One Fumbled Touch

Chapter Eleven

Brendon's P.O.V

How could William do this to me…How could Ryan do this to me?

I thought they were my friends, but there they were making a complete fool out of me and my feelings, fucking doing each other behind my back! Okay, maybe I’m overreacting, I mean it was just a kiss and William was drunk at the time, but I wish they would have told me that at the time instead of lying, I would’ve understood, but now all I can think about is if he were lying to me about it just being a kiss.

I walked on for what seemed like forever, my feet carrying me off moving of their own free will and taking me deep into the unfamiliar urban maze, before I knew it I was completely lost. My journey came to a sudden halt as I looked around the desolate streets, I could still see fireworks lighting up the night sky but they weren’t coming from where we were watching them previously.

Just great, first I get my heart broken and now I’m lost in the middle of nowhere.

Tears were thretening to fall from my eyes already as I snuggled up inside my jacket, frantically searching for a payphone, I knew I should have brought my mobile. Every so often a car would race by or a loud whistle would ring out from the bitter November winds, everything was almost silent until all of a sudden a loud scream cut through the air and immediately caught my attention.

“Help!” The voice yelled.

My eyes widened as I quickly searched my surroundings. I cautiously walked to the edge of some back street, in which the voice had sounded from, I peered around the corner and held my breathe. A young girl was struggling helplessly against a strange looking man, he was tall, muscley looking and probably dangerous, this was no time for me to be playing hero, but I knew if I didn’t do something it would gnaw at my conscience for the rest of my life.

I swallowed the lump in my throat and began walking down the alley, towards the man and woman.

“Leave her alone.” I spoke out, trying to sound stern but my voice was shaking so badly.

The man stopped and began to laugh. “Make me. This is none of your business fag, so get lost.” he jeered, shoving the girl harshly against the wall.

“Please stop…” She whispered, looking straight at me, innocent eyes glazed over with terror and a look which seemed to scream out for aid.

My whole body suddenly received a jolt of bravery, it surged through my veins like an electric current and stopped in my arms, I reached out and roughly shoved the man causing him to fall, not so gracefully, to the ground.

“Shit.” I murmured under my breath. Things could only get worse from here.

He stood up. His eyes burning with rage, fists clenched in anger.

“Bring it on pretty boy.” He laughed.

The man dived foreword hitting me with several punches in the stomach, I doubled over, groaning in pain before I was thrown onto the cold floor.

I was never one to get into fights.

I slowly opened my eyes, it was pretty dark by now but I could tell the girl was long gone, which was probably for the best, at least I'd done something worth while.

“You’re pathetic!” The man spat, straddling my waist and landing another punch right into my nose, I felt a searing pain rush through my face as the blood began to flood out covering my face and shirt.

“Asshole.” I managed to retort.

The man gritted his teeth. “You're gunna fucking get it now.”

That was the one moment that I feared for my life the most, I thought this was it, end of the road, full stop for Brendon Urie. I saw the man’s face glaring down at me, the pale moonlight reflecting from his greasy cheeks I knew he was preparing to throw another punch my way so I squeezed my eyes shut, bracing for the hit.

It never came.

I lay there, shaking and utterly petrified, anticipation almost unbarable, wondering what the hell was taking this man so long, that's when I heard the man yelp, the pressure from my waist was relieved and the sounds of a struggle echoed through the alley.

“Brendon? Shit! Brendon are you okay?” My heart lifted as that familiar voice rang out.

My eyes slowly fluttered open met with the concerned gaze of none other than William Beckett.

“Will?” I wheezed, attempting to sit up.

“Stay there…It’ll be okay Bren’” He got down onto his knees and held my hand I his own. “The police are coming and so is an ambulance.”

“How did you find me?” I asked.

William gave me a small smile and motioned over to the girl who had disappeared earlier.

“When you saved me I went to find help…he was out looking for you anyway.” She said softly.

I felt so happy, despite the imense pain imobilising most of my body. I looked up at my hero and said. “I love you…” Then I passed out.
♠ ♠ ♠
Awww Brendon!
I'm so mean (:

And HELL YEAH checkyesjuliet YOU GOT IT...I feared I'd made the song reference thing too hard...whoops...

Thanks to
MrSz.Or3o, Rydon Addict., Live.Love.Die., DontFallDownStairs, eye-year-oh, checkyesjuliet & xImRadx for the amazing comments, seriously your the bestest! Also thanks to the subscribers and readers!

Lets keep 'em coming ;)

xo Jess