One Fumbled Touch

Chapter Ten

William's P.O.V

There is no show tonight, no screaming fans, no sweating, no clothes being ripped from me. I usually hate the long tedious nights when we are lounging about the tour bus, playing stupid video games or pulling pranks on each other. But tonight just so happens to be Bonfire night and what's a better way to spend it than going to watch fireworks. It will be cold, the night air whipping at us furiously but maybe just maybe I will have Brendon to cuddle close with.

Its about seven o clock and we are nearly ready to set off to the firework display, however one irritating person finds in a must to be wearing the perfect hat. I mean come on its a hat! I bet you can easily guess who's the culprit. Brendon Urie. If he tries one more knitted hat I will scream until my lungs turn blue. It has to be green, with swirls and pompoms and who could forget that it has to match the rest of his oh so perfect outfit.

"Do you like this one," Brendon asks timidly, he's still looking in the mirror but yet I can see the painful look on his face. Maybe I was a little harsh when I snapped at him, I better make up for it and be extra nice to him.

"Its very cute, brings out the colour in your eyes," I smile, a huge grin is plastered over his face as he turns to look at me. Wait a minute is that pink I see forming in his cheeks.

Is Brendon actually blushing over something I said to him!

"Should we get going, Ryan gets easily annoyed when I'm late for things," Brendon says quickly, he grabs his coat and rushes out of the door. Sure I pulled the stomach ache lie when I got seriously happy in a personal area. But running away from me cause he's blushing, that's worse than me gripping my stomach and legging it to the bathroom away from him.

I casually walk out of the room, remembering to lock it behind me, I'm turning the key in the lock ever so slowly, so I can ear wig in Ryan and Brendon's conversation. Seeing as Brendon is in Ryan's room and idiotically left the door wide open.

"Ryan what am I supposed to do," Brendon wines, his face is all crumpled up, he looks so cute. Okay if I just stand here with my mouth open drooling its going to look a tad suspicious. I walk further down the corridor, so I'm out of sight and continue to listen to the sound of Brendons breath taking voice, are the teenage girls thought ever going to leave my head!

"Look Brendon what do you want to do," Ryan asks patiently he must seriously get bored from Brendon constantly pouring his heart out on him. I mean my shoulders are ready for him to cry on.

I'm eager to find out what Brendon thinks of me when I hear the door being slammed shut. Perfect. Ryan could be on the bed right now with Brendon straddling him for all I know. I can't risk listening through the door, knowing my luck they would open it, and I would get knocked out.

I'm slightly disappointed I mean I told him he is the one I want! I finally told him what's been fluttering around my stomach for all this time.I feel like crying, letting the sorrow pour from my eyes. Its times like these when I really hate myself for loving him.

The ride in the taxi made my stomach churn, the silence, the blank expression on Brendon's face, everything made me feel queasy. I just stared out of the window, ignoring the constant whispering of Brendon and Ryan. I could feel the tears welling in my eyes but I held them back, why should I show Brendon how much he is hurting me.

As soon as the taxi came to a sudden halt, I flung myself out of it, snuggling into my jacket when the cool wind slapped at my face. Brendon gets out of the taxi pulling that stupid hat over his ears. I walk off, ahead of them, not really wanting to socialize with anyone at this precise moment.

I just stare up at the dark sky watching the fireworks burst into a ball of light,glowing up the skies. The bright colours, flashes, bangs seem to bring a smile to my face. I just wish I could send all my problems up in one of those rockets and watch it explode into something breath taking. But no my problems are still firmly on the ground with sad old me.

"Beautiful aren't they," I hear someone say behind me, I turn round to see Brendon wide eyed, licking a rather large toffee apple. Uncomfortably, I just shuffle my feet around watching random people ooh and ah at fireworks setting off.

"Look Brendon what do you want," I ask irritably, Brendon sighs deeply, before taking my hand in his and staring deep into my eyes. Is he doing what I think he is?

"You," he says breathlessly before softly pushing his thick lips into mine, the toffee apple tumbling to the ground. To begin with I didn't know what to do, fireworks were sparkling behind us, Brendon tailed his hand down my back, resting it on my girlish hips. His lips are delicately soft and they taste so good.

"Brendon stop," I manage to force out, he pulls his lips away from me a dazed look spreads across his face. I can't believe Brendon Urie just kissed me and I stopped the most magical moment of my life.

"I kissed Ryan," I blurt out, I couldn't stand the lies I was feeding to him. What if we end us starting a relationship we can't start it through lies. The hurt cripples through his fragile features. His huge brown orbs fill with tears.

"I thought you liked me," Brendon exclaims, I try to grab his hand but he pulls it away angrily. I really screwed up and it looks like Brendon is going to tell me all about it.

"It meant nothing I was drunk," I protest, but the tears have already began to spill from his eyes, no matter what I say, nothing is going to stop the hurt he must be feeling now.

"Your an alcoholic, what else have you been hiding from me, with your lies," he rages at me, the sound of Brendons frustrated voice and random fireworks going off defiantly is not helping the situation.

"Brendon please, I really do like you," I try to explain to him, but he's sobbing so hard and everyone has there eyes glued to me, like I'm some sort of monster.

"Your just a man whore who broke my heart," Brendon sobs before running off, his beautiful face swarmed with tears.

I just drop to my knees, my trousers getting covered in thick mud. I pick up the toffee apple Brendon had just a few minutes ago and hold it close to my chest. Is this what a broken heart really feels like...
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Hope you are all having a Happy Bonfires Night!

Even if Brendon and William aren't!

Comments make us happy! =D
