One Fumbled Touch

Chapter Twenty Seven

Brendon's P.O.V

The morning sunlight flooded in through the window as I opened my heavy eyes, somehow I’d ended up back in my hotel room after the whole ‘screaming at the fans’ incident yesterday. I took a deep cleansing breath and wondered over to the bathroom, staring at my pale reflection in the mirror. I needed to get over William.

After about half an hour of getting ready I emerged from the room, looking slightly more alive than previously and made my way downstairs into the hotel lobby; I had a craving for coffee.

“Hey Brendon!”

I looked over my shoulder and saw Spencer waving at me frantically.

“Have you seen Bill?”

Shaking my head ‘no’ I continued on my way. Not even William could put a halt to my quest for coffee!

The chilly air hit my face as I stepped outside the building, I merely shoved my hands deep into my coat pockets and went on my way. I didn’t need him. I was fine on my own. I had friends, family and a reasonably successful band for God’s sake! He needed to get of my mind, I needed to focus on something else.

A small smile graced my chapped lips as I walked into the coffee shop, head high and ready for whatever the world could throw at me. That was when I crashed into someone else and sent his searing hot drink flying, the contents splattering all across the two of us.

“Ah! Shit! I’m so sorry!” I gasped.

The man looked up, he was tall and dressed up in a business suit, yet he looked not much older than I did. “No it’s okay It was my fault…”

Our eyes met.

He gave me a grin.

“Listen I’ll buy you a new drink, yeah?” I looked away stammering, a little embarrassed.

“Sure, as long as you’ll sit with me.”

Blushing, I went over to the counter and ordered two coffees, passing one to the man. We walked over to a quiet corner and took a seat.

“I’m Max by the way.”

“Brendon.” I answered, taking a little sip from my cup.

He was certainly a good looking man. His short black hair fell gracefully onto his olive skin, contrasting well with his bright blue eyes, that were shining out from behind a pair of glasses.

“Wait a minute…Brendon, you look sort of familiar.” He stated looking dead at me, eyes squinting a little.

“Well I am in a band…”

“Holy shit! You’re the goddamn door guy aren’t you!?” He exclaimed, practically leaping up from his chair. “Erm…Panic At The Disco!”

The entire shop fell silent, most of them turning to us with scared or angered expressions on the faces.

I laughed at the guy’s enthusiasm. “That’s right.”

He sat down again a big grin sweeping his features. “Ha ha! Awesome.”

We chatted for a quite a while, just about general things like our lives, jobs, hobbies and such, he was such a friendly man I felt like I could just talk to him about anything and he’d listen. Even if I had only just met him. The discussion had just turned to the weather in England when he was distracted by a beeping sound. He took out what looked like a pager and let out a sigh.

“I’m so sorry to cut this short but I have to go now…”

I nodded.

“How about we meet up later, for a drink or something?”

My eyes widened. Was he asking me out? Was this tall, handsome, business guy actually interested in me? I was speechless for a few moments.

“…I’ll take that as a no then.” He spoke, hanging his head and turning to leave the store.

“No wait!” I yelled.

Max stopped dead in his tracks and turned back to me.

“I’d love to!”

He turned to me, smiling like a madman. “Okay, where are you staying at? I’ll pick you up later.”

I gave him the hotel’s address and waved him on his way, I was excited, I was happy, this was exactly what I needed! Picking up the now cold coffee I left the building, a new spring in my step and with a brand new frame of mind.

Life’s not so bad after all.
♠ ♠ ♠
So yeah...
Lets make Brendon happy :)
And I didn't kill Jon!