One Fumbled Touch

Chapter Nineteen

Brendon’s P.O.V

“Brendon!” His yells filled the air, as he tumbled to the ground.

I fell backwards, hands scrambling to keep my balance.

“If you believe that bastard over me, then I obviously was wrong about you William Beckett!” I screamed in response, finally loosing control and falling backwards onto my but with a loud thud.

I brought my legs to my chest and began to sob.

“I can’t trust anyone anymore! I can’t go on like this!”

Things had gotten so bad, how could anything throw me into this state?

“Brendon please…”

I felt his arms wrap themselves around me and I allowed myself to be pulled into a warm hug, the contact was nice, I felt at peace for a moment.

“I believe you…”

Those words filled up inside of me, the weight from my shoulders lifted and my soul soared, he believed me, he actually believed me. My body pressed itself further into William’s chest, as my eyes brimmed with tears, I was relieved.

“Really?” I asked tentatively, looking up at him through my tear stained brown eyes.

He smiled at me, it was the same smile I’d seen so many times before but yet it made me happy. “If you’re this distraught Brendon, then you must be the one telling the truth…and I should have believed you in the first place…I love you…”

In a matter of seconds I had pulled myself from William’s hold and kissed him firmly on the lips, my hands wrapping themselves around his shoulders. I felt him grin into the kiss as he responded, our mouths moving together.

When we finally parted, William stood up, holding out a hand to help me to my feet. He pulled me close and whispered seductively into my ear.

“Lets go back to your room.” He stated, plain and simply.

I was in no mood to disagree.

My hand was planted into his as he dragged me down the hall, shoving me roughly into the elevator when it opened. Hands roamed, tongues and teeth clashed. It felt so good, nothing could compare to this. Such a horrid, rotten world we lived in, yet when things like this happened, everything else was forgotten. No more Ryan, no more hate.

Just me and William.

We practically ran down the hall when the elevator stopped, me slamming open the door to my room when we both stumbled inside. Two shocked faces stared up at us as we broke apart.

“Spencer? Jon?” William questioned, his eyes wide.

My two best friends were laying together on my hotel bed, half naked and very flustered.

“Erm…” Spencer mumbled.

William giggled, reaching out to hold my hand. "Well that just ruined the mood..."

Jon rolled his eyes, climbing off from on top of Spencer. "You're telling me..."

I smiled at everyone, for once in quite a while feeling quite content. "Come on lets all go out for lunch before we go to the next venue!"

My friends cheered in unison. Maybe things would work out after all.
♠ ♠ ♠
Short but writers block got me by the neck and chocked me half to death...
Damn writers block

Enjoy -_0