The Hardest Part of This Is Leaving You

3. Old Times

Sophie’s POV

“You’re kidding me!” I try to say, in between giggles.

“No, it really happened. Can you imagine?” Marissa answers, laughing.

“Yeah. I can see him standing there, in his underwear,” I say, laughing harder than before. Suddenly I stop laughing.


“It’s time! I already am 5 minutes late!”

“For what?”

“I have to go to grandma!”

“Oh no. Come on let’s go!” Quickly we rush out Starbucks and run home.

“And where have you been, young lady?” my mom says, a little bit pissed off, because I’m late.

“I’m so sorry mom. But Marissa told something funny and we were laughing all the time. It wasn’t on purpose.”

“Get ready, Sophie. We’re waiting for you.” Quickly I nod and run upstairs.
I take a look in the mirror and grab my present. Quickly I rush back downstairs, and take my purse.

“I’m ready.”

“Do you have your coat?”


“Okay, let’s go!” My dad says.

30 minutes later

“Finally, you made it. I was worried,” grandma Nelly says, as we walk in the room.

“We’re so sorry, mom. Sophie was late. She was at Starbucks with Marissa,” my mom apologizes.

“That’s no problem. Hanging out with friends is always fun. Marissa was your best friend, right, Sophie?”

“Yes, grandma. I’m sorry that I was late. Marissa was telling something really funny.”

“I understand, darling. I know it’s fun to laugh together. I, your old grandma, liked that, too. I still remember those times with my best friend, Marie. That were good times. I miss her. I regret it ended so soon. Why her? She was my best friend! We had a lot of fun!” Grandma says, getting tears in her eyes.

“What happened to her, grandma?” I whisper.

“Oh. Nothing interesting. Let’s eat some cake I’ve made,” she says, changing the subject.

“No, grandma, I want to know. We can eat cake later.”

“Do you really want to know?”

“Yeah, we want to know, mom,” my mom says, also whispering.

“Okay, then. As I said, Marie was my best friend. We did everything together. Everything. We laughed all the time, we did detention all the time, we joked with people, we were rebels.
I loved her so much. Our parents were friends, too. We were both 17 when something horrible happened. We just came from my home. We were going to her house. I still can’t believe it,” grandma says, starting to sob.

“What happened to her?”

“It was war. We were really careful, because we knew what could happen to us. Normally we shouldn’t of walked alone on the streets, but we were in a protected area. That afternoon the Canadian army came in our neighbourhood. No one expected it, because we were protected. Our army, who was protecting us were killed. All of them. The enemies were throwing bombs. One bomb landed close to where we were walking. I survived with extreme wounds, but Marie died. I couldn’t get over it. I was depressed. But my friends and family pulled me trough it. I was thinking about suicide. Because of my friends I am still here.”

“Oh my god,” I whisper. “Really?”

“Yeah,” grandma whispers back. “But let’s eat some cake.”

“Okay,” dad says.
I still can’t believe it. What if something bad happens to Marissa? I wouldn’t survive it.

No, I can’t think like that. Nothing is going to happen to her. Ever. I will protect her.
Unexpectedly my cell phone rings.
Quickly I answer my phone.


“Yeah,” I say confused. “Who are you?”

“I am Marissa’s mom. Marissa fall down the stairs and lost consciousness. You need to come to the hospital, immediately.”
Oh no. It happened. I was too late. How could something happen to her?
Please God, don’t let her die.
“Sophie?! Sophie! Answer!”

“I.. uh. I’ll come i…immediately,” I say, my voice shaking.
♠ ♠ ♠
Pretty long, YAY.

I would love to have comments, so please comment.
I will love you so much when you do! They make my day.

The next chapter will come when heartbreakisforever is ready.

Much love and cookies!,
Leen <3