One Fumbled Touch

Chapter Twenty One

Brendon’s P.O.V

The entire room of excitedly chatting people fell silent as a set of blood chilling scream rang out.

I knew that voice. That was Ryan. I ran towards the stairs, the direction William had previously gone off in and I stared down in horror at the sight, laid out before me.

It was hideous. It was grotesque. It was my best friend.

Ryan’s body was splayed out across the stairs, bones jutting out in awkward angles, every inch of his body bruised and broken, blood could been seen splattered across the staircase from where he’d fallen…or been pushed. My gaze met that of a guilty looking William, he was sobbing into Ryan’s shirt, begging for the unconscious boy to wake up.

“William! What happened!?” I screamed, unable to contain my sorrow.

All the past hate I’d previously possessed for Ryan had suddenly dissolved into nothingness, all that mattered now was that my best friend since high school was hurt and something had to be done about it.

“It…it was an accident…I swear…he just fell!” William grabbed onto my ankles and cried hysterically at my feet whilst I stood in complete astonishment.


This was terrible.

I’d wished for so long that something would stop Ryan, that he’d leave me and William alone forever…but now…now he could be dead!

This wasn’t what I wanted!

“Ambulance. Call an ambulance!” Someone yelled from behind me as I fell to my knees.

“Ryan…” I breathed out laying my head on his chest.


The rest of the day passed on painfully slow as I sat in the hospital’s waiting room, a cup of cold coffee clutched firmly in my sweaty hand. William had his arm wrapped around my shoulders as we sat there, patient and waiting; hoping Ryan would be okay.

That’s right I wanted that bastard Ryan to be alright…and I had no idea why…

We had to cancel the rest of the tour, it felt awful disappointing all our fans but there was no way I could perform like this and the rest of the guys agreed with me; if they only knew what had gone on recently, boy would they be shocked.

I was just about to get up and get another coffee when a doctor walked over to us. He had a serious look across his features as he looked me dead in the eyes.

“Mr Urie, Mr. Beckett…” He said, as if confirming it were actually us.

“Is he okay?” I asked, worry pouring from my every word.

The man took off his glasses.

“If you’d like to come through and see him, I will explain everything…”
♠ ♠ ♠
OMGZZZZ Is Ryan Okay?!?!?!

xo - Jess