The Hardest Part of This Is Leaving You

31. Surprise

Sophie’s POV

I know I’m getting depressed. I can’t handle not being able to see my friends and Frank. My parents think it’s the best for me, so it would be easier to say goodbye, forever. But hell no, it isn’t making it easier. And I will do anything to make sure I’ll see them again. Anything.
For the first time in my life, I wish it were school. Then I could see everyone there. It wouldn’t make it so hard for me. For the first time in my whole life, I want to go to school!

I’m in my room, crying, again. I’ve been crying for days now. I thought a human wasn’t able to be crying so long. Apparently, I was wrong. But I’m glad my parents are to the supermarket. Not for long, though. I definitely haven’t got enough time to go to Frank’s place or something. I’m sure they’re gonna be back really soon. They know I don’t have enough time for that.

Suddenly the phone starts ringing. I’m surprised, who would that be? Should I get it? It probably won’t be for me, and so I’d only have to say my parents are away. I’m definitely not feeling like picking up the phone, since I was crying.
But the phone keeps ringing and it’s such an annoying sound. Wanting to get rid of the sound, I run downstairs to pick up the phone.

“Stephens. Who’s calling?” I hope the person on the other side of the line didn’t hear that I cried.

“Is that you Sophie? I’m so happy you answered the phone!” I immediately recognize the voice.

“Frank?!” I immediately start sobbing again. It’s been a few days since I last called him. “Why are you calling? What if my parents picked up the phone? Hurry up, they’re gonna be home soon!”

“I would’ve figured something out. I’d do anything just to talk to you. Really, I’m so glad you answered it. I miss you sweetie, I love you.”

“I miss you, too. I can’t handle it anymore, Frankie. You’ve got to save me!”

“I’ll do my best honey, I’ll do my best. Please don’t cry.”

“I can’t help it. It’s just all too much for me.”

“I know, honey. Actually, the reason why I called is that I have an idea to see you!”

“Really? C’mon tell me! Anything’s good enough!”

“How about I come to your house at night and sort of… kidnap you!”

“I’d definitely want to be kidnapped by you!” I laugh. But then I hear something. It’s a car. My parent’s car! “Frank! My parents are home! Quick!”

“Oh… uhm… what time do your parents sleep?”

“Let’s say you’ll be able to get here at midnight! Bye, I love you, see you tonight!” I quickly hang up the phone and put in back in its place. I run upstairs in my room again, pretending I was there all the time. Just before I close my door, I hear the front door open. I sigh in relief, what if they caught me?

I lay down on my bed again, rolling to my side and I close my eyes. As usual, they come upstairs and open my door. “Sophie? We’re back,” my mum says. She waits for a moment, but I’m sure she knows she won’t get an answer. She sighs and I hear her walking to my bed.
“Look, sweetie. I hate to see you like that! C’mon, a little bit of happiness doesn’t hurt! Show me a smile!” Again, I don’t answer.
“Sophie! That’s enough! You’re coming downstairs with me right now and you’ll act normal! Stop pretending!”

“What?! How should I able to smile without my friends? This is what you’ve done to me so you’ll have to deal with it! It’s your own damn fault!” I yell. She sighs and turns around to leave my room. She’s obviously angry. But like I said, it’s their own fault!
I start to cry again and close my eyes.

I open my eyes just as I hear a slight knock on my window. I yawn and look at my alarm clock. 11.58 pm. What? Have I slept the whole time? Why didn’t my parents wake me up?
Again a knock on my window. Slightly confused, I open the curtains. Frank! I immediately open my window. “Frank! How did you get up here?” I whisper and kiss him.

“I’ve got some superpowers, you know,” he laughs after our kiss.

“Shh, quiet! I have no idea if my parents are asleep, I’ve slept all the time!” I whisper and make a sign that he has to stay there. I open my door and listen carefully. I hear some snoring so I know they’re asleep. I close the door again and turn around. “It’s clear. You can kidnap me now, my superhero!” I giggle.

“Hmm… I definitely like that idea!” he smirks and kisses me again. He wraps his arms around my waist as I wrap mine around his neck. We stay like that for a moment until he pulls away. “I should do my job and kidnap you. Follow me, we’re going outside.” I hesitate for a moment but then follow him.

“Okay. But I really have to be back on time!” I whisper and walk over to my sweater. I will definitely need that.
But it’s still dark in my room and I didn’t see the box standing in the middle of my room. I trip over it and make a lot of noise. “Auwtch!” I say and hold my pained knee.

“Honey, are you okay?” Frank rushes over to me and gives my knee a soft kiss. “Better now?”

“Much better!” I smile. But I had made too much noise when I fell. Suddenly I hear someone on the other side of the door.

“Sophie? What’s that noise?” I hear my dad mumbling.

“Quick! Hide yourself!” I whisper to Frank, panicked. “Uhm, nothing, I was just… uhm… I couldn’t find my handkerchief!” I say a bit louder.

“Okay then, I guess. Sleep tight!”

“Yeah, you too!” I say and hear my dad walking away. I wait a moment until I really hear the snoring again and then turn around to Frank again. “Come on, let’s get out of here!”