One Fumbled Touch

Chapter Twenty Nine

Brendon’s P.O.V

“Hey Brendon!” A voice teases.

I slowly turn over in the bed, met with the pleased looking face of William, holing a large white pillow in his hands and giggling childishly to himself.

“Pillow fight!” He squeals, hitting me softly in the side of my face.

“Oh you’re in for it now!” I laugh, sitting up and grabbing his shoulders, pushing him roughly to the bed.

“Well, well aren’t we in a kinky mood?” William purrs in a low voice.

I smile at him, bringing my face down to hover over his and I press a soft kiss to his lips. How’d I get this lucky?

“I love you Brendon…” He whispers, before bringing me in for another kiss.

Dreams. Nothing but stupid dreams since he left me.

I stood there, unable to move, anger jolting through my veins. My stomach was uncomfortably uneasy as my eyes fixated on William; the intoxicated retch currently laid unconscious on the floor after fucking up Ryan’s funeral. He was unsteady on his feet to begin with, swaying steadily side to side like a ship on the ocean and yet screaming out all kinds of horrible words, unable to contain himself, it was no wander he passed out. What a mess.

Breathing in a few deep breathes I stepped foreword a little, ready to kick the shit out of him, when all of a sudden I gipped, my body almost instantly curled over as I emptied the contents of my stomach onto the floor. That felt better actually.

“William!” I screamed at him as he begins to stir, the taste of puke still lingering in my mouth.

He sits up and glazed brown eyes stared back at me as I walk towards him, his mouth stuck in some sort of satisfied smirk.

“What do you want sweetheart?” He answers, fluttering his eyelashes, his voice week.

The entire room had fallen silent as we continued to glare at each other from across the distance, the tension in the air was so thick, it was as if everyone were holding their breath, anticipating what would come next; after all this definitely wasn’t usual behaviour for a funeral. Using the back of my sleeve I wiped at my mouth as I came face to face with William, who absolutely reeked of alcohol.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” I spit at him, through gritted teeth.

He gave a small chuckle. “I’m telling people the truth about our dear friend George Ryan Ross…”

Okay, calm down Brendon. Deep breaths, count to ten and all…oh fuck it. My anger takes complete control of my body as I dive foreword sending both me and William to the ground with a loud thud.

“You bastard!” I scream at him, my fist colliding with his face.

Ha, fighting in a church how pathetic!

I can feel my body aching as we roll across the floor, both yelling and fighting for dominance, the room’s silence has now been filled with worried shouting and sounds of crying, but I don’t really pay attention to that, all I’m bothered about is hurting him.

Two strong hands wrap around my waist as a voice rings out. “Brendon!”

I feel myself being lifted up, off of William but my arms and legs are still flailing widely, trying to keep fighting, trying to make him pay. How could he do this? After all the shit he’d caused already. He wasn’t welcome here, he wasn’t welcome anywhere near me!

“Brendon! Cool it!”

I turn around, finding myself well constrained in Max’s tight grip, his expression is deadly serious and it makes me almost immediately stop struggling.

“Someone call the police!” I order. “Get that shit out of here!”

William turns over, picking himself up from the ground, blood rolling down his chin.

“No need, I’m gone…” He states, staggering to his feet and beginning to exit the church, everyone around him glaring and making rude comments.

It’s what he disserves. A man like William Beckett doesn’t need friends to help him fuck up his life, he can do that perfectly well enough on his own.

“Are you okay?” Max questions, after William leaves.

Now Max was a good person, kind, honest and nice enough to escort me to the funeral of someone he’d never met before, I needed him right now...I wanted William…but I knew I would never be able to forgive him for abandoning me.
♠ ♠ ♠
Erm...yeah... ^_^

Love to you all!