The Hardest Part of This Is Leaving You

34. Good Times Fade Away

Frank’s POV
Last night was the best way to say goodbye to Sophie, even though I wish I didn’t need to say goodbye. I hope her parents didn’t find out about her sneaking out either, that would make keeping in touch with Sophie even more difficult. I’m sure her parents will keep track of everything she does, including checking her in- and outgoing e-mails and text messages. That still won’t stop me from talking to her, I just can’t live without hearing from Sophie.

I can’t wait until Sophie turns 18 and moves back here, which I know she will. Or is it ‘which I hope she will’. She hasn’t even been gone for a day and I’m already doubting her, man this isn’t good. I should really do something else, instead of just sitting here, constantly thinking about her. I’ll just end up being depressed if I don’t start doing something else. Maybe I can start cleaning the mess we made yesterday. I bet mum would love me for that.

I get up from my bed and slowly make my way downstairs, to the living room, where pizza boxes, empty glasses and other trash is lying around. While I start to clean up, yesterday’s events come back to me.
After everyone decides to get some sleep, me and Sophie go up to my room. We lay down on my bed, facing each other, just looking in the other’s eyes. We stay that way for what might have been an hour, not saying anything, just enjoying to be together for a last time.

“I’m going to miss you so much Frank,” Sophie whispers, breaking the silence.

“I’ll miss you too, but let’s not think about that for now,” I whisper as well. “Let’s just savour our last moment together, without thinking about you leaving. Or at least without talking about it.” I can see some tears welling up in her eyes and I can feel my heart breaking a bit more every passing second. Like I said, we may not be talking about her leaving, but really, that’s all I can think about. Tonight is the last time I’ll ever see Sophie, or be able to kiss her or hold her in my arms. God, I’ll miss her so much, everything about her.

I am shaken from my thoughts by the feel of Sophie’s soft lips on mine and I kiss back eagerly. This kiss is filled with so much passion and love it makes me feel like I’m on a high, but at the same time, it’s also filled with sadness. I feel a tear roll down Sophie’s cheek and I wipe it away with my thumb, not wanting her to cry. I pull away from the kiss and wrap my arms around her waist, pulling her even closer to me, letting her snuggle into my chest. We lay there, silently reminiscing about our relationship. We even manage to laugh at some of our memories, lifting the mood again.

After a while, it gets time for Sophie to get back to her place, so she’ll be back before her parents wake up and notice she’s missing. I take her back to her place and we say goodbye to each other before she climbs back up to her room. When she gets inside, she turns around, giving me a final wave which I return, before she turns around again, disappearing from view.

Even cleaning up doesn’t allow me to not think about Sophie. By the time I finish cleaning, silent tears are rolling down my cheeks once again, just like they were when I got home early this morning. At the moment it feels like good times are fading away slowly and sadness is the only thing that’s replacing them. It’s like after Sophie left, every ounce of happiness was sucked out of my life.
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Again, we're sorry that you had to wait so long!
It's a short chapter, but I think Ine did a good job!

I'm going to try to get a new chapter out as soon as I can! I already wrote a big part of it.