Challenge: A Day in the Life of Mrs Kevin Jonas

Challenge: A Day in the Life of Mrs Kevin Jonas

I sighed and opened my eyes wide open, I looked to my right and he was not there as usual. I stayed up until two in the morning waiting for him to come home, but he never turned up. He must of whilst I was sleeping. This was his usual routine of everyday. It was very annoying but I understood he had a lot of recording to do these days.

Being the wife of Kevin Jonas was what every fan girl of the Jonas Brothers could ever ask for. I did. And I got my wish. It was love at first sight.

When he first proposed I had thought it was some kind of a joke. But I was wrong. The look in his eyes had proven how much love he felt for me. We were engaged then for a whole year and then we decided it was time for us to tie the knot.

I rubbed my stomach gently and sighed again, my eyes welling up with tears. I was two weeks pregnant with Kevin’s baby, our baby and he didn’t even know. I was dying to give him the good news but we hardly spoke to each other, we hardly even saw each other. He was just so busy with his career these days he just didn’t have the time for me.

He was very romantic indeed that was for sure; if he ever had a chance to be with me alone for even ten minutes he would find a way to make them romantic and memorable.

I got up from our bed and made my way to the bathroom, I looked at myself in the mirror, I wasn’t showing just yet. No wonder he hadn’t noticed himself.

The phone started ringing I picked it up hoping it would be Kevin but to my disappointment it wasn’t Kevin, it was my mother.

“Hello Emily, how are you?” she asked me.

“I’m fine thank you how about you?”

“I’m good too thank you, so I was thinking you and Kevin could come round our place for dinner tonight?” she asked.

I thought for a while and then answered “Sorry mom, but me and Kevin have already made plans for tonight so sorry maybe some other day?” I lied and asked her.

“Fine OK no need to apologise darling, have fun whatever you will get up to tonight,”

“Yea thanks mom, bye,”

“Bye darling,” She said and hung up.

For the account my mother knew nothing about my pregnancy either, I wanted Kevin to be the first one to know.

I got dressed lazily and ate my breakfast and just sat flicking through numerous channels that did not interest me at all.

I thought it would be a great idea to step out of the house and get some fresh air. So I did. I stopped half way down the road, as I suddenly felt tired, so I made my way back. Coming up with ridiculous ideas on how to spend my day.

I ended up watching television.

The day passed very slowly, it was now teatime; I got up to make myself a cup of milk when I heard a car pulling up outside our house. Who could it be? I thought I wasn’t expecting anyone,I waited silently for the person to knock.

A key turned in the lock and the door slowly opened, it was the last person I had expected to see, my husband Kevin Jonas.

He smiled at me giving me a hug and a kiss, “I can’t believe I’m saying this but I have missed you!”

“I’ve missed you too Kev, we live in the same house but it’s like we have no time for each other anymore,” I spoke.

“I know,” he sighed and gave me a gentle kiss, “It’s all going to change now, I have been feeling really guilty about not spending time with you so for the next two weeks I’m going to spend all my time with you, you probably will get tired of me,”

“I can never be tired of you Kevin never,” I stroked his cheek, “In fact, I have something to tell you,” it was time for me tell him about our baby.

“Go on,” he looked down towards me, our eyes locking.

I took a deep breath and smiled, “Kevin… I’m pregnant!
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