The Hardest Part of This Is Leaving You

22. Movie Night

Frank’s POV

It’s now Friday and I’m proud to say my history test went quite well. I must say though that I’m glad the weekend, I want to spend with Sophie, is finally there. I decide to call her, to see whether she’ll be able to come over. I scroll down my contact list and press the call button when I get to her name. She picks up after two or so rings.

“Hey Frankie,” she says as she picks up and I can hear the smile in her voice.

“Hey Soph. I was thinking about spending some time with you. You wanna come over tonight?”

“I’d love to, but I can’t, sorry. Marissa invited me over for a sleepover.”

“Oh, okay. How ‘bout tomorrow?” I ask, a bit bummed out she can’t come over today.

“Uhm, I don’t know when I’ll leave Marissa’s yet, but I’ll let you know when I do leave and I’ll come to yours right after. Sound good to you?” Sophie suggests.

“Yeah, sure. The sooner you’re here, the better. I miss you, you know.”

“Aw, you’re making me blush,” Sophie laughs, “but I’ll be there as soon as I can, ‘kay?”

“Perfect. Have fun tonight.”

“I will. Love you,” she quickly adds, causing a swarm of butterflies to come to life in my stomach.

“Love you too. I’ll see you tomorrow then. Bye sweetie.”

“Tomorrow. Bye,” she says, before hanging up. I put my phone down on my nightstand and stare of into space, thinking about, well just Sophie basically. After about 5 minutes, my mum calls me down for dinner, so I slowly get up from my bed, getting down the stairs and into the kitchen.

“Hey mum,” I say when I take a seat at the table.

“Hey Frankie. How was your day?” she asks me as she is filling my plate with some of her heavenly vegetarian lasagna.

“Uhm, kinda boring. Just your typical day of school, you know. How was your day? Anything exciting happen at the hospital?” I answer, before shoving a fork of lasagna into my mouth.

“Not really. It was just your typical day of work, you know what I mean,” she answers me with a laugh. “Any plans for the weekend?”

“Sophie is coming over sometime tomorrow, but that’s everything I’ve got planned so far. Why?”

“Just being curious, is all. Why isn’t she coming over tonight? I thought you’d have her come over as soon as possible?”

“She was invited to a sleepover at her friend’s. She doesn’t really have an idea when she’ll leave, but she’s coming here as soon as she has the chance.”

“Ok. Just make sure to properly introduce us to each other this time,” my mum smiles at me.

“Sure thing mum. Have you got any plans for the weekend?”

“Not really. Grocery shopping and cleaning, but that’s about it. I know you’ll think this is lame, but how about we have an old-fashioned mother-son evening of watching movies together?”

“I do think it sounds lame, but I’d love to. What movie do you want to watch? Please don’t name such a stupid, mushy, lame, typical ‘mum-movie’” I plead. Knowing my mum, she’d want to watch something like ‘Pride and prejudice’, after having read the book like a gazillion times already.

“How about we watch ‘Casanova’?”

“No movie night for us then.”

“I’m kidding. I know you wouldn’t want to watch anything like that. I was thinking we could watch ‘Sweeney Todd’. Does that sound better to you, my beloved son?,” mum asks, making me laugh.

“Loads. Nothing beats a good Tim Burton movie.”

“Okay, that’s settled than. I’ll put the dishes in the dishwasher, you go set up the DVD and fetch us some snacks.”


For the rest of the night, me and my mum watched Sweeney Todd together, laughing our asses of at times. And you know, it even helped to take my mind off of Sophie for a while. But now that the movie is over and I’m lying in my bed, she’s all I can think of once again. I wonder what she’s doing right now. I just hope she’ll come over quite soon, I really want to see her, you know. I love her so much, she’s like oxygen, I just need her to be able to survive. And with that thought, I slowly drift of to sleep.
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