The Hardest Part of This Is Leaving You

4. Looking for 'The Girl'

Frank's POV

I can’t stop thinking about that girl I saw at Starbucks yesterday. Gerard and Mikey continued making fun of me for it for the remainder of the day.
I decide to go back to Starbucks at around the same time I got there yesterday, so maybe she’s gonna be there again. I can’t help it, I just want to see her again, maybe try to talk to her. And yes, today I do remember it’s November, so I’m taking my coat before leaving the door.

On my way to Starbucks, I’m thinking of things I could talk to her about. I come up with the most random and cliché things, like the weather, stuff like that. I have this whole random conversation between her and me going on in my head. I know that’s weird, but it’s just something I tend to do when I think of someone. Especially when it’s someone like that girl, a gorgeous, special someone.

When I get to Starbucks, even though I’m wearing a coat, I’m still thankful for the warm air that is washing over me as soon as I enter. I look around quickly, only to notice that that girl isn’t here at the moment.
I walk up to the counter and order a hot chocolate. As I’m waiting for it, I glance around once again, just to make sure that I, for some reason, didn't miss her earlier. Nope, no such luck. As I get my hot chocolate, I go sit at a table from which I can see the door.

Every time the bell at the door rings, my head shoots up, only to look back down in disappointment when it’s not her. I’ve been sitting at this table for about 2 hours now and still no sign of her. I’m thinking about leaving at the moment, but what if she comes in a few minutes after I left? So I’m just staying rooted to my spot. I just can’t leave this place in fear of missing out on her. As I’m thinking this, I hear the bell at the door ding again, causing me once again to look up with high hopes of it being her walking in. Even though it’s not her, a smile still appears on my face as I see Gerard and Mikey come in.
When Mikey is looking in my direction, I wave a manly wave at him, catching his attention. He sees me and waves back. He says something to Gerard and then comes over to where I’m sitting, while Gerard walks over to the counter.

“Hey Frank, what are you doing here?” Mikey says as a greeting.

“Hey Mikes. I don’t know. I got bored, felt like having a hot chocolate, so I came here, for a hot chocolate,” I try to lie and even I have to admit it doesn’t sound that convincing. In the meanwhile, Gerard is coming over as well, two styrofoam cups in his hands.

“Hey Frankie,” he says while sitting down.

“Hey Gee.”

“So, what are you doing here?” he also asks.

“He said he got bored and felt like having a hot chocolate, but he kinda sucks at lying,” Mikey answers the question, before turning his attention towards me once again. “So, what are you really doing here?”

“Like I said, I got bored and felt like having a hot chocolate,” I try once more.

“Yeah right,” Gee says, “Are you sitting here, waiting until that girl from yesterday comes in?” I feel my cheeks start to heat up a bit at his question. “And how long have you been sitting here, waiting?”

“About two hours,” I admit sheepishly.

“Dude, maybe it’s time to head home again. Or come hang out with us at our place,” Mikey suggests. I want to disagree, but Gerard seems to agree, seeing he grabs my arm, pulling me out of my seat. Defeated, I grab my coat and start walking out behind them, feeling a bit stupid for waiting for 2 hours for nothing to happen. But still, I couldn’t shake of the feeling that she was going to walk in a few minutes after I left.
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