One Fumbled Touch

Chapter Thirty Nine

Brendon’s P.O.V

“Feeling any better?” He asks, setting the flower’s down at my bedside and taking a seat on the edge of the hospital bed.

I smile weakly, “I guess…”

My eyes shoot down to my fingers where I anxiously play with my thumbs, hoping this awkward situation will just fade away. I ultimately have no idea why I feel so uneasy, but in the back of my mind the thought of Ryan lingers and the possibility that my sanity may just be slipping between my fingers haunts my mind.


I look up at him, “Hm?”

His head tilts to the side, like some sort of puppy, his eyes wide with worry, “Are you okay?”

I nod my head, looking back down to my thumbs. To be honest I want him to go away, I’m not really in a talkative mood and maybe that way Ryan would come back. Blinking a couple of times, I noticeably shake the notion from my thoughts, what am I? Insane? Ryan’s dead. He’s never coming back and no matter how much I my want him to, he can’t, it’s impossible.

“You’re obviously not okay…come on tell me…”

That’s when I almost exploded, I jumped up from the bed, hands on hips with an angered expression across my features, “Jesus Will I’m fine! Just leave me alone!”

Then I stormed off, through the door and down the winding corridors of the hospital, ignoring William‘s calls after me. The nurse told me not to get out of bed until I was thoroughly checked, but hey, I wasn’t exactly going to keel over and die any time soon and I actually felt kind of badass, even if I had no idea where I was going. I walked on for a minute or two before I found myself in the emergency room, surrounded by various ‘ill’ people, I was about to walk out the front door, only to get some fresh air of course when I suddenly noticed a familiar face over by the reception.

“Please! You have to let me see him!” whined the high pitched voice of what I remembered to be Mike Carden’s sister, the alleged carrier of William’s baby.

“Jessica…?” I questioned, strolling over to her side.

She looked at me and I flinched a little. The poor girl looked a terrible state, makeup smudged all across her face, tears streaming down her face, “Brendon!” she squealed, “Where’s Bill?”

Sheesh, just the man I was trying to get away from.

“Well, if I’m not mistaken, he should be walking around that corner, yelling my name in a few seconds….”

Her brow crumpled for a moment before, just as I said, an out of breathe William ran into view, spotting me in seconds and darting over.


He pulled me into a tight embrace and I sighed, he was the only one who cared enough to deal with my madness and for that breif embrace I was almost ready to cry with happiness over the fact William was in love with me.

“William I need to speak to you! Now!” Jessica ordered firmly, pushing him away from my grip.

“What Jessica? I already told you I’m interesting in playing happy families with you!”

She shook her head, “That’s not it! It’s Mike! Oh god…” Then she broke down into a state of hysterics, gripping tightly onto the front of William’s shirt and soaking him with her sorrow.

William yanked her off of him and looked her dead in the eyes, “What? What about Mike?”

“The police…we went to the police…he made me tell them you raped me…”

At. that moment the whole world seemed to come to a standstill, the three of us stood silent, hoping this would all turn out to be some twisted nightmare, but of course reality can be just as cruel, and to us; it had been.

“…bastard…” the words escaped my lips before I had chance to catch them, my emotions had been cooped up too long.

William shook his head.

“Please don’t hate me William!” Jessica cried, wrapping her slender arms around Bill‘s waist.

He simply pushed her off, the resulting force causing her to fall to her knees.

Her head hung, “I love you…I love you…”

“I don’t hate you Jessica…”

William turned around quickly, roughly grabbing onto my wrist and dragging me towards the exit.

“Owch…ouch! William, you’re hurting me!” I moaned as his relentless pulling continued.

“Shut up.”

As we stepped outside the cool breeze hit me first, after all I was only clad in my boxers and a hospital gown. But then I realised something devastating. Bright lights shone through the grey air, and the sound of sirens rang out. William’s grip loosened.

Two uniformed men, strode towards us and grabbed William.

“William Beckett, you are under arrest.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Oooooh snap!

What's going to happen now?!?!?

Hehe, I suck.

Love ya readers!