One Fumbled Touch

Chapter Fourteen

Ryan's P.O.V

I don't mean to be horrid towards my friends and fellow band mates but a certain boy is involved in this tender situation. That boy being William Beckett, the boy not only Brendon cant resist. You don't know what it feels like to watch Brendon all over him like a cheap, back street whore. Me being the true friend I am told him to go for it, and by the looks of it Brendon and William are more than an item, they are an official couple. I cant stand them being together in the same room, let alone all over each other.

Don't expect me to do nothing about this, I'll make sure there loved up lives will fall to pieces. I'll do anything to break them up and I mean anything. Even if that means hurting my best friend during the process. You see the only thing whats stopping me from getting my hands on William, is Brendon. If he was not in the eqaution, I could be fucking William over the bed right now! But there is no time for my wildest fantasies, something has to be done.

William never returned back to my hotel room last night, I don't need an explanation on where he is. Its tortuting me to think about him and Brendon in the same bed, sharing body heart, sweat, the bedroom smelling of sex... I cant take it anymore, I should be the one holding William close right now, accidentally slipping my hand into his boxers and causing him to moan his pretty little head off.

I might as well go check up on Brendon to make sure he is feeling okay. Right, more like force him to spill on what happened last night. I will find out what happened, mark my words. Locking the bedroom door behind me, I take a quick glance up and down the corridor to make sure nobody is lurking around them. Walking down it, I try to set my mind on my goal but various images, extremely hot images may I add, of William seep into my mind becoming an obvious distraction.

Brendon will learn the harsh way to keep his hands to himself.

I knock on the door gently, you see its all a pathetic act. If I be nice to start with, he will just think I'm here to watch him shovel endless amounts of grapes in his mouth whilst I supposedly feel sorry for him. Then when he least expects it I will make my attack, I hope his precious heart can take it.

Walking into his room, I see him sat up in bed lazily flicking through TV programmes, a huge bowl of popcorn placed by his side. What did him and William have last night, a slumber party! I can see Williams jacket on the floor, making me wonder if that was the only piece of clothing he removed last night. He cant have noticed me because I manage to get right beside him but yet he's still glued to the screen like a immature child. Brendon really needs to grow up, am I the only one who sees this.

"Have fun last night," I says darkly, the venom clearly dripping from my voice, but Brendon just jumps the bowl of popcorn spilling across the pale blue bedsheets. Brendon giggles, the sound gets to me like nails down a chalkboard.

"You scared me Ry," he laughs, I just try to force a grin on my face, but the sudden smile causes my cheeks to ache at an instant. Forcing a smile had never been one of my strong points, especially when its to Brendon.

"So you and William, are you dating," I try to ask calmly, but I can already feel the anger boiling in my blood, the rush flowing through my veins. I try to keep the fake grin plastered on my face but its hopeless. I'm not going to smile at the boy who's stealing my potential boyfriend.

"Steady on Ry, lets talk about that later," Brendon replies, you can tell his starting to get uncomfatble seeing as his cheeks are getting slightly flustered and he's started to mess around with random pieces of popcorn covering the bed.

"What if I don't want to," I says seriously, Brendon brings his eyes towards mine, is that fear creeping into his perfect features. He must be thinking about what he is going to say because he keeps opening his trembling lips and closing them again.

I walk over to him to him, he tries to back away but his back is already pressed firmly against the headboard of the bed. He pulls the covers close to him, as if they are some sort of comfort blanket.

"Ryan whats wrong with you," Brendon asks seriously, I just smirk. Scaring Brendon is more fun than you think, and maybe now he will start to respect me more. Seeing as I do act like his parent most of the bloody time.

"Don't play dumb with me," I hiss at him fiercely, I'm stood right beside him now, my fingers curl into a fist. He's making himself out to be all innocent but we all know Brendon never has and never will be anything near innocent.

"Ryan, I don't see what you problem is," he tries to say back in a threatening tone, but it weakly comes out as a squeak. He's pathetic and right now hes making me want to throw my insides up.

"You! William and you all over each other all the time," I rage at him, and then it just happened. I lost all control of my hand and punched him right in the face, I felt his lip burst and his blood trickle down my shaking fingers. I just hit Brendon Urie...

But I didn't stop there, some type of demon has took over my body and I just want to see Brendon hurt, dead even. He shoves his hand over his now bust lip, but the blood continues to seep through his fingers, dripping onto the bed sheets. But then I sit then lamp on the cabinet. I stare at it and can just imagine the pain inflicted on Brendon if it was to accidentally get thrown at him.

"Ryan your scaring me," Brendon says at barely a whisper, he is hardly audible and I can already see his whole body shaking uncontrollably. Okay, if it do something slightly more serious to him, he could have a heart attack! Do I really want Brandon's death on my hands. Okay now I'm being stupid and anyways Brendon wont dare speak a word about this, or he will pay.

I just rolled my eyes at him, ignoring the sniffs and whimpering coming from under the blood stained blankets. Walking over to the cabinet, I scan my eyes over the lamp, my heartbeat seems to quicken the angel continuously boiling in my blood. I reach out my fingers, a smile spreads across my face when the tip of my fingers trail across is smoothness. Its perfect.

Slowly I reach out my hand, getting a tight grasp around it. Brendon is still cowering beneath the covers scared out of his mind. Guilt suddenly floods through me, but I ignore the nagging voice in my head telling me to apologize and listen to my heart instead. I want William, probably more than Brendon and its only right that I get a chance to be with him.

"Brendon I'm sorry..."

I see his huge watery choclately eyes emerge from the covers and see the blotches on his cheeks, He's been crying. But I cant help it, using all my strength I throw the lamp at him, as soon as the lamp leaves me fingers I gasp in shock, I cant believe I did it. The lamp directly hits Brendon, it shatters, and then the sicking sound of him screaming erupts into the atmosphere. I feel sick to my stomach, but I just cant stop myself.

"Look Brendon, you will break up with William and this will never happen again. Keep your mouth shut or I'll make sure you wake up in hospital next time," I scream at him, he doesn't speak a word, I just watch the tears silently cascading down his pale face. Before I leave the room, I hit him a couple of times, trying to ignore him screaming when my fist collides with his stomach, numerous times.

I'm doing this for William, he will thank me for this one day.

I was going to say something else, but I could not stand the pain and hurt shimmering in Brendon's eyes. I leave quickly, slamming the door hard behind me and taking a moment to breath. My heart is desperately trying to leap from my aching chest and beads of sweat and pouring from my forhead.

I just hurt my best friend and I cant stop myself from liking it...
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for taking ages to update, I have been really busy.

Comments would be great! =D

Oh and how awesome is Panic At The Disco Live In Chicago! I got it today and wow!