One Fumbled Touch

Chapter Five

Brendon’s P.O.V

To be quite honest I didn’t know what to do.

There he was moaning his head off, sat right next to me. I couldn’t tell whether he was in pain or what, but when I finally got his attention, he glanced down at the at his pants.

I immediately began to feel that familiar warmth flooding my cheeks,as well as somewhere else, when I realised what had happened.

He’d had a very vivid dream.

The Academy Is’ bass player, Adam I think, was sat behind us laughing his head off, he obviously knew why William was moaning and after all, best friends can always tell.

Yet no one else seemed to notice so trying to avoid the rest of the journey being unbearably awkward, or for William to resent me, I decided to play it dumb.

“Are you okay, Will? Are you hurt?”

He looked at me, eyes wide, obviously relieved that I hadn’t noticed his…problem.

“Erm…” He quickly crossed his legs, wrapped long arms around his stomach and doubling over. “Stomach ache.”

He put on a good act, too bad I knew better.

“Oh…Why don’t ask Ryan for some paracetamol? I’m sure he’ll have some.” I gave him my sweetest grin as he got up and walked a few rows down to where Ryan was sat.

Then I turned back to the window, the smile immediately falling from my lips…

The only thing I could think about was William.

William moaning and ugh…this wasn’t helping me at all.

I got up quickly and stumbled out into the aisle, not quite looking where I was going. I started to race, okay more like speed walk, towards the bathroom, when all of a sudden I collided into someone else and sent us both hurtling to the floor.

“I’m sorry! Oh god!” I stammered out, as we landed with a loud thud.

My eyes met those of the person I was currently laying on top of and my heart almost stopped.

It was William, fucking typical!

At that moment it would have been physically impossible for my cheeks to get any redder. It's the most embarassing day of my life, hard on pressed up against his thigh, chests flush together, faces mere inches apart.

Fuck this tour being the best ever, more like the most humiliating.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for the delayed update, third attempt at posting this chapter...damn computor

-shakes fist-

Anywho, you know the drill, comment =D

xo Jess
