
He had short brown hair, but what I was really interested in was his eyes. A light hazel color. Beautiful. After a few minutes of mindless staring I looked down, though I must admit it was difficult.
When I looked up again they were all a few feet away from me. I was startled.
Nathaniel walked up to Luther and placed his hands on Luther’s cheeks.
“My dear brother, it has been a while. I trust your journey went well?”
“Yes Nathaniel, pleasantly well,” he glanced at me. “Is this the girl?”
Nathaniel smiled. “ yes.” He turned around to face me and my father. “Luther, this is my closest friend Arthur, and his daughter Audrey.”
“Lovely to meet you Luther, I’ve heard many good things about you.” my Father smirks and bows courteously. My father has never bowed to anyone what is all this about?
I smiled at Luther and he smiled back. “Audrey” he bowed.
“Pleasure.” I curtsied and he was satisfied.
“Well mannered daughter Arthur. I’m impressed.” Luther smiles.
Nathaniel spoke before my father could reply to the complement.
“It seems that our Audrey has more manners than you. Are you going to introduce us to the others or not?”
Luther grinned “Yes, of course. This here is Derrick and this is Tristen.” he pointed to the two older vampires. “This young woman is Evangeline and this right here,” he pointed to the boy whose eyes caught my attention earlier. “This is my son, Carden”
Carden, wow he is gorgeous. I never thought I would see such a person who is so horribly handsome that its awe striking.
Nathaniel and my father bow to all of them, and they all bow back. I reframe from looking at any of them, but I can feel Evangeline’s glare.
“Shall I give you all a tour of the area?” Nathaniel asks.
“Yes that would be quite lovely.” Luther smiles. My father nudges my arm, which I know means he wants me to go back to my room. So I obey and begin to walk away and the others get ready for there tour.
Before I could get very far, Luther called out my name. I turn around to see him right next to me. “Dearest Audrey, due stay for a while longer. Accompany us on our tour.”
I glanced at my father who was as confused as I. “Of course” I finally said, still as confused as my father.

For the rest of the night, Nathaniel was showing the newcomers the town. He made sure he told them whoever lives in each house, information I’m sure I wouldn’t want or need to know, and also showed them in depth the forest our town is surrounded by. He also made sure, naturally, to tell them where it is alright to hunt. Throughout the whole tour, I was merely a ghost that no one could see or I was merely a nuisance that they didn’t even bother paying attention to. Why Luther asked me to accompany them, I still don’t know.
After midnight I was growing bored, so I decided to play miss. Tired and excuse myself. Surely they would understand.
Here goes nothing. “I’m sorry, but I’m afraid I cannot keep myself awake for much longer. Please excuse me” That sounded convincing enough.
Luther and Carden were the only ones to turn around. Nathaniel was talking to Evangeline and my father was having a laugh with Derrick and Tristen.
Luther spoke “Of course my dear. It was a pleasure meeting you. Goodnight.”

I smiled and walked away. I didn’t plan on going back home just yet. As I walked though I was thinking of Carden. Does he ever talk? He is a puzzling creature I must say.
I wasn’t really tired merely bored so I decided to visit my favorite thinking spot. I called it turtle hill. It was a clearing in the forest, an acre of vast plain land with a beautiful meadow of tulips. In the middle of the meadow was a lake, which looked even more fascinating at night while the stars and moon shined on it. In the distance there is a small hill that reminds me of a turtle, and alas that is how turtle hill came to be.
I sat under a tree and looked up at the stars. Oh how marvelous they are. I could stay here forever.
As I looked up at the stars I wondered if mother was up there, watching me. It was a silly though but I wished it was true.
“Marvelous, aren’t they? The stars I mean.”
I stood up as fast and turned around to see Carden. So he does talk.