One Fumbled Touch

Chapter Twenty Three

Brendon's P.O.V

Dead. Dead. Dead.

Gone forever.

I couldn't quite grasp it.

One minute he was here, however annoying and problematic it may have been, he was here, but now he's not.

I rushed over to Ryan's bedside; he looked so peaceful, as if in a deep sleep. My hand slipped it's way into my best friend's, he was so cold, it sent shivers running down my spine.

As I began to calm down a little, I gazed down at Ryan's face, so pale and lifeless and realised I shouldn’t have had a go at William like that....deep down I wanted to believe it was an accident, but my heart needed someone to blame so badly, that I took it out on the person I loved the most.

Breathing in the sterile hospital air, I wiped away the mess of tears covering most of my face, I must look a complete mess, it's how I felt.

I could feel the doctor’s prescience looming over me. All sorts of notions would've been running through his head, but at the moment I didn't care, I'd screwed up big time.

“Mr Urie? When your ready the police would like to have a word with you…” The doctor’s smooth voice cut through the silence and I was immediately caught me off guard.

My teary eyes shot opened my mouth fell agape, what the hell was I going to tell them? That William had killed him? That it was an accident? The truth was I didn’t actually see anything, so what on Earth was I to say?

I quickly jumped to my feet and ran put o the door muttering a brief ‘excuse me’ to the doctor.

“William!” I yelled, fortunately he hadn’t left yet and was still within hearing distance.

He turned around slowly, the hurt expression once covering his features turning into confusion. My feet carried me off down the busy hall, the staff’s looks of annoyance and anger didn’t even register, I just bolted after my lover, thrusting myself into his arms.

“Please don’t leave!” I whined, tears once again streaming down my already damp cheeks. “I’m so sorry! Please! I…I can’t do this on my own…I was just so upset, please don’t go! I love you Bill!”

People’s gawping stares burned into the back of my skull as he drew me close, purposefully ignoring my earlier rage at him.

"I swear to God it was an accident! I would never do anything like that! Ever! You have to beleive me!" He looked me dead in the eyes, griping tightly onto my shoulders.

I looked back in innocence as two men walked over.

"We'd like to talk to you about what hapened to Ryan, Mr. Urie..." A cold voice rang out.

I turned to face to police officers.

"Okay..." I mumbled, hanging my head and following them.
♠ ♠ ♠
Gah! What will Brendon doooo!?!?!