One Fumbled Touch

Chapter Fifteen

Brendon's P.O.V


I coughed a little, blood spilling out from my bruised lips.

How could one person cause me so much pain?

That look, just now in Ryan's eyes, it wasn't him, that look was of a blood thisty pshycopath...he could have killed me. A groan escaped my throat as I grabbed onto the bed, trying to use it as support so I could stand up. The pain I felt was nothig compared to how I felt on the inside, my best friend just beat me up, ruthless, guiltless, I had no one to turn to.

If Ryan was willing to do this to his best friend, what would he do to William?

I managed to hoist myself up onto my hotel bed where I imediately curled up sobbing softly to myself. My whole body shook with pain and fright, I feared the absolutely worst and mostly over the safety of Bill...

What if Ryan had gone to William's room right now?

My eyes widened.

What if Ryan rapes William?

I had to go, I had to save him. If I didn't who else? Most of the others would be at some bar.

Everything was falling apart at my touch, I needed to do so much to fix it all, but my body just wouldn't allow it. I slowly reached into the pocket of my jeans, pulling out my moblie. I flipped it open, quickly scrolling down my contact list.


I held the phone to my ear.

"Yellow?" I smiled slightly at his familar happy voice.

"Spence...please do me something for me..."

"Geez, Brendon are you feeling okay, what's up?"

"Go to William's room...and stay there..."


"Please Spencer, I'm begging you...I'll...never ask for anything...again..." My words were becoming so frantic and rushed as the tears spilled helplessly down my face.

"Okay, okay! Don't cry Brendon..."

I shut the phone and rubbed furiously at me eyes. Breathing was becoming increasingly difficult, I was gasping and spluttering and then nothing.

I fainted.
♠ ♠ ♠
0.0 Poor Brendon!

xo Jess