One Fumbled Touch

Chapter Fourty One

Brendon’s P.O.V

I pace up and down the cheap hotel room Jon, Spencer and I had just rented out, the stench of it’s previous owners stinging my nostrils. I felt nauseous, but I’d been feeling that way for a while now so it was no surprise. Everything emotion I experienced had seemed to escalate since William was arrested and I was taking most of them out on my friends, currently sat on the bed, watching my anxious movements intently, as if I could do something drastic any second.

“What if he gets put away for life?” I suddenly blurt out.

Jon gets up from the bed, pacing over to me a placing a hand on my shoulder, obviously trying to offer some comfort, “It will be fine Brendon, we’ll hire a lawyer and the truth will be told, justice is justice no matter what country we’re in!”

Spencer snorts, “Yeah but any jury is going to go gaga over some girl crying and claiming she got raped…”

I flinch slightly at his words and Jon turns around swiftly sending Spencer death glare.

“William will be fine,” He states, but even Jon is starting crack, the possibility of Bill going to prison is dauntingly high, so his words can do nothing to sooth our minds.

I simply let out a sigh and sit on the other bed, it’s hard and lumpy, not at all like the beds in the other hotel we were in, but I guess this is as good as it gets from now on.

“The UK sucks…” I moan, falling back onto the mattress.

Spencer looks at me, that judging look on his face. “Yeah well s does…”


I let out a loud squeal as the hotel room door is flung open causing all three of us to jump suddenly.


My eyes widen at the sight.

“Ahh shit…” I mumble under my breath.

“What the fuck dude!” The familiar frame of Adam Siska storms into the hotel room, frustration apparent in his tone, “What the hell is going on! I’m so confused!”

It was then that I did something I hadn’t done in a while; I laughed. Not just a small giggle or chuckle a full blown case of hysterical laughter and I just couldn’t stop. What he’d said, the way he’d said and the fact that he was completely oblivious to the previous goings on just amused me so much, and through the surprised stares of Jon and Spencer I could see their smirks beginning to form too.

“What?!” He squealed, looking genuinely confused.

I wiped away the tears from my eyes and looked at him, “It’s a long story Sisky, but right now we need to get William out of jail and I know the only way we can do that.

“How?” Jon and Spencer asked in unison.

“We have to talk to Jessica and get her to admit that he didn’t rape her…”
The two of them nod.

“You mean Mike’s sister Jessica?”


“Well I know where she lives!” He smiles.

I get up from the bed, slapping my hands together and walking over to the door, “Let’s go then!”

Around half an hour and a couple of wrong turns later, we pulled up outside of what Sisky had said was Jessica’s house. It was a small, detached little thing, which almost seemed to match the girl’s personality perfectly.

We got out of the car and nervously strode over to the front door, tapping loudly at it’s surface a few times.

“Maybe she’s out…” Spencer suggested, his hand resting itself on my shoulder.

“Hmm…” I reach out for the door handle, pulling it down slowly…it was open.

“This is breaking in Brendon!” Spencer states sternly, attempting to pull me back, but once my mind is set on something, It must be done.

Charging through the front door, I enter the house, “Jessica? Jessica?” I shout, as loud as my lungs would allow. The fact that I gain no response creeps me out a little. Surely if she were sleeping, or showering she would hear me right? Maybe she actually is out and forgot to lock the door and now I am going to be locked away for breaking in…in prison just like William. Gah, that bastard! I can’t stop thinking about him!

“Hey Brendon! The bathroom door’s locked, maybe she’s in there!” Jon yells to me, beckoning me over with his finger.

He taps lightly on the wooden surface, “Jess? Are you in there? It’s Jon, Brendon and I need to talk to you…”

We’re answered by silence and I begin to worry. A girl in Jessica’s position was more than likely to feel completely alone, I know I would, so my mind begins to wander, all kinds of horrible demises of Jessica flashing through my mind.

“Open the door!” I scream, snapping myself out of the horrific slideshow in my head.

Jon kicks the door a couple of times before the lock breaks, I thank God it was one of those old rusting ones. I storm into the bathroom, running out in shock immediately afterward. I was right. She tried to commit suicide. Jon and Spencer rush in, removing the lifeless body from the blood bath, she was previously laid in. They try and revive her as Adam frantically calls an ambulance. I just stand there, completely still; a single tear falling down my cheek.

This somehow all felt like my fault. The whole world had turned against me and now I might have indirectly killed someone else, all because of my love for William Beckett.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh dear...