One Fumbled Touch

Chapter Two

William's P.O.V

"Lets get these teen hearts beating faster, faster!" I sing to myself happily, whilst massaging the sweet smelling raspberry shampoo into my curly brown locks.

The soothing warm water trickles down on me, as I run the sponge over my smooth pale skin feeling more refreshed and presentable. After a quick scrub down, I switch off the shower and step out of it my cheeks burning, slightly flustered from the heat.

Wrapping a pale green towel around my dripping naked body, I walk into my bedroom, frowning at the empty suitcase taking over half of my unmade bed. Random t shirts are scattered across the light blue carpet, failed attempts of lyrics are flowing over the paper bin.

Walking over to the bed, I mange to find a small space to sit down on, a grin spreads across my face when I see my mobile phone bombarded with missed calls and text messages. You see I already know who is desperate to communicate with me, its either Brendon or Ryan. Ecstatic from the thought of touring with my band and constantly using any opportunity to thank me.

I find something simple to wear, change quickly, and then slide the bracelets I have become quite fond of up my skinny wrists. I run a brush through my hair and then finally decide to start the packing I have been intending on doing for so long.

Pulling random pairs of underwear from my draws I turn around to see Adam, rummaging through my wardrobe, cheeky bastard is trying to steel my clothes again! Dropping the underwear to the floor, I fold my arms and tap my foot impatiently, waiting for Adam to respond.

"Adam what have I told you!" I hiss at him, I'm trying to sound stern but to be honest I couldn't sound less serious.

"Sorry..." he giggles sheepishly, he puts my clothes back on the correct hangers before coming to join me back on the bed.

"You were singing in the shower again." Adam informs me, at an instant I feel the blood rush to my cheeks, burning brightly.

"No I wasn't!" I protest, I try to nestle deep into my suitcase pretending I'm searching for something. But really I'm trying to hide the cutesy pink color broadcasting my embarrassment.

"Don't lie to me!" Adam laughs, punching me in the arm playfully, well at least he is not taking the piss.

"So you looking forward to the tour?" I ask him, whilst folding up my clothes, placing them neatly into the case, in colour coordination.

"Of course I am!" he exclaims, grinning like a Cheshire cat, causing an infectious smile to dance across my own lips.

"You seem happier than usual, any reason?" Adam smirks, I laugh uncomfortably, do I really make the reason why that obvious.

"Well Panic are an extremely talented band to tour with..." I explain to him, what they are! They may be another reason, but I'd rather keep it in the dark.

"So Brendon Urie doesn't come into this?" he questions me curiously, I think the safest thing to do know I actually get inside the suitcase.

"Who?" I ask blankly, I ruffle up my hair and then start to mess with my nails, never been good at lying.

"Don't play dumb with me Beckett!" Adam smirks, he's give me this disturbing glare, like he's trying to get in my head.

"Have you seen my necklace?" I ask him, pretending to rummage through the already neat pile of underwear and clothes.

"Stop changing the conversation!" Adam exclaims, he's flapping his arm like a chicken its quite amusing to watch actually.

"Stop trying to steal my clothes and disturb me packing!" I mock back in the same distraught voice.

"Fine, bye Bill." Adam grunts, before slowly making his way out of the bedroom, his heads dropped low, he's trying to make me feel sorry for him. Not going to happen.

Right back to packing, so which top makes me look sexiest? I need to look good for Brendon! I mean for Panic At The Disco.
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Yay! My first chapter, sorry its not as good as the last one!
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