One Fumbled Touch

Chapter Four

Willliam's P.O.V

Did I ever tell you how much I hate plane rides?

They are insanely boring and they drive me crazy. However this is no ordinary plane ride as there just so happens to be the one and only Brendon Urie sat in the very seat next to me. But with the horrendous turblance, screaming babies and Adam delibreatly kicking the back of my seat, the oppertuninty to acually get to know Brendon is slipping away like sand through my fingers.

I know staring is rude, but I cant help it, its just so tempting to bring my eyes towards him and sigh like a love struck teenager. The funny thing is he doesnt even realize that my mouth is wide open and drool is sliping out of it. See this is what the boy does to me! I just want to reach out a stroke his soft features and run my fingers through his locks. Great now I actualluy sound like a teenage girl.

He's staring through the window, in some sort of trance really, he's scared so I guess stareing at the tranquil clouds is calming him down. I knew I should have grabbed his hand, not bothering to ask. I can just imagine his fingers intwind with mine, as I watch that tense look on his face melt when our hands touch.

I swear to god if Adam finds it hilarious to kick the back of my seat one more time we will be finding a new bass player! Okay calm it Beckett, dont embarrass yourslef in front of Brendon. Just think of how hot Brendons ass look in those ridiculous tight jeans. Now concentrate on holding those moans inside of you. Oh man now I cant get him out of my head...

Brendon's ripping of my chlothes, he's panting heavily his harsh breath ticling my neck. My trousers fall to the floor closlely followed by my boxershorts. He has me pushes against the wall, he rough kisses casuing me to moan like a prostitute. I go to talk but he shoves his finger across my lips, sending breath taking shivers down my spine.

The room is heating by the second, and its dosent help that we are both horny as fuck. His eyes are steamed with lust, his body language is so tempting. He grabbed my hand, Brendon is rubbed next to me in his naked glory.

The shower. He's pushing me into it, I gasp when my back hits the cool, smooth bathroom tiles. The shower is turned on and the water starts to pour down on us. Pulling me close, a small moan ripples through the heated atmosphere when his rock solid errection presses hard against my thigh.

Grabbing the sponge he covers it in showers gel and slowly, but seductivly lathers it all over my chest. Rasing an eye brow he smirks when my cheeks burn bright red and I get happy all of a sudden in a rather personal part of me. He's teasing as he crashes his lips into mine rejecting my tongue prodding at his plump lips.

He gives me one last kiss to the lips before slowly moving down towards my boner. Holy shit! I feel his hot breath on me, hes about to take me in his mouth...


"What the hell," I stutter, I'm slightly flustered and then mortified when I see the problem emerging in my pants.

"You were moaning," Brendon says akwardly, I can hear Adam smirking behind me, causing my cheeks to practically set on fire.

Please somebody get me off this plane!
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Arghh sorry this sucks!
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