One Fumbled Touch

Chapter Twelve

Williams P.O.V

Brendon said he loved me.

I mean, I knew that maybe there was a little chemistry between us and what we have is more than an innocent school girl crush. But I would have never thought in a million years that Brendon Urie would tell plain old me, that he actually loved me. These are real feelings we are talking about, you don't go around announcing you love someone everyday just for the sake of it. This is huge and I can't believe its happening to me.

When I was at high school I used to loathe love struck teenagers, everything about them was so fake, they made my insides crawl. I hated the sweaty palms clasped together, sloppy kisses and childish giggles. Ever since being a kid, my mum has always believe in love at first sight, I thought it was a load of garbage. I convinced myself that I would never fall in love, until Brendon changed everything.

When Brendon got home for the hospital, everyone swarmed around him like flies, I just stayed in the shadow of everyone else and sat by his side holding his hand when everyone had left and Brendon was fast asleep. It felt strange at first talking to him even though he was completely out of it, but the more I started to play with his soft locks and gently kiss his forehead before I left, the more it felt normal. If me and Brendon were dating then it would be completely natural for me to do simple things like that to him.

I decided to go see Brendon today when he was wide awake, I need to talk to him about what happened, settle things between us. I will admit I'm absolutely petrified! I don't know if I will be able stand looking into his beautiful brown eyes, and concentrate at the same time. He makes me happy, just one single glance at him brings a smile to my face even if I have had the more horrible day ever. That's why this conversation could change my life forever, if I have the guts to admit my true feeling to him.

Me and Ryan are now unfortunately sharing a room, we felt like Brendon deserved a room to himself, so he could relax and be in peace. Seeing as my horrid band members were already comfortable with their room arrangements , they dumped me with Ryan. Who at this moment of time makes me sick, I contain a lot of hatred and venom for that boy.

I emerge from the bathroom still messing around with my messy mop of hair, I wanted to look nice for Brendon seeing as it will be the first time he has seen me properly after passing out in my arms. I take in a deep breath and plaster a smile across my face, I only need to open the door and walk along the corridor and then I will finally be with the one I love. Okay I'm making this put to be far more dramatic that it is, I'm only off to take him some chocolate and probably discuss boring things with him.

"You look nice, going anywhere special," I hear Ryan ask behind me, a frustrated sigh emerges from my lips as I whip my head around to him, to answer his question. Even though I don't see why I should.

"I'm off to see Brendon," I reply lamely but when I am fully turned to face Ryan, I feel my cheeks turning horribly red. He's only in a towel, his hair is messy, replicating sex hair in some ways. He has a seductive smirk rippled across his lips, lust is clouding his eager eyes.

"Oh, so are you going to see him so you can pretend he's your boyfriend and play with him under the covers," Ryan smirks. I have to control the anger spreading through my body as I idiotically count down numbers in my head.

"For you information Ryan, I have never touched Brendon in an intimate way and secondly you only went into the bathroom two minutes ago, so why are you already in a towel," I rage at him, I must be bright red now because Ryan has hit a raw nerve and I'm not letting him get away with this.

"So I could do this," he replies before dropping the towel to his feet and exposing himself to me. I let out a girlie high pitched scream and immediately cover my eyes. Ryan seriously has problems, why dose he gain pleasure from the pain of others. He blatantly knows I have feelings for Brendon so why try to get in my pants all the bloody time.

"Ryan put it away," I hiss at him, I back against the door, my eyes still covered. I'm obviously not interested in Ryan's penis and I'm guessing its tiny away. That dose not mean I use my spare time guessing how big Ryan Ross's penis is.

I quickly swing open the door and sprint down the corridor wanting to be as far away from his as possible. I'm not going to let Ryan spoil things for me and Brendon he loves me and I would rather it stay that way. As soon as I come to Brendon's door, I felt like my heart had leaped from my chest. Its now or never, the longer I wait, the more my chances are going to decrease.

Wish me luck...
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Hey, sorry for not updating sooner, Ive just been stressed and stuff.

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