One Fumbled Touch

Chapter Three

Brendon's P.O.V

I squealed as we walked hurriedly into the airport. Ryan had a hold of my arm and was currently dragging me in the direction that Jon and Spencer were heading.

For the past few week I’d been longing for this day, my mind racing foreword into future possibilities, the prospect of a UK tour and meeting the fabulousWilliam Beckett The Academy Is… shadowing over all other thoughts.

“I’m going to meet Bill and go to the UK! I’m going to meet Bill!” I sang, waving my free arm.

Drinking red bull so early probably wasn’t a good thing for me to have done.

“Brendon please calm down, we’ve got a long flight ahead of us and I don’t want you twittering in my ear for the whole journey!” Ryan snapped, looking down at his wristwatch. “We’re late…”

“Who said I wanted to sit next to you?” I stuck my tongue out and gave him a cheeky sort of grin.

“Guys please shut up!” Groaned Spencer obviously annoyed at our constant bickering.

Jon stopped and pointed into the distance of the busy airport. “Look there they are!”

My eyes lit up as I looked to where Jon was pointing and sure enough there they were, waiting for us to show up, between the hoards of people.

“Sorry we’re late!” Jon said as we ran over, trying to catch his breath.

“It’s alright.” Michael Chislett sighed. “Come on, we better get going!”

A few hours later, when we finally made it onto the plane, I took my seat beside the window, shut my eyes and put my head back. I never liked plane rides all that much, but I would just have to cope.

A shuffling noise sounded out as someone take a seat beside me, I assumed it to be Ryan but when I opened my eyes and looked I was awe-struck.

“Hey.” William greeted.

“Erm, hi.” I replied, mind working over time to process the current situation.

He shot me a smile. “I swapped seats with Ryan, hope you don’t mind, I just prefer not sitting next to windows…I uh, get kinda sick.”

My eyes travelled up and down his slender body, I'd always considered myself and Ryan to be quite slim but next to this guy anyone could look like an elephant! I stared into his big brown eyes, getting lost in them for a few seconds before I realsised he was wiating for me to respond.

“O…okay, that’s erm…great, yeah…uh.” I mentally slapped myself, here I was making a complete fool out of myself in front of The William Beckett.

“What’s wrong? You look a little pale…are you scared of plane rides?”

I’ve gone white? Oh crap.

“Erm, yeah…terrified.” I lied.

He giggled. “ Aww, it’s alright. I’ll hold your hand if you like?”

By this time my heart was thumping so manically I thought it might burst from my chest, was he flirting with me? Or was he genuinely trying to help?

“No, it’s okay.” I laughed nervously.

“Shame…” He muttered as he put his headphones in and closed his eyes.
♠ ♠ ♠
It's quite short...sorry =S

Thanks to all the readers, subscribers & commenters!
You guys are awesome!

The other writer wants to stop writing this story =[
Convince her otherwise with nice comments!

xo Jess