One Fumbled Touch

Chapter Twenty Five

Brendon’s P.O.V

I took a deep breathe as I stepped out of the room, I had escaped the interrogation, it was finally over. My heart was still pounding so fast, but I knew I’d made the right decision.

I told them it was an accident. Ryan had tripped.

William had told me so, I should have believed him from the beginning, no matter how much I wanted to place the blame on someone, things like this happen everyday, right?

As I turned the corner, my eyes darted around the room, searching for the comforting William that would no doubt be there to greet me, pull me close and tell me everything would be okay. After realising he wasn’t in the waiting room, my stomach dropped…where the hell was he?

“Calm down Bren…” I whispered to myself, trying to keep my composure. “ There’s need to jump to conclusions…”

He obviously had stepped out for a while, you know, to get a drink or fresh air or something. If I waited here, he’d come back.

So that’s what I did. I took a seat on the uncomfortable plastic chairs and waited.

…and waited.

…and waited.

Then I lost hope.

There was only one explanation; he’d done it, he’d actually killed Ryan and now he was on the run. I was just his head start.

My head fell into my hands; how could I be so foolish?

Getting to my feet, I began to make my way out of the hospital, feeling utterly humiliated and down right shit. It seemed as if even the weather was against me, because as soon as I stepped outside the sky opened up and I was soaked head to toe with heavy rainfall. Today wasn’t my day.

To make things even better it looked like I’d have to be the one to tell the guys what happened.


My feet carried me about half the way before the rain started to let up a little, the sun was barely poking out from underneath black clouds but I could feel some of it’s warmth, that was until I heard a loud screaming.

“Oh my God! Oh my God! It’s him! It’s really him!”

I turned around quickly met with excited faces of a group of young girls.

“It’s Brendon Urie! I can‘t believe it!” One of the girls cried, nudging her friend in the ribs.

I was so not in the mood for this.

“Can we have a picture?” Another girl asked pulling a camera out from her shoulder bag.

“Where’s that hottie Ryan?”

My heart skipped a beat.

Ryan was dead. Ryan Ross was dead. My best friend. Idol to millions of fans across the globe.

“Who gives a shit about Brendon! We want Ryan!” One of the butcher looking girl’s in the back asked, immediately being shouted at by some of her friends.

But that was just it. How would we cope without Ryan?

I looked down to the floor, anger surging throughout my body. “Ryan’s gone…” I murmured.

The girls all looked at me.

“Ryan’ dead!” I screamed.

Shit, I’d really done it this time.
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Sorry guys the fact is we have no idea if the ending going to be happy or sad.
We're both just making it up as we go along!

Anywho, sorry it's short!