One Fumbled Touch

Chapter Sixteen

William's P.O.V

I'm sat in Ryan's hotel room, I'm desperate to go see Brendon but I don't want him to feel like I'm obsessed with him or something like that. I stare blankly at the wall ahead of me and chew lamely on the bottom of my lip, I'm seriously bored and defiantly missing kissing Brendons lips and... Okay you don't want to know any of the dirty details! But back to my point anyway, I really do love Brendon and I can't stand not being with him, as cliches as that sounds.

I get up and start to mess around with my hair in the mirror, but the door is frantically swung open and Ryan rushes inside looking rather flustered. Due to Ryan's hideous behavior over the last couple of days I decide to ignore him but I can't stop myself from listening to him whimpering softly to himself. The small noise escaping from his lips seems to cut through the already awkward atmosphere and send shudders down my spine. This resist to go see what's wrong with him gets the better of me as I approach him reluctantly.

"Hey Ryan, what's wrong with you," I ask him, I try to force myself to put an ounce of comfort in my voice but I can't bring myself to actually care for the demon sat next to me.

"They hit me, then threw the lamp at me and, and..."

But Ryan bursts into tears leaving me in utter shock and praying to god that I don't have to comfort him in some way or another. Some crazy fan girl probably jumped on him or something, well he is kind of famous now anyway he should really get used to it! I pat him on the back as he looks up to me with his huge chocolaty eyes, tears are effortlessly falling from them. Wait a minute do I actually feel sorry for him?

"Who hurt you Ryan," I ask him curiously, if it is some fan who claims to be his long lost lover then I'm pretty sure I wont be able to contain my laughter at his situation. But what if this is serious, I mean who would deliberately want to hurt him, that's what I want to know. Oh and something what is really getting to me is the thought of me wasting my heart on Ryan, I shouldn't be sat here with him, I should have left him as soon as he started blubbering like a baby on me.

"Brendon attacked me," Ryan manages to say between sobs, he throws his arms around me and cries into my chest. Okay Ryan Ross is touching me, help! I hug him back gently, my fingertips are barely touching his shaking frame.


"He told me to stay away from you, and then started shouting at me for no reason. He's my best friend, he hit me and then watched me cry. I can't believe everybody thinks he is so innocent, he's a monster," Ryan explains to me, I'm trying to take it all in but the pain shooting across my heart is defiantly not helping. I open my lips to talk but what's all I can think about is how I'm in love with someone who is too horrible to describe. I mean sure Ryan has not be the nicest of people, but attacking him is way out of line.

"Ryan are you being serious, Brendon hurting someone is way out of his character," I tell him sternly, he pulls is head out of my chest, leaving behind watery blotches all over my shirt. His eyes are all red and puffy and he's ghostly pale. I know you are going to hate me for saying this but I think I actually believe him.

"Why would I lie about something like this," Ryan exclaims, I just sigh softly and run a hand through my messy hair. He quickly grabs onto my free hand, well more like clings onto it and I actually see fear shining through his eyes.

"Ryan, I don't know what to do," I say truthfully, I don't want to look into his eyes again, they are so captivating and one quick glance could send me staring into them for hours. I squeeze his hand gently and immediately see a smile ripple across his lips. I return back a weak smile and continue to rub my thumb over his knuckles.

"I can't believe you have to think about this, your boyfriend is a terrible person, he could turn on you next," Ryan says, this time he shouts and a few more tears trickle from his eyes. The grip on my hand is immensely tight and its as if I can hear his heart beat thumping in my ears.

He could turn on you next...

"Fine, I'll break up with him, I don't what to be the next person he throws a lamp at," I say quietly, I'm trying to hold back the tears threatening my eyes but its hard, really hard. I don't want to be sat here right now and be Ryan's shoulder to cry on. I want to run away or even better get drunk, so drunk that all my problems fade away and turn into rainbows and puppies.

"I'm just glad that it was me not you," Ryan tells me, I actually look into his eyes this time and get lost in his orbs of brown cuteness. He goes to wipe away one of the lonely tears rolling down my cheek, but I grab his hand before his fingertips brush across my skin.

"Don't say that and I've got to go, I have a lot to think about," I tell him softly, I get up and use the back of my shirt to wipe away the tears in my eyes. But I feel a tug at my hand what is dangling by my side and turn to see Ryan with that innocent look washed across his face, the one nobody can resist.

"Don't leave me, I'm scared Brendon will come back," he whispers, I try to pull away from him but I just can't force myself to leave him in this state. Its not right and I'm too nice of a person to leave him all alone crying his tattered heart out.

I go back to the bed and let him rest his hand on my shoulder. I gently run my fingers through his curly, soft locks and think about how this used to be me and Brendon when I snuck into his room when he was asleep. Well that's all over now, looking after Ryan is the most important thing now anyway.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh no! William and Brendon are over and its all Ryan's fault =(

Comment and you get to read about Brendon's heart being broken!
